The End Of Life

Chapter 95 - Museum

David knew the way to the museum, so he took the shortest route to reach there. As they reached the outer entrance of the museum, David took a right turn into the museum and hit the brakes. Mark, who had his eyes closed, shot open. He looked ahead and saw a massive horde of zombies on the front lawn of the museum. 

The front lawn was very big. It had a huge fountain in the middle, with the museum entrance on the other side. The parking space for big establishments like this would generally in another place to the side of the museum. Mark was the first to snap out of the shock. It looked like the zombies did not notice their car by the entrance yet as they were aimlessly roaming around. 

Mark tapped on David's shoulder, trying to snap him out from the shock. Snapping out, David opened his mouth, "Ah-" before being closed by Mark's other hand.

Mark shook his head and whispered, "Slowly go back. Try not to attract their attention." 

David nodded and backed away from the entrance. Going back on the street, he stopped the car once they were completely out of sight for the zombies inside. Mark's back was drenched wet as his forehead was covered in sweat. He quickly wiped the sweat using his shirt and took a deep breath. 

Trying to relax at the sheer number of zombies there was back there. It was a sea of zombies back there and looked like they surrounded the whole museum inside. David was also not in a better position. He was scared out of his wits. His brain stopped working, thinking about the zombies inside. 

" Let's take a look around the wall and see if there are any zombies on the other side. I will stand on the jeep and you continue to drive around. I will tap on the rough twice if I want you to stop." And got out. 

Standing on the roof, he signaled David to drive. Mark was able to look over the huge wall. But the situation was similar on all sides. The horde of zombies remained the same way. As they reached the outdoor parking lot, he noticed the numerous cars and knew where these zombies came from. 

Getting back in the car, he said, "Alright, the situation is the same everywhere. There is absolutely no way for us to get inside now." Shaking his head, helpless. 

"What do we suggest doing now?" 

"Let's park the jeep outside for now. Let's go by the end of the road. I saw an underground parking lot for one shop. We can use that and catch a breather." David nodded and drove to the end of the street. 

They got into the parking lot and killed the ones inside. Getting out of the car, he said, "We can use the cars beside the museum to our favor. We just need to make a little sound for them to be distracted. So after the zombies make their way out towards it, we can sneak inside." 

"But how are we going to make a sound?" 

"We can use our guns. We can shoot from the building opposite to the entrance. So once we shoot them and the cars start beeping, all the zombies will be around them. So we can then go inside." 

David could only nod at Mark's plan. Mark's plans were never wrong until now. So he could trust him, but there was also an eerie feeling inside him. He could only shake it off. Mark slowly opened the door of Suzie and they walked out of the parking lot after getting some extra ammo. 

Making their way towards the museum, Mark noticed something very weird. There were no zombies on the entire road except inside the museum. Thinking it was a pure coincidence, they continued towards the entrance. 

As they reached the entrance, Mark bent and waved his hand, asking them to bend. They slowly made their way into the building opposite to the entrance and went up to the 1st floor. Making their way into the house facing the museum they got on the balcony, they were facing the museum and had a better view of the zombies in front of the museum's main entrance. Mark could also see a few figures on the other side of the museum's doors. Even with his enhanced eyesight, he couldn't get a good look at the figures. 

He turned to the side, not keeping that image inside him, and looked at the parking lot right next to the museum's entrance. The zombies will make their way through the entrance, while they can jump over the wall to the side using the trash cans outside. This was his plan, he was confident. 

Looking at the cars, he took aim and shot a single bullet towards one car. It hit the glass, and it shattered successfully. He looked back towards David who was standing by the door acting as a lookout and said, "David come here. Let's start with the plan." 

David stood beside Mark and both of them took aim. As Mark gave the signal, both of them began shooting towards the cars. As the bullets hit the car, they gave out the beeping sounds attracting the zombies. Mark noticed from the corner of the eye that the zombies all turned towards the car's direction and smiled. 

The zombies slowly moved out of the museum and made their way towards the parking lot. After half of the zombies inside went out, Mark stopped shooting and said, "That's enough. Let's get going. The cars would continue to go for another few minutes and we need to make the best out of the situation. Let's jump over the wall using the trash bin over there." Pointing to the wall.

David nodded, and Suzie followed behind Mark. Mark got out of the building using its back door instead of the front, not taking the risk of running into the zombies. He went through the alleyway and came out opposite of the trash cans. He nodded towards David and David ran towards the cans and jumped onto it. 

He was able to reach for the edge of the wall and quickly pulled himself up. He was not as strong as Mark and used a lot of his energy to climb over. Next was Suzie and Mark helped her over the wall. She was better than David and quickly got over the wall. Mark threw his sword to the other side and got onto the wall and jumped over. 

As he landed on the other side, he looked around and saw there were only a few zombies left and ran towards the entrance. David was at the back as he followed Suzie with Mark in the front. They looked ahead, forgetting to look around. As Mark was halfway through the front lawn near the fountain, he was able to get a good look at the people behind the glass doors of the museum. 

As he was about to pick up his speed, he noticed the people behind waving their hands. He thought they were waving with happiness, but as he got near and faintly heard their voice, "Go away. Don't come here." And saw their desperate faces. He wouldn't have heard them if it was not for his enhanced senses. 

He was shocked and then heard David behind him, "Mark, we are trapped." And looked behind to see them surrounded by zombies from the left and behind. It shocked him to the core. 

He immediately came to a stop and turned around to get a better view. Suzie also came to a stop upon seeing him. He got a nice look and saw the zombies running towards them. His pupils shrunk as his mind went blank. 

He couldn't think about anything as the zombies came nearer. David did not hear a reply and turned to look at him and saw he was rooted, not moving an inch as he saw the zombies. 

He shook his and shouted, "Mark. What should we do?" Trying to get something out of him.

"Ah." Snapping out. He looked at David's grave face and said, "Let's run." And noticed the only side open for them was the right. They could only jump over the wall and getaway. 

He took off towards the right wall, Suzie and David followed behind him. It didn't take long for Mark to reach the wall. He turned around and saw Suzie and David running towards him with the huge horde following right behind them. He kept his back against the wall and got into a horse stance. 

He cupped his hands together and kept them on his thigh and shouted, "Jump on my hands. I will push you both up." He knew both his teammates wouldn't be able to jump over the wall fast enough and could only think of this. 

Suzie was first. She followed his orders and jumped on his hand and he pushed her up. She could catch the edge and quickly pull herself up. David did the same right behind her. With both of them, Mark did not have time to see the zombies and quickly turned around to jump. 

But as he jumped and caught the edge, he felt a tight grip on his ankle pulling him down and turned around to see a zombie clutching.

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