The End Of Life

Chapter 139 - Delivery

Waking up the next day, they hit the road after having a nice breakfast and closing up the truck firmly. Mark didn't think someone would steal it, but taking precautions is still better than feeling down after something happens. So they kept minimal stuff and the guns they had in a huge bag in the jeep's trunk and hopped into the jeep. Kevin sat behind the wheel as he followed Mark's route and stopped quicker than they expected. 

Looking at the outpost and the soldier walking up to them, Mark couldn't help but look around. As the soldier came near him, he took out a card given by Colonel Steve to them and said, "We went on a mission requested by General Donald and came back. We have to give it to him." The soldier nodded before looking back and signaling the other person to open the gate. 

As the gate lifted Mark asked, "Did the area of control under the military grow again?" making Kevin stop driving ahead. 

The soldier looked at him, nodded, and said, "Yeah, we successfully covered 10 percent of the city now. It's now clean of the zombies." making him surprised. 

10 percent is a sizable chunk of the city, and clearing out every zombie within that area to open it up for the normal people isn't an easy feat. He could only imagine the huge number of runs the military took to actively clean up the place to say it's free of zombies and people can live in it.

Thanking the soldier, they continued to drive and went through another checkpoint. After the same process, they continued on driving towards the base. But were surprised when they crossed the 2nd checkpoint. There were people, normal people, roaming around and doing work. It looked more like a normal residential area. 

It pleasantly surprised Mark at the General's capacity to be able to accomplish this only after a few days since the whole thing started. The jeep eventually was stopped by the gate right outside the main base. Following the same process, the gate was opened, and they let them inside. 

"Damn bro. It's really shocking to see this much development. Compared to Evergreen city where the base is only inside one general compound without enough space for everyone, this is really good that now people can not be in one single location." Exclaimed Kevin as it was his first time coming to the base. David and Suzie at the back also nodded. 

"Yes, that sly fox really did a good job this time." Mark nodded as they got off the jeep. Kevin took out the bags from inside and handed one to each person to carry while Suzie carried the biggest one with the guns in it. 

"You guys are finally back. It's nice to see you guys alive. Dad was expecting you guys any time soon. Please follow me, I'm sure he is free right now." they heard a voice from behind, making them turn around. It was Steve with his lieutenant right behind him. 

"Nice to see you too, Steve. The thing the General asked us to get is in the bag." Mark greeted him back and Steve gave a nod before turning around and leading them into the building. They followed him close behind. 

Mark noticed how the electricity was running well compared to the last time they were here. It seemed like the general environment within the camp improved by several degrees compared to the last time when it was too depressing because of the sudden hit and loss everyone received. 

Walking up the stairs and they finally reached the room. Steve kind on the door and went in after they heard the same old voice giving permission, leaving them alone in the hallway. After a few seconds, he came back and gave Mark a nod allowing him to enter leaving the others outside. 

"You are finally back, Mark. It's really good to see you still alive and well." Donald exclaimed as soon as saw him. Mark felt awkward hearing him and looked at Steve, then back at him and thought. 'This is Old fox and his son prep the same dialogue or what?' but simply nodded in return. 

"It's really good to see you too, Donald." he simply sat on the chair opposite to Donald. 

Donald didn't mind the disrespect and simply smiled before saying, "So, did you get it done?" early like a child waiting for his Christmas toy. 

Mark felt funny how an old man could make a face like that for which was a simple technology a few weeks ago. He opened up the bag and took out the box and then also the letter Korc gave him to deliver. 

Handing them both to Donald, he simply leaned back in his seat as Donald slowly opened the box and nodded before handing it over to Steve and giving him an order to take it to the team responsible for their communications. 

As Donald did his own stuff, Mark kept the at the back of his head and looked around the room at the various maps and diagrams in it. But one specific map of the entire country caught Mark's attention, and he immediately tried to print the map contents into his mind.

Donald then opened the letter and slowly read its contents before placing it back into his drawer and finally looking at Mark again. He noticed Mark looking at one of the maps in the room and turned around to notice it was actually something important. 

"So, that actually got your attention. It's a military secret and even though you saw it, there isn't anything I can do about it now that's done. Just be sure to not leak the contents on it to anyone outside." He sternly asked Mark, making him simply nod and turn towards him.

"Sure, no problems. The information in it is too important and useful, even I wouldn't like people knowing about it." hearing his words Donald got a headache and scolded himself for the carelessness.

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