The End Of Life

Chapter 137 - David's House

Walking up to the sliding door, David went to the side and placed his palm on a scanner, opening the door. Looking at the simple dining room, David couldn't help but think about the past few days and the struggles he went through. Waving his hands, he invited them inside once more and made his way toward the kitchen. The rest entered after him and looked around, observing the house. 

"Go down the hallway and you'll reach the living room. Have a seat, I'll get you guys something to eat, and then we can move out and search the neighborhood." pointing towards the hallway to the right. He wanted to prepare some snacks he noticed were still there in the drawers. 

"Oh, let me help then." Suzie went to help with the snacks. David didn't deny her help and simply nodded. Mark and Kevin looked at each other before going down the hallway, David showed. 

As they did, they noticed various photos on the wall and also a woman in many photos they concluded was his dead wife. Reaching the simple yet costly looking living room, they took a seat, waiting for them. Mark noticed the time was already 2 and didn't mind the lateness because the neighborhood had fewer houses for them to check.

"Do you want to go back to our own house or are you fine?" Mark looked over towards Kevin, who was comfortably resting on the massage chair to the side. They already noticed David was the smartest person in the whole neighborhood because of the overly extensive use of solar panels on the house's roof. 

Kevin shrugged and said with a shaky tone, "I'm fine, man. That was only a temporary place we stayed when we came here a few years back and there is nothing important there. I even got clothes off of stores we raided the past few days."

"Hmm, true." he simply nodded. 

"Oh, yeah, I was meaning to ask you. Where are we going to go? I mean, I know you would not stay here in the city under the military at all. So, where?" Kevin directly asked what he had on his mind for a long time. He knew Mark's personality and the freedom he was enjoying recently.

Mark shrugged and replied, "I mean we can go to the hills your grandfather is currently living. It is a pretty small and nice place with a large lake and windmills around the area which can give us constant electricity." 

"The Tambo Hills? I mean, yeah, it's a nice place when you think of it like that and there is also a village too. Knowing the old man, most of the people living there would still be living. Last I remember, he trained a few people in simple swordsmanship too. But the question is, Even if we go there, it might not be our place. It would be the old man's. Are you okay with that?"

Mark remained silent, hearing Kevin's remark. He laid back on the couch with his hands behind his head. He didn't think about this part when he thought about bases. Tambo Hills was a nice place with many facilities. There was also only one single road up to the village which was near the top of the hill and so a safe point for them. 

"I don't know yet. I mean, it would most likely be the Old man himself, the leader over there. Let's just decide if we can stay there or not, depending on the situation when we go. For now, that's our destination." 

Kevin nodded and asked, "Oh, yeah, before I forget. What is the work you keep on saying you need to finish here in the city after giving back the equipment to the general?" 

"Oh, that. Yeah, we do have some major work still left for us to complete here in the city. You remember what I said when we found you. You know about how Suzie was when I found her." making Kevin nod. 

"Yeah, I was thinking of going there and striking that camp before we move out from here." 

Kevin's eyes went wide hearing his words and looked around if Suzie and David were back before whispering, "Bro If I remember correctly you said there are many people there and are also armed. We are only four people in this group. How do you expect us to take on an entire camp?" worried by Mark's rashness. He felt a bit scared thinking about going against an entire camp with only a few people who were also not professionals.

Mark shrugged and replied, "I mean I was thinking of asking the General to assist in the clean-up because there can not be two tigers in one hill and the military would obviously be very coordinative in wiping them out with us." 

Kevin relaxed a bit hearing him and said, "What you said makes sense. But are you sure the Old fox there would readily agree to assist us?" 

"Yeah, I think he would." and both remained quiet after that. 

After a few more minutes, Suzie and David entered the room with a variety of snacks in their hands. Kevin rubbed his hands noticing them but before he could snatch one, Suzie said, "Go and wash those hands of yours." making both of them go to the nearest washroom and clean their hands. 

"I have to say, David. Solar power is really abundant. You did a good job keeping those panels." Kevin remarked as he took a cookie from the tray. 

David nodded and replied, "Yes, it was mainly my wife's idea. She loved nature and supported alternative resources like these. So we had to set up the panels enough for the entire house." making them all nod. 

They quickly finished the snacks, and all of them got up from their seats. David decided to stay back as Suzie and Kevin went together while Mark went alone to search the remaining houses in the place.

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