The End Of Life

Chapter 39 - Talk With Donald (II)

As Mark went through the report, he noticed a full descriptive medical condition of himself in it. It pleasantly surprised him that they made such a report. He slowly said while continuing to examine it, "I wonder how curious the person is to make a report like this one." with a tinge of amusement in it.

Understand the underlying meaning of his remark, Donald said with a serious tone, "You do not have to worry about that. I already told the doctor who made this to not spread it."

"Hmm, and you believe this doctor?" Mark replied.

"I trust my subordinates very well and I implore you to have trust in me," said Donald, making Mark raise an eyebrow but did not comment on it. He continued to slowly read the report, and the office remained silent only with the sound of pages turning.

Finally completing the report, Mark slowly kept it back on the table and asked, "How can I believe that this is the only report you have General. Not to be rude, but we both know that the military likes to have its stuff backed up." showing a wide smile.

"You can't but you have to. That is the only thing you can do at this moment," said Donald, not backing down. In truth, he really erased all the data they had on this issue, but he could not back down from a boy who was a generation after him. His pride was in his way.

Chuckling at his statement, Mark backed down and said, "Ok then I trust you, General. Just don't betray it." and slowly took out a lighter from his bag and lit the report, holding it on the edge. He threw it inside the trash tin, which was by the side.

"Ok now that this is done. My next request is weapons." keeping his hands on the table.

General expected this and gestured to him to continue, but this startled Steve who was sitting on the couch. He looked at his father with a questioning gaze, trying to find out his goal.

"You probably figured this out General, but I won't be staying in this safe camp. I still have some unfinished business to complete. So, for going through all the hard work to save a couple of citizens, I hope you give me some benefits and rewards."

"And what kind of weapon do you have in mind at the moment?"

"I would be happy if you would give me 3 handguns and 2 rifles with 300 rounds for the handgun and 200 rounds for the rifle. If possible, I need some grenades too."

It completely took Steve back with the amount of ammunition and weaponry he was asking. This was daylight robbery. Donald replied with a calm voice, "1 handgun, 1 rifle, 150 rounds, and 100 rounds respectively for them." This took Steve back once again. His father was considering giving some to him.

"2 handguns, 1 rifle, 250 rounds, and 200 rounds, respectively."

"2 handguns, 1 rifle, 200 rounds, and 100 rounds, respectively. I will throw in some grenades like you asked." not backing down.

Noticing that he can't make the old man budge anymore, Mark nodded and stood up for a handshake that Donald reciprocated. Both of them once again sat down and the temperature eased down.

"So where is your next goal?"

"I need to find a friend in the city. Then I will make my way to Evergreen City from there to find one more." Mark already asked Steve to check out if by any chance they rescued his friend and got a no in response. He decided to check out her house for any clues.

"How do you plan to go to Evergreen City?"

"Not decided yet. If you have a vehicle for me to use, that will be great."

Donald looked over him towards Steve for an answer. Steve understood this and said, "There might be a reinforced vehicle that you can use. It fits in 4 people and is durable."

"Oh! I will owe you a favor if you can give it to me." Mark couldn't let this chance go.

Listening to Mark, Donald smiled as he got what he wanted. His primary aim was Mark to owe him a favor, which he can ask anytime. It would always be better to make people owe you, especially on hard days like these.

"Give that vehicle to him, Steve. Hope you do not go back on your word when the time comes, Mark. So, do you have anything else to talk about, Mark?"

Noticing the grin on his face, Mark knew he got what he wanted and could only stay silent. A reinforced vehicle would solve a lot of problems for him.

Mark shook his head saying he was done and got up from his seat. He gave him a handshake and Donald said, "Wait outside, Mark. I need to talk with Steve, he will show you the way to get your goods."

Mark nodded and made his way out.

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