The End Of Life

Chapter 134 - Powers (II)

As the three people outside received the shock beyond their imagination, Mark opened his eyes. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around and noticed the surrounding darkness. He clutched his head as the pain kicked in again, gritting his teeth once again, forcing down the pain. He took deep breaths and closed his eyes. 

Slowly collecting himself again, he remembered Suzie and looked around only to see darkness once again. Rubbing his eyes, he noticed something strange. A small ball of light in the distance. Curious, he slowly stood up and made his way towards the ball of light. 

As he walked closer, the small ball became larger and larger. Not only did the ball of light become larger, but he also noticed two other things. One was that there was another similar ball a few meters from it. This ball was the exact opposite, it was completely black with purple in the mix. 

Unlike the warm and fuzzy feeling he got from the ball of light, this ball gave him a grave sense of danger, making him stand on his edge, looking at it warily. 

The other thing he noticed was the weird chains across the ball of light. It was like the chains were holding the ball captive. Walking closer, he even noticed a huge lock right in its middle. He turned towards the ball of darkness as he named it because of how opposite it felt, did not have any restriction like the chains. 

He finally stopped moving and looked at the two balls in front of him. He didn't move forward to the center because of another small ball. This one was grey. This ball was only the size of his fist, very small. But the oppression he felt from it was unbelievable. He noticed different colored waves coming from both the huge balls, converging into the small one. 

The wave from the darkness ball was purple and from the light, one was something he felt familiar with, a yellow wave. Seeing the yellow wave, he remembered them coming out from his hand before he fainted. He looked at the small ball in front of him and felt his headache as he stared at it longer. 

Removing his eyes from it, he remembered the strange dreams he had in the past, whenever he fainted. The first one was when he saw three people, all of them looked holy, like the angles he read in mythologies. The other one was when he saw people who looked the exact opposite, devils. 

These two distinct people gave him these two distinct balls. Now that he was once again in Infront of the two balls, this time without the strange people, he felt that the dream was real. Because of the changes. The changes he noticed from how they looked like in the dreams before and now. 

After gathering all his thoughts, he had only one word in his mind, 'Superpowers'. Something he only saw in games and like any other gamer, he liked the concept. He started to feel like his whole life from the moment of the eruption of the zombies changed. The life he wanted to take became more exciting, making him forget about death. 

As he felt that, he remembered something his mother told him in the past, 'Remember Mark. Everyone would hit rock bottom in their life, at one time or another. But pushing yourself through and walking out of those times is what makes the people either losers or winners. When you hit that bottom, I want you to forget everything around you and do what you want to do. Just forget everything. Remember Mark, don't make the same mistake as I did and remain silent."

Remembering his mother's weak body when she held his hand and said those words, he felt angry and weak. He hit the rock bottom when he was about to commit suicide. But he is now pushing through all this stuff and doing stuff he always wanted to do. The thrill of constantly being on the edge of life and death is very satisfying. 

Opening his eyes, he never felt clearer in his head. He looked at the three balls and remembered Suzie. He looked around for a way of exit, but couldn't find any. As he started to slowly panic about his friend, he felt pain kick in once again. 

'Let's leave.' he thought as he slowly fell with his eyes closed. 

As he opened his eyes once again, he noticed the moon in the sky with numerous stars and felt relieved. Slowly pushing himself up, he looked around to see his friends in the distance cooking food. He patted the airbag he slept on and pushed himself up.

He felt a bit of the previous headache slowly easing in and felt energetic. Hearing sounds, Kevin looked around and noticed Mark slowly walking towards them and stood up. This caught the attention of the rest as they stood up and made their way towards him. 

"Mark, you should rest more man. You are too stressed out, that you are fainting too much." Kevin held him. 

Mark shook his head and David said, "He is right. You should rest more." 

"I'm fine. I know my body. It's ok. Suzie, your normal." Assuring them and looked at Suzie in front of him with a smile. He already guessed what happened to the wound. 

'The yellow waves actually had that power.' glancing at her arm. He felt surprised that his ridiculous guess was actually true. This was huge. A power like this could save the world, but he knew it wasn't possible. The cost of that power was mostly the headaches he was hit by when he used it. If he does continue using it then things would probably go wrong for him. 

Suzie nodded happily and recounted the incident. Mark smiled at her happiness and didn't reply. He didn't want to leak that he has powers to them yet. His powers were too much in the current situation.

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