The End Of Life

Chapter 149 - Gwen's Grief

"The two days were good. We could happily travel without many encounters with zombies, which we couldn't handle. We traveled slowly, as there were too many people. Everyone was glad when we were going to sleep on the 2nd day because Stargaze city was only a few kilometers away and we will reach it by lunch the next day. A few people stood guard outside when everyone slept." She paused. She looked at David, who was looking at her. 

It surprised David when he heard her tell what happened and was keenly listening to her. Not willing to miss out on any details. 

"Then it all started that night. I was sleeping and woke up when I heard gunshots outside my tent. Going out, I already saw the police and other men who have guns fighting against zombies. But this was different, it was unlike anything we saw before. It was like an endless sea of zombies rushing towards us. A zombie horde too big we couldn't fight back." 

"The zombies continued to push through and our bullets were depleting at an enormous rate. It was a disaster. As people continued to shoot, my mom, the mayor, reacted quickly and urged the people into the trucks and cars once again to escape." 

"But as I said, the night was a complete disaster. The zombies which run quickly were able to catch the gunman and quickly take them down before going to the people getting into the trucks. My mom saw them attack a few of the trucks and moving front, she abandoned them and continue forward. She couldn't decide to wait for the rest of the people to get in and danger the survival of the rest. I saw her heart pain as she looked back when we drove off. She couldn't hear the cries and curses from the people behind." 

Gwen's eyes got wet as she remembered her mom's pale face when she was making critical decisions. Her heartfelt pain when she couldn't do anything but simply follow her orders. As a Mayor, she vowed to protect them all when the disaster struck. But she couldn't and it pained her. 

"We continued forward and did not stop until we came into the city. We felt a bit safe compared to the outside wilderness. We stopped by a shop to eat and then continue our journey. My mom did not want to stop, but people lost their loved ones last night and they wanted to rest. So she reluctantly agreed."

"I and Dereck were in the same car as mom and Dereck's father. They told us to stay inside as they went to check on the people. There were only 4 trucks then compared to the massive number we had before." 

"But something strange happened once again when mom said everyone to get down for some rest. Only people from two of the trucks came down. The other two trucks did not open. My mom went closer towards the truck with Dereck's dad to see what happened." 

"She asked someone to open it but as they did, they finally heard groans from the inside of both of them. Groans we were very familiar with after the night before. Before my mom could tell them to stop, the zombies jumped out and everything was the same as last night."

"My mom acted faster and asked people to get back in and continued the journey. But the damage was made. Now it was only our car and a truck with around 20 people." 

"As we made our way closer towards the camp address you guys gave, we were struck again. But this time it was humans and not zombies. Those bastards, they attacked our truck. My mom and Dereck's dad had to go out and fight because there weren't enough people. I and Dereck were too scared to move after all that happened from the night before." 

"We could only see the people attack everyone like animals they were. I saw mom being shot multiple times along with Dereck's father. I saw her fall down on the road and those people looking at us like prey. Those Savages." Her eyes became completely red and hard to look at. Tears were flowing out and her nails dug deep into her palms. But she didn't care and continued. 

"It was Dereck's father who came back into the truck with mom's body and drive to escape from them as they continued to shoot. I saw blood flow out of him from multiple places in the body. He didn't say a word and stepped on the pedal to escape. I looked at my mom's body in the passenger seat, lying motionless. Every time I close my eyes, I can see her dead body looking at me. I couldn't do anything." 

"After a long time, we finally escaped from their clutches. Dereck's father was closing conscious as he drove. The old man's body couldn't hold long and fell on the steering wheel as we finally reached the camp gates. I can still hear him asking us to stay alive." 

"The entire car was silent as the soldiers who noticed us came running to us. Both of us were completely shocked and fainted after he did." 

"We woke up after two days inside the extensive care ward of the hospital these people set up. They told us they found the letter you guys gave inside my mom's pocket and the General allowed us to come in. But for what? We already lost everyone. It was only both of us. One after another, things were like god was preventing us from reaching this place."

"What did we do to deserve this punishment? We only wanted to survive in a better place. We just wanted to continue living." and she finally unleashed all the tears she was holding up. David could hear her screams and was rooted in his place. He couldn't say anything to this girl who lost everything one after another.

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