The End Of Life

Chapter 20 - Problem (III)

Reaching the end of the hallway, Mark looked at the half-opened door leading to the staircase. He looked back and kept a finger on his lips, motioning them to stay quiet. Mona and Denton remained in their places, silent as Mark made his way towards the door.

Slowly opening the door, Mark stuck his head out to get a look at the situation. He noticed 3 zombies on the stairs from the brief view he had. Closing the door slowly, he turned towards them and said, "There are only 3 in this very staircase near the entrance."

Both of them nodded and Mark slowly took out a nail to attract the zombies near them to a corner so they can be killed off quickly without the other zombies getting distracted.

"I will throw this nail to a corner and the zombies will guaranteedly go towards the noise made. That time we should strike and kill them off." Both of them nodded, and Mark slowly opened the door once again.

He looked at the corner to the opposite of them and slowly threw it against the wall. The nail fell on the ground, bouncing off the wall. The three zombies near them instantly went towards the sound and Mark waved his hand while going out.

The three of them slowly went back to the three zombies and this time even Denton was there to kill them. His hands shook as he thought he would kill. Mark slowly counted down from 3 with his fingers and when he closed his hands all three of them swung their weapons.

Two of the 3 heads flew in the air while the last zombie was not killed as Denton missed his target and only hit the head. The zombie quickly turned back and was almost lunging at him while groaning, but got cut by Mark immediately when he noticed this. The head slowly separated from its body and because of the force it fell on Denton, who was in front of it.

Noticing the head bounce off his body and fall down, he almost shouted but Mona was quicker to react by keeping her hand on his mouth showing him to be quiet. Denton noticed this and quickly nodded.

Noticing him calmer. Mona slowly took out her hand while Mark said, "You can't freak out like that in a situation we are in. If you did, we would be in a horrible situation right now." while going towards the railing and looking down.

He noticed the zombies all the floors down and tried to count their numbers. While Mark did that, Denton looked at both of them wondering how they are so calm. He was definitely freaking out and missed the shot cause he was too scared. But the two in front did not even flatter a bit.

Mark came back after a few seconds and quietly said, "From what I could see, there are over 20 zombies easily. If we want to go down, we should go through them. And are you calm now?" lastly turning towards Denton. He clearly felt Denton as a complete burden but still gave him a chance to redeem himself.

Denton nodded and Mark sighed.

"Ok, now we should slowly make our way down, not making any noises at all. The place here is completely closed, so even a brief sound would echo through the entire place. So be extra careful."

Both of them nodded and Mark continued, "Ok are you both tired if you are we will take a small break now. After we descend, we can't stop."

Mona and Denton looked at each other and turned back towards Mark, shaking their heads. Mark could only shrug seeing them and if they complained while they descended, he was not responsible if he didn't stop for them.

"Ok then let's continue on." and Mark slowly went down the first staircase leading to the 14th floor. The stairs were normal, so Mark carefully peeked onto the other side of the staircase below for any zombie before the 14th floor.

He noticed one zombie on the staircase while another one near the door leading to inside of the floor. Mark quietly turned back and gave out a simple signal to them about the zombie below. Both of them understood and continued down.

After the last step they turned around to descend further to the 14th floor and noticed the zombie standing to the side facing the wall. They also noticed the other zombie near the door that was closed shut.

Mark turned towards Mona and slowly told her to go for the zombie on the stairs while Mark went for the other one below. Mona nodded before going to the zombie as he made his way down. Denton remained in the same place, not willing to take a risk.

Mark slowly peeked to the stairs for the 13th floor and noticed 2 zombies. He remained extremely quiet, not willing to take the risk, and went to the zombie. He looked at Mona who killed her zombie and extended his hand towards the 2 zombies.

Mona understood, and Mark quickly finished the zombie near him. All three of them made their way down slowly, and Mona and Mark killed the 2 zombies as well. As they turned around to continue their way down, they noticed a zombie looking at them already ready to growl.

But Mona was quicker, and she jumped directly at the zombie and slashed its head.

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