The End Of Life

Chapter 42 - Streets (II)

Mark looked at the roadblock in front of him with his arms on the steering wheel while having a tired expression on his face. He was in the same position thinking of ways to cross this blockade for the last 10 minutes. He couldn't just ram his jeep into the cars, which would create too much noise for him.

He still had a long way to go, and if he took a detour, his journey would only become longer. He found no other ways as this was on a bridge with a deep river below him.

"Now I have to take a whole 1-hour detour for this. By the time I reach home, I would not be able to do anything." mumbling to himself, Mark let out a tired sigh.

After a few more minutes of consideration, Mark slowly reversed the jeep and went in a new direction. He had to go 10 kilometers far to take another road to his home, due to the long river he had to cross. He cursed the once ruling city committee for such awful design and continued to drive..

He looked at the river as he drove and found it cleaner than before. Probably due to no industrial activity happening upstream. But even this clean water would eventually become dirty because of the present situation. Continuing on the road, Mark felt a strange feeling coming from the small patch of trees on the other side of the road.

He eventually ignored it and continued. After another hour of slow driving, he reached the next bridge and noticed it had only a few zombies in it. He got down with the gun in his hand as he wanted to get the feel of wielding a gun once more.

Previously, just like his swordsmanship, his gun yielding was also very good. He could hit 7 out of 10 bullseyes. But never tried on moving targets. He had a great amount of interest I'm weaponry like he did in swords. He was allowed to use a gun since very young and was good with it. He eventually lost interest cause of the things around him.

Slowly taking a deep breath, he looked at the zombie near to him, after taking a good aim he shot. He aimed the bullet for the head, but it hit the shoulder and the zombie turned towards him and screeched, gaining the attention of the other 5 zombies near it.

Getting ready once again, he shot one more at the zombie, this time right at the end. He turned towards the next zombie and shot, missing it once again. He quickly shot once again and hit the head, his time making it fall down.

The other 4 zombies got nearer as he went back to gain some more distance and shot the zombie nearest. This time he could one-shot it and looked at the other three zombies quickly shooting them too. He wasted one more bullet in the process, but he felt satisfied enough.

After observing, all of them are dead. He got back into the jeep before slowly crossing the bridge. He tried to shoot zombies while he drove but missed a lot and hence stopped for a time when he had more bullets to spare. After crossing the bridge, he continued towards his house and this time there were no more blockades.

He could finally enter his street and slowly drove to the rundown building he lived in. He parked the car in an alleyway opposite to the building and slowly got off. He was worried about the guns and other stuff with in the car so he carefully hid the car. Taking 3 magazines with him making 60 rounds, he kept them inside his pockets and went across the street checking out for any zombies.

Reaching the entrance, he opened the door slowly and noticed only one zombie. It was the lazy cleaner who used to work in the building. Noticing her turned into a zombie, Mark did not feel any different. She slowly aimed and took the shot right at her head. Her body fell down as the bullet went across her brain and embedded into a wall.

He closed the door and went towards the stairs. There wasn't any electricity in the building and could only take the stairs. His house was on the 3rd floor, so he quickly made his way. He did not encounter any zombie on his way and finally could reach the 3rd floor.

He turned towards the corridor and noticed a zombie. It was his loud and irritating neighbor. He felt good seeing a bastard like him turned into a zombie. He used to supply drugs to the local students and get them to work for him too. Always felt disgusted towards him and killed him in one shot. Kicking his body once, he continued towards his apartment.

Taking out the key, he slowly opened the door and closed it behind. He looked at his ever messy room and first wanted some air. He opened his curtains and the windows to get some nice air. The time was still 5 and only an hour until the sun went down.

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