The End Of Life

Chapter 131 - 'Ambush'

Mark nodded and Bark saluted before they made their way out of the office. Bark introduced himself to the group and led them to another room. Entering inside, they noticed a few soldiers discussing, looking at a map. Noticing Bark, they saluted and made their way out to give them some privacy. 

Bark led them towards the map on the table. But before he could start telling them a detailed way of getting out of the city, Mark stopped him and said, "We need to go somewhere else before we exit the city. We need to go to the railway station. We have some work there which we can't just leave." Remembering the truck full of stuff they stashed in one of the warehouses. 

Bark nodded while still looking at the map, thinking about ways they could escape from an unexpected ambush. After a few more minutes of silence, he took out a marker and started to map out the way for them. 

"You guys can take this route. It goes through the railway station too. The ambushes you might face could also be low compared to other routes." Moving away from the desk. Mark leaned closer before carefully looking at the map and memorizing the way. He gave a nod and thanked him. 

"It's alright. I just did what the general ordered me to do. Hope you guys could safely leave the city." Giving him one final handshake, they left the room. The group made their way down and went towards the jeep. 

Kevin was ready, leaning on the jeep, waiting for them. Mark gave a nod as they safely kept the package inside the trunk and asked, "Problems?" 

Kevin shook his head and replied, "None. They aren't as dumb as we thought of them to be." 

They got inside the jeep and slowly drove out of the block, making their way towards the main gate. As they did, few people lingering around the jeep looked at them closely like eagles watching their prey. 

The soldiers opened the gates for them and they slowly drove out of the neighborhood. After a few minutes, a car with five armed civilians also drove out, slowly following them from the distance. Driving the car, Kevin noticed the mice following them and turned towards Mark. Mark simply nodded and continued to drive. 

As he took a turn at a junction and continued to drive, he suddenly hit a break as four people in masks walked out of an alleyway and started firing at them. All of them took out their guns and Mark was the first to shoot. 

Hitting him right in the knee, he screamed and fell clutching it. Mark continued to focus on the other three as Kevin also shot down one of the guys. Finishing them quickly, they didn't continue forwards but instead got down and noticed the car driving around the corner. 

He smiled and shot the vehicle headed right towards them. The people inside couldn't react quick enough as they thought the screams were of Mark's group instead of their own. The driver was shot, and they lost control of the car. Shooting the tires, the car came to a stop and turned upside down. 

Kevin made his way towards the four people they shot and killed them before taking their guns while Mark went towards the car to check if there was anyone still alive. Shooting the few people who were still struggling and taking their guns, they continued to drive through the streets, this time undisturbed. 

No one commented on the 'unexpected' ambush they just faced. Kevin simply checked the guns they collected and said, "These guys are really poor. They couldn't even carry some grenades. All their guns are the common AK-47 too, with each person having 2 magazines." Sneering at the civilian counsel's poverty. 

Mark hummed and said, "That's expected. The civilian council probably doesn't have any actual strength except the people's support. Even these guns must have probably been stolen." 

As they continued to drive through the streets on their way towards the station, back inside a room in the camp, an overly weighted man was sweating as he snatched a walkie-talkie from the man next to him and screamed into it, "Carlson, come in. Did you manage to retrieve the device? Carlson, you.." and continued to curse into it with no reply. 

The surrounding men were also sweating, seeing how he was shouting into it. They all knew the people they sent to tail the group were probably dead. Given how they didn't get a reply from them for the last few minutes. 

"Argh, useless bastards. Couldn't do one thing properly right. Go send a few more cars to search for that group. They shouldn't get away from us. Stop them from leaving the city. Go." He threw the walkie-talkie in his hand and screamed at the people next to him. Spitting at them while he was at it. 

"Yes, boss." And they turned around, gritting their own teeth. But as they reached out for the door, they stopped when it opened and noticed the Mayor standing in front of them with a small smile which made them shudder.

Marcus who was screaming also shut his mouth when he noticed Daniel behind the door and said, "B-boss.." 

But before he could continue, Daniel raised his hand and said, "It looks like you failed the task I have you, Marcus."

Marcus started to sweat more as his clothes stuck to his body, outlining his round figure. He shook his head and said, "N-No, Don't worry, boss. I'll see to it that they won't leave the city. No matter what." Trying to appease the man before him. 

Daniel simply shook his head and said, "It's enough. You couldn't catch them when they were so near to the camp, even with a car tailing them. Now that you lost them in the massive city, there is so guarantee that you will find them with zombies out there."

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