The End Of Life

Chapter 33 - Rescue Complete

Mona continued to look out the window as they rode on the streets. She was in the main vehicle with Denton, Steve and some other soldiers from the military. Looking at the deserted streets and zombies roaming around brought a weird feeling to her which she couldn't put a finger on properly.

The streets were silent with only the sound from the cars and occasional zombie groans outside. Even if the Stargaze city wasn't a hub for many people to come and stay, it wasn't anything like the present situation. There were always various cars and people on the roads making noise, compared to the dead silence they were in.

She noticed the zombies outside a few which came in their way and got overrun by the vehicle. Some of them tried to follow behind only to get run over by the vehicles behind. She observed the few burning cars or already burnt ones which were some of the many collateral damage which were created because of the sudden fabric which fell upon them.

The entire journey was quiet with no one talking and mainly observing the surroundings for any unexpected zombie horde which they may face. Eventually the vehicles made their way into one of the better places within the city, with enormous companies and buildings are primarily located at.

Mona observed fewer zombies in their way as they went deeper into the area. She noticed several soldiers patrolling the area killing any zombies which came upon their sight. The vehicle finally came to a halt Infront of a huge reinforced gate with many soldiers guarding it.

Steve got down as he showed his identity badge and explained to them about their rescue till they got the green light to enter. As Mona looked outside she noticed the base was a former housing society with several enormous buildings. They came to a halt finally, and Steve prompted everyone to get out of the vehicles.

He stood in the front as every person got out and formed a group and then said, "Alright everyone listen up. This is the primary base of the military and as you can see, we have housing for a few. Many of you might not be comfortable with the situation here, but will be safe compared to the outside world."

Pausing for a second, he continued, "Now I need all of you to go through a thorough checkup at our medical division and get some tests run. Do not worry, this is only a safe protocol. We opted to not let any unknown person who was bitten enter the premises. Now, please follow Lieutenant Sophia here to the medical division. She will answer any questions some of you might have." Gesturing towards the lady beside him.

After giving a quick nod to Denton, he made his way inside the building in front of them. As he disappeared, it was Sophia's turn to guide the people, "Please follow behind me." And went towards the building beside them.

All of them slowly followed behind her and Mona noticed the soldiers taking Mark on a stretcher attached to a saline bottle into the building they were headed towards. As they entered inside, she noticed there was electricity running in the building. She slowly made her way following Sophia Infront of them into one of the hallways.

Coming to the far end of the hallway, Sophia opened the doors and led the people inside. As they came in, they noticed the various medical equipment and doctors already working on a few of the survivors were before them.

One of the doctors came near Sophia, who explained the situation, and the Doctor looked at them.

"Please, for a straight line, we will call one person at a time and take some samples from you." And went to the side and ordered one of the few nurses for some materials.

The doctor slowly called each person out and took some blood samples from them. After everyone was done, Sophia gathered everyone and said, "Ok now that all of you have given out your samples, I will take you where you will stay until your results come out. After you pass the tests and are healthy, we will shift you to your temporary housing space within the border."

She then went outside the room and walked through the hallway and onto the staircase. Mona observed they turned the elevators off to save more energy, which was already scarce at the moment. As they climbed the stairs and passed a few floors, she noticed a couple of people walking in hospital robes probably waiting for their tests to come out. She also observed the soldiers stationed on each floor for safety needs.

Sophia finally stopped once they reached the 5th floor and led them through the corridors of the building, which now looked like a hotel. There were rows and rows of doors leading to their rooms. Sophia stopped in the middle and turned around.

"Please split into pairs of 2 and go into a room each."

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