The End Of Life

Chapter 53 - Hostage

With all the people surrounding them, Mark was on the edge, standing beside David. As he noticed the person on the right coming towards them, he inwardly smiled for the god-sent opportunity to get out of the trap. He understood looking at the three people who came out seemed to be in an influential position in the area by observing how the others reacted.

Mark continued to observe as he came right in front of him and stretched his hand, asking for the jeep's keys and the weapons we have. As soon as he was in proximity, Mark moved as quickly as he could and made him turn around, hit his knees, making him kneel and keep the sword on his neck.

This happened so quickly that none of the people could react to him moving. David immediately kept the gun on the guy's forehead to keep more pressure for them. David's quick reaction impressed mark.

The first one to snap out of their stupor was the guy in the middle. He quickly shouted, "What are you doing, Brat? If you want to live, then leave him. I might consider sparing your life." making the surrounding others grip their guns tighter.

Mark smirked at his remark and said," Do you really want to do this? You know I can kill him right even before these people fire their guns. So I will say the same thing, leave this matter here and let us leave. This guy right here might just make it out alive if you do." gripping the man's hair tighter. He held the sword tighter to his neck, cutting some skin as the blood flood down

"BRO SAVE ME, I DON'T WANT TO DIE." whined the guy, scared of Mark. As he noticed blood slowly trickling downward, his fear increased. Mark smirked when he heard that he was the brother of the guy in the middle and by the looks of it, they seem close.

The man in the middle went into silence. He only thought of robbing the people who came to this side of town by a perfect set up they made. He was the one who covered the streets with cars for people unable to travel through.

When the people told there was a new pray and that they had a very wonderful jeep, he was esthetic about it. When he came down to have a look, he wanted it more. He made the few people he gave guns to surround the jeep and as they spotted only 2 people; he felt the odds were nice. But now the situation was completely reversed, and the opposite part had his brother as a bargaining chip.

Noticing the one with the sword moved so quickly and the other kept his gun on the forehead before he couldn't do anything. As the blood trickled down his brother's neck he suddenly thought of sacrificing the idiot for the car but held back on the idea. He was short on members and couldn't lose more.

Noticing no response from the other side, Mark asked rather sounding impatient, "Decide quick. Do you want your brother or a jeep." Pressing the knife deeper against the neck. The blood was now coming out quicker as the person shouted.

"BROTHER HE IS KILLING ME. SAVE ME, BROTHER. I DON'T WANT TO DIE." while crying and snot mixing in with tears. He had an ugly appearance. The pain and fear increased several folds as the blood was coming quicker.

This made the middle man decide and raised his hands indicating others to keep their guns down and said while looking at Mark, "Let him go."

Seeing that he won the battle, Mark smirked and said, "I will leave this guy only after we leave this school." and turned towards David, indicating him to start the jeep. David nodded and made his way towards the driver seat and Mark grabbed the man's hair tighter and lifted him up. The man could only scream louder as the hair was getting ripped from Mark's strength.

David quickly got into the jeep and started the engine. Mark simply walked backward, still gripping the guy's hair and dragging him. The guy could only scream in agony while Mark drags him by his hair. David slowly backed the jeep and all the eyes of the people inside the school were on him.

Mark slowly observed the whole situation and found some particular things, which made it interesting. As the jeep finally made it out of the school and was back on the road, he slowly made his way towards the passenger's seat on the other side. As he reached there, he slowly got into the jeep and when he settled in, he left his hair and kicked him.

The guy fell and David quickly drove the jeep. Mark looked out of the window and noticed something on the man but couldn't have a nice look at it as the men from inside were already outside shooting at the jeep.

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