The End Of Life

Chapter 69 - 'Advice'

Noticing Suzie calm down and accept his proposal, they got out of the jeep. Mark went to Steve and told him about Suzie's condition, and Steve nodded, asking nothing major. It seemed like they already faced several similar cases these past days. Mark understood this. The world became the survival of the fittest. If you can't survive, rely on others. 

After everyone followed Sophia inside the medical building, Mark stood watching Suzie who was attached to Daisy as they walked into the building with wary eyes. When they exited his line of sight, he turned towards Steve. 

"Do you want to meet the General?" Noticing Mark's gaze on him, Steve asked. Mark nodded and Steve led the way to Donald's office. Mark slowly followed him and asked, "How is your brother doing?" He remembered Denton was in the camp.

As they walked up the stairs, Steve replied, "He is doing well. Father started to teach him how to use the gun for self-defense, and he also helps around in the camp's administration." Mark nodded as he felt Denton was doing something useful. If he wasn't, then they would throw him away like the garbage he was before when he saved him. 

They reached Donald's office, and Steve knocked on the door twice. They heard Donald from the other side, "Who is it?" there was tiredness evident in his voice. 

"Colonel Steve, Sir. Mark came to meet and have a talk with you." Steve was very respectful as he answered, even if it was his own father on the other side. Steve's sincerity amused Mark. 

"Oh, come in." and Steve opened the door and motioned Mark to go inside. As he entered, he noticed the same room he visited a few days back only with more files on Donald's desk. The man was really tired and had black circles from not taking a rest. 

"Mark, I didn't think you would be back here so quickly." with a smile. He was expecting Mark to ask for more favors. He was a cunning general, after all. Mark knew his intention and just shook his head before sitting on the chair across from Donald. 

Donald looked at Steve and said, "You may wait outside." with the same authoritative tone he used for others. Steve nodded and exited the room. Donald relaxed a little as his son exited the room. 

"Seems like work is piling up for you, General." with a slight smirk on his face. 

"Yes, Everything is slowly falling into place in the camp. Work piled up because of it." as he fell on his chair. 

"Now back to business, you still didn't tell me why you are back so early, Mark." as he gathered himself.

This time it was Mark who laid back into his chair with hands on his back and answered, "Oh some events happened as I was trying to save my friend and circumstances led me to bring people who want to survive here. I will leave soon. Probably tomorrow morning." he wanted no detours on his way to Kevin.

"So, you came to ask, I should take care of them. Seems like your favors are piling up." with a victory smirk on his face. 

Mark looked at him with a deadpan expression and said, "You got to be kidding me. I couldn't care less about what happens to the people I brought with me. For all I care, you can even throw them back out after I leave tomorrow morning. Did you think just cause I saved the people before, I will save some again. Stop dreaming." with a slight smirk on his face. 

Hearing his words, Donald frowned. He didn't think he would not care about the lives he brought to the camp. Even if Donald throws them out, it wouldn't be much of an impact on Mark. He wanted to get a favor out of him, but it seemed like he couldn't this time and his intention was clearly seen by the young man before him. 

"So what is it that you want, Mark, Weapons?" trying to find his intention. 

Mark shook his head and said, "Not any type of weaponry, General. The amount you gave last time is enough for quite some time and I wouldn't be needing more." hearing him, the General frowned and looked at Mark trying to see through him. 

Shrugging his shoulder, Mark said, "Don't think so much, General. It's bad for your old age. If you want to know I can just say it." with the everlasting, irritating smirk on his face. His comments didn't tick the general off, but he laughed and asked, "What is it, boy?" He found Mark amusing. Not many in their nation would talk to him in such a way. 

"It's like this general. I saw another small settlement in the city as I drove by it. It is founded by some underworld members. I do not want anyone going anywhere near it." as the room dropped several degrees. Mark kept both his hands on the table and spoke looking into the general's eyes. 

"And why is that?" he heard some rumors about this from scouts, but hearing it from Mark, he knew it was probably true. Mark had no reason to lie to him. It also confused him about why Mark is trying to support them. 

"Oh, don't get me, wrong General. They will go down the hardest way possible. I will bring that place to the ground. I want nothing happening to my prey before then. So I am not requesting, but rather advising you and your men to stay out of that area. They are my prey." Mark spoke with a crazy smile and a cold tone. It was completely in contrast to his previous tone. 

The General was now completely amused by hearing Mark's 'advice' to him. He was curious about what Mark was planning to do. He shrugged off Mark's overbearing presence and said, "Ok, I will tell my men to stay out of the way. But don't expect much. If you are late and I find something off, I will take action. Just so you know."

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