The End Of Life

Chapter 46 - Store (II)

Going inside the shop, Mark was greeted with rows and rows of different kinds of appliances, foods, clothes, and many more. He noticed a couple of zombies between the rows and decided to finish them first before he gets to work. Slowly taking out his gun, he counted all the zombies and found there were nearly 40 zombies here for 13 rows. Most were former employees who worked in this massive store.

Going towards the last row too, he slowly started shooting the zombies one by one. There were only 4 zombies in the first row. As he killed all the zombies on that row, he went on to the next and continued killing the zombies. As he continued on forward, he did not forget to observe the things he needed in those rows.

As he reached the 8th row, he slowly peeked and killed the first zombie. But instead of falling to the side like the previous zombies, it tumbled forwards and fell right on the electric appliances in front of it. The shelf broke as all the appliances tumbled down, creating huge noise that only echoed all over the silent shop.

The zombies snapped their head at the source from the rest of 5 zombies, and one of the zombies in the row found Mark still peeking at them and screeched running towards him. Noticing it was a bitter, Mark quickly kept the gun back and took out the sword while backing away. Stopping when he was ready he waited for the zombie to come closer and as it was in range he sliced off its head.

He looked ahead as 4 more bitters ran towards him, and he ran facing his back at them. Running at his maximum speed, after he noticed there was some distance, he quickly kept the sword back in its sheath and took out the gun once more. He took aim and shot at the first zombie running towards him.

After it had a bullet in the head, he switched to the next one while once again backing away and shot. Getting another headshot, he switched to the third one. As he backed away, he suddenly felt the wall against him and he shot, missing the head, the bullet only embedded in the shoulder. He didn't take long before shooting another one into its head.

As he noticed the last bitter running straight at him, Mark smirked and shot. But the gunshot no bullets at all. He tried pulling the trigger once again, but no bullets. The magazine was empty. As he reached for his pocket to pull out a mag, the zombie jumped at him and he could only roll to the side and try to dodge it.

The magazine fell on the floor and slid across. Mark couldn't reach for it and kept the gun on the floor before taking the sword out. Noticing the bitter already up, he quickly jumped towards it and sliced its head off. Finally exhaling in relief, he looked at the other normal zombies coming for him and counted there were only 10 left.

Not wanting to waste any more bullets, Mark continued on with his sword and slaughtered all of them. His dress gave a stink which was almost unbearable for himself at that point. It was now black because of the blood from the zombies he killed. He made his way over to the gun which fell down and onto the magazine. Switching the magazines. He sheathed the sword and kept the gun back.

There were finally no more zombies and now he can finally start looting the entire place up. His jeep did not have a big trunk space, so he could only get essentials needed. Grabbing one of the bags from the shelves, he first made his way over to the corner of the shop where they had all kinds of drinks. Taking out a water bottle, he quickly finished it and stored 20 liters into the bag he had.

He then continued towards the food and took out some canned food. He went to the counter and found an opener. Using it to open the can, he gobbled down all the food in it and burped in satisfaction. Finally, having some food in his stomach, he quickly got to work.

He remembered that he saw something he needed very much in one of the rows and found it. It was a portable stove which used petrol to work. He needed one of these to cook some food, can't always depend on canned goods. Finding the stove, he placed it on the counter to take it to the jeep and went back inside.

The next place was the medical section, and he found all types of bandages and medicine for emergency situations he might encounter. After getting some suitable amount of that, he went over to the food section and checked if all of them were still fresh. Surprisingly, he could see the refrigerator still working, keeping the meat fresh.

Taking some vegetables which were still fresh and other items he needed from the store such as clothes and wood, he made his way out. Keeping all the things back in the truck, he exhaled and took out the map to Mona's house. Finding the quickest way, he started the vehicle and was about to hit the pedal as he heard glass shatter and a stool fall down.

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