The End Of Life

Chapter 56 - Burying The Dead

Looking at the body, Mark's pupils dilated. He knew this person. The zombie's face was also blown off like the kid he saw below. He bent down as his heart shook from the mere possibility that it might be his friend, Suzie. He slowly turned the right hand of the body and found a tattoo on it. He finally exhaled in relief. Suzie was never a big fan of tattoos, she always thought they were unnecessary. But it was the opposite for her mother, who had a tattoo.

Now noticing this mark on the body, he was able to tell it was her mother's body and not her's. He looked back and noticed David and Daisy covering their nose and mouth and tilted his head in confusion until he felt the wave of awful stink from the rotten body beside him. He wasn't able to register the smell due to the anxiety he felt and now that it was gone, he could smell it strongly from the side.

The body was probably left like this for a week, similar to the young kid below. He stood up as he felt his stomach turn green from the smell and backed away. All three of them made their way into the living room. Feeling the stink lessen, Mark went to the windows and opened one of them. He looked at the small flower bed the family had with rows of withered away plants. He decided to bury the woman. Looking out the window, he noticed the light was still up and looked at David.

Mark shook his head as he told David, "No, that is not the person I am looking for. It is her mother. Can you help me bury the body in the backyard?" Making David exhale in relief and nod.

Mark then went to the balcony by the end of the living room, followed by David and Daisy right behind him. Opening the sliding door, he went outside onto the balcony. He looked at the side and noticed the stairs and went down to the backyard. He looked at the once very vibrant and colorful flower bed, now only with small wood sticking out of the ground.

He looked at the shed in the corner and waved his hand, telling David to follow him. He opened the shed and found various supplies to raise flowers. Picking up 3 shovels, he handed Daisy and David one before making his way towards the center of the yard. He stood at the center and said, "Let's dig a hole here ". And started to dig.

David and Daisy looked at each other before they also helped Mark to dig up a whole. After half an hour of continuous digging, they stopped and Mark felt the whole was ok. He looked at David and said, "Let's bring the body and place it." Daisy remained there as both of them went up.

Going into the kitchen, both of them covered their noses. It was a very messy situation for them to pick it up with only hands. He looked around and found a blanket in the living room. Taking it he covered the body with it and turned it around so the other side also gets covered. Now either the blanket, it looked better and both of them lifted it.

Slowly taking the body, both of them made their way down. Reaching the hole they dug up, they dropped the body into it. Both of them exhaled in relief and took the shovels into their hands once again. After covering it up nicely, they dropped the shovels and Daisy said, "That was tiring." Making David nod.

"Alright let's get back inside before the light goes down", noticing there was almost no light. Leaving the shovels there, all three of them went back up. Mark closed the door and went into the kitchen to search up some candles to lit up. After finding them, he kept it aside to use them later.

He noticed Daisy and David cleaning a bit of the living room for some space to sit on. He checked the stove if it was still working and once it lit up; he turned towards the shelves and opened each one of them. After finding some non-expired ingredients, he set them on the kitchen counter before slowly cooking a simple meal. The water was also still working, making it easier for him to cook.

He looked at David and Daisy, who were almost done cleaning some space, and said, "You guys should go and take a bath." David nodded before motioning Daisy to head inside first.

After Daisy headed inside one of the rooms, he looked at David and said, " It seems like my friend isn't here. We might have to leave the city. You might want to have a talk with your daughter today and decide. We will drop her in the camp before leaving." Making David silently nod. Even if he didn't want to leave his daughter, he wasn't dumb to let her out in the world.

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