The End Of Life

Chapter 97 - Museum (III)

Waking up the next day, they made their way down once again after having a light breakfast. But as Mark was about to exit the house, his eyes fell on the wooden dining table in the house. He broke one of its legs and walked down to the parking lot. He dug out one of the waste shirts from his bag. 

He tightly wrapped the shirt onto one end of the wood. He had plans with this. He turned towards David and said, "Alright then, let's go to the oil tank and then to the museum in it. We need to get inside the museum this time." 

The three went out of the underground parking lot and got inside the truck. Mark drove it towards the museum and stopped it right before the museum gate once again. They got down as the zombies looked towards the huge vehicle. Mark connected the hose and went behind the wall. His plan was to spray the petrol from behind the wall. He kept the hose on top of the wall. 

He nodded towards David, who was next to the tap. David turned it on and the petrol came out of the hose. The petrol spread throughout the entire don't lawn and the zombies in it. The zombies reacted strangely. They became more active as if they were trying to escape the petrol sprayed at them. 

After a few more minutes Mark took the wooden stick with one end wrapped in cloth and got it wet with petrol. He waved his hand towards David and he turned the tap off once again. He took out the lighter and lit the cloth part. As it caught fire, he threw it towards the place with the highest concentration of zombies. As the stick fell on top of the zombie fire erupted in that place. The whole thing caught fire. The fire spread throughout the entire lawn, making every zombie set ablaze. 

Mark did not stop there as they went to the next phase of his plan. They ran towards the end of the wall and went to the other side. They could naturally not take the front side to get into the museum, so the left entrance would have to do. 

The museum was big enough to have an entrance on each side. Each side also had a lawn in front of it, albeit not as big as the main entrance. Jumping on the wall, they were able to safely make it. The zombies were very less compared to the front. Mark and David took out their guns and began to shoot them down. 

But Mark suddenly heard something which made him stop in his tracks. He slowly turned his head to the right and saw a horde of zombies making their way towards them. They were from the front lawn. Some zombies survived. He felt fear once again seeing the numbers.

"You are seeing it, right? Tell that I am hallucinating right now. How are there zombies that did not catch the fire? Should we retreat once again?" Asked David, turning towards it. 

He woke up hearing him and shot towards the near zombies and reached for his bag. He took out a grenade. And threw it towards the horde as he pulled its plug. As the grenade flew towards the zombies, he caught Suzie's hand and shouted, "Let's keep moving and take cover." 

He moved towards the building's nearest wall and took cover behind it. All the three crouched down and covered their ears tightly. As his watch ticked, he felt hours passed by as they were waiting for the grenade to blow. 


They felt the building shake as the bomb blew. Mark stood up and peaked towards the explosion. The wall near it was now in shambles and black blood splattered everywhere. Near them were body parts of the zombies. He could not see any more zombies and they ran towards the entrance. 

The entrance was locked, and they couldn't see anyone on the other side. Mark started banging on the doors, trying to catch anyone's attention. He was feeling scared as he thought of more zombies making their way again. As all three of them continued to bang on the doors. 

Someone finally ran towards the door. It was a teenage boy. Mark felt relieved as the boy opened the doors for them. Making their way in, the boy immediately closed it. He was out of breath, probably from running towards the door. 

"Thank you for opening the door." Thanks, David. 

"Phew, it's alright. Follow me." And walked ahead. 

The three followed him through the hallway. The museum was enormous. Mark looked around at the various paintings and displayed items around them. Each one was different compared to the other and had its own value. 

"Where are taking us?" He turned towards the boy. 

"To the central area." Not even turning towards him. 

They continued to follow him through the hallways and finally reached the central area of the whole museum. It connected all the four entrances and was a common area. He looked ahead and saw the people in the area. They made a path for them to the centre. 

Mark noticed each person here was incredibly weak. They looked as if they had no food for quite some time already. But his eyes kept wandering around searching for the person he travelled so long for, Kevin. He lifted his head to see the museum dome as light passed through the glass panels. They reached the centre of the huge group and the boy went away. 

There was a single man standing there with his hands in his pockets. He was easily in his mid-twenties with a rough beard that did not match his ugly face. He was easily over 100 kgs and it only made worse because of his short height. He had a gun on his back, looked like a normal police rifle. 

"I assume you are the boss here?" Spoke Mark before he could. 

The man's mouth widened hearing him as they could see his missing teeth making them creeped out. His eyes fell on Suzie and licked his lips full of lust. Suzie went nearer to Mark as she felt his lustful gaze on her. Her body was shaking as she remembered what happened to her only a few days back. 

Mark could only pat her and asked in a colder tone, "Are you deaf, fatty? I asked you if you were the leader of this place?"

The fatty's eyes finally moved away from Suzie as he heard Mark's words. He was checking out a prey and Mark's words disturbed him. This got him irritated. He looked at Mark and said, "Oh, pretty boy. Watch your tone. This isn't your home. And no, I am not this place's boss. The boss is currently busy and by the looks of it he will be busy tonight too." With his eyes on Suzie again. Suzie's body was now trembling in fear. 

"Now I don't think you want to die fatty. Mind your words. Or your head might just blow up." Pointing his gun right at the fatty's forehead. 

The fatty smirked hearing him and said, "Oh, you want to shoot. Go ahead. But do you think you will survive once you do? Why don't you take a look around." Prompting Mark to look around.

Mark turned his gaze and noticed a few people having guns in their hands. But they were clearly amateurs. David took out his gun and looked around vigilantly. Mark looked back at the fatty's confident expression and said, "Do you think giving a gun to puppies would be enough to scare me?" Pressing the gun harder into his forehead. 

Seeing Mark not scared, the fatty was now scared a little. He was the type to only have a strong front because of the support he had. He was enjoying the museum after working under the person who took over the museum. 

But before the fatty could say anything a voice from the second floor behind them sounded in Mark's ears, "Now, now, brother. Don't go around prompting to shoot people when you arrive. If anyone in our family sees you right now. I am sure father would be the one who will be the most disappointed in you. Like always." Laughing in the end. The voice was full of mockery. 

Hearing the voice, Mark's mind stopped. His eyes shot wide as he remembered the source of it vividly. It was not something he could forget in his entire lifetime. He looked back and saw the person. Standing on the 2nd floor, he had two girls on each arm as he looked down on them. 

He looked similar to Mark with his face except for the eyes. He had short blonde hair and was only 178 centimetres tall. Clearly younger than Mark. His face was full of disgust and mockery, looking at him from above.

Mark's eyes were now red with anger as he was barely able to hold back from using the gun in his hand to shoot at the person.

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