The End Of Life

Chapter 14 - Busting Out

Mark could feel his heart race, he could only think about his doom noticing the zombie not moving from the place. His back was completely wet with sweat as he panicked more. He could only shake out the panic welling up inside and take a deep breath to relax his heart.

Not moving an inch, Mark slowly stood in the same position, hoping the zombie would move away from the place eventually. As he continued to stay in the same place, he felt as if he was there for eternity.

Time moved slowly making him lose hope. After 15 minutes he decided to just busy his way out of the wardrobe and knock the zombie away to the side and make a run for it.

After forming the plan, he took a deep breath and slowly clutched the rod in his hand tighter. He slowly kept the inhaler into his bag not making any noise. After making sure he was ready Mark slowly got into a comfortable poster to bust his way out.

After feeling ready, He stretched his hands out as fast as he could opening the doors and jumping outside the wardrobe. The zombie outside felt a force on it and fell on the glass table by the side completely, shattering it.

Mark looked around and noticed the zombies outside already making their way towards the entrance of the room. He immediately knew he couldn't take the entrance and if he does, it's the end for him.

He looked ahead and noticed the glass wall in Infront of him leading to the hallway right beside the room. Before he could complete his plan of action, he noticed the zombie that crashed down start moving.

Not giving it another chance, he swung his machete from the bag onto its head, cutting it off. He noticed the zombies already closer to the room and grit his teeth. He looked ahead and ran full speed towards the glass wall l, crossing his arms in front of his face and crushing the glass.

The wall shattered and pieces of glasses stuck on his skin and mainly his hand. He felt pain all over the body, but could only grit his teeth tighter and clutch his hands. Not stopping for another second, Mark changed direction and made his way towards the lobby.

As he almost reached the end of the hallway, a zombie sprung from the side, catching him completely by surprise. His hands moved on instincts hit the rod directly to the side of the zombie's head. His hand moved like a whip throwing the zombie to the side.

Taking a sharp turn right, he continued on his way towards the hallway he needed to go to. He looked back and noticed the zombies making their way towards him and there were more of them. He looked back to front and noticed 2 zombies making their way towards him.

Mark immediately gripped the rod tighter in his right hand as he immediately went for the head when the first zombie was within his reach. The rod struck hard as the zombie was completely forced to the side and he took out the machete from his bag with the left hand swinging it at the 2nd zombie.

The head of the zombie flew in the air, detached from the rest of the body. The black blood sprayed everywhere, but Mark could care less at his situation, pushing the body to the side he took a right turn into the hallway.

The zombies continued to chase him. He ran into the hallway towards the door leading into the stairs. As he was about to cross the cubicle's room, a zombie sprung at him. He quickly was able to react as he kept the rod in his side blocking the zombie's hand. He kicked the zombie as hard as he could, making the zombie arch back and fall into the cubicles once again.

He noticed the zombie was the one he noticed that was sleeping and woke up due to the sound created at that moment. Turning his head back into the hallway, he ran towards the doors quicker. He lightly looked over his shoulders and noticed the zombies are picking up speed as they are nearer than before.

He quickly ran towards the door and as he reached the handle, he closed it immediately when he reached the other side. As soon as he closed the door a large amount of force came from the other side as the zombies slammed into the door.

Not able to push the door, Mark looked around to find something which might help. He noticed a metal bar to the side and slowly crouched down while he continued to keep more force.

After reaching it, Mark immediately locked the door by keeping the bar inside the handles of the door completely sealing the door for the time being. He finally relaxed as he noticed the door holding up and slumped down on the stairs, short of breath.

He slowly closed his eyes as he continued to take in more air inside and calm his heart. His adrenaline slowed down as he continued to sit down and felt a bit of pain from within his body.

Even though he panicked and sweat accumulated on his forehead due to the slight fear he felt when he was stuck inside the wardrobe, he also felt complete excitement too. He felt himself integrating into the current situation as he managed to block and kill the zombies in his way

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