Nanyun Mountain.

Wild Dog Ridge.

Frightened voices, screams, and roars of beasts rang out one after another.

The entire mountain was in chaos.

On the steep mountain, people and beasts were fighting.

People in peasant clothes and strong men in black clothes were holding weapons, and they fought against the red mother beast army.

From time to time, shells and rockets would fall from the side to assist.

But now, everything has changed.

Because the greedy black dragon rushed into the battlefield.


The black dragon shouted excitedly twice, and its red lantern-like eyes stared at a direction.

The next second, it rushed towards that direction at a very fast speed.

Bang bang bang.

Puff puff puff.

Along the way, people and beasts who had not yet had time to avoid were directly trampled into meat paste by this behemoth, without even the chance to scream.


"This beast has gone crazy, don't let him catch up."

"Don't run over there, run to a narrow place."

Everyone ran away shouting.

They didn't care about beating the female beasts anymore.

And the trembling beasts also scattered in panic.



Wild Dog Ridge was in chaos.

But the culprit was unaware.

It was still chasing the two people, with excitement in its red eyes.

At this time, a figure followed closely behind.

That figure was the anxious old man Meng.

At this time, old man Meng's clothes were flying and his white hair was messy.

"Jiaojiao, run."

Even though he was running very fast, old man Meng didn't forget to shout.

His shout was like thunder, shaking Wild Dog Ridge.

On the other side.

Jiaojiao and Zhao Fengqin, who were running away in the distance, naturally heard it.

But they didn't care to look back, so they could only move forward blindly.

Because they have already sensed the danger behind them.

Behind them, the ground was shaking.

Bang, bang, bang.

Boom, boom, boom.

That was the sound of a giant beast galloping across the mountains.

The mutated black dragon was very close to the two of them.

There was only less than 300 meters left.

In just a few breaths, the black dragon would arrive.

At this moment, the two people who were running for their lives had a problem.

Zhao Fengqin, who had originally fled with Jiaojiao, glanced behind her, her face changed, and then she gritted her teeth and pushed the girl next to her away.

"Jiaojiao, you run first."

The next second, she picked up the iron rake in her hand and rushed forward.

"Beast, I have tolerated you for a long time."

As the iron rake was waving, lightning snakes emerged from Zhao Fengqin's body.

Boom, boom.

The sound of thunder overlapped with the shaking of the earth behind her.

In a breath, Zhao Fengqin collided with the black dragon.

The mutated black dragon was extremely ugly, with sharp scales protruding from its body. From time to time, black sticky saliva flowed from the corners of its mouth, emitting an unpleasant nauseating smell.

At the moment when Zhao Fengqin collided with it, the lightning snake danced wildly.


"Beast, die!"

Zhao Fengqin, a middle-aged woman, held the lightning in one hand and waved the rake in the other.

In an instant, the lightning exploded, and the iron rake hit the top of the black dragon's head.

The rumbling sound of thunder and the crisp sound of clanging were mixed.

However, the next second.



The iron rake broke in an instant, and Zhao Fengqin was also thrown several meters away.


She fell to the ground and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Her face turned pale as paper in an instant, and her body was dirty.


Zhao Fengqin wanted to get up again.

But just as she stood up, a three-clawed giant that covered the sky and the sun fell down.

For a moment, she was terrified.

But at this moment, three ice spikes shot out.

Ding Ding Ding.

The ice spikes hit the black dragon's claws, making a crisp sound.

But the next second, those ice spikes instantly shattered into powder.

They could not hurt the black dragon's claws at all.

However, their owner attracted the black dragon's attention.


The black dragon looked up excitedly, and its scarlet eyes stared at the girl who had returned not far away.

"Jiao Jiao."

Zhao Fengqin also saw the girl, and she was anxious and panicked.

"Don't save me, hurry...ah!"

Before Zhao Fengqin finished her words, she was suppressed by a destructive force and screamed.

It was the black dragon that casually gave her a claw.

Although it was a casual move, Zhao Fengqin's lower body was instantly crushed into a bloody mess, sweating profusely, and her breathing was rapid.

After a casual claw, the black dragon attacked the girl.

The girl's face was full of hatred at this time, and she also angrily killed the black dragon.

At the same time, the green snake on her shoulder also opened its mouth to spray venom.


Two streams of venom sprayed into the black dragon's eyes in succession.

The black dragon's scarlet eyes closed in an instant, and the originally excited black dragon also made a low roar.


At this time, Jiaojiao also took the opportunity to attack the black dragon.

Ice appeared on her body, and the ground under the black dragon also roseIce ridges.

Not far away.


A mournful cry sounded.

Old Man Meng, who was running fast, also rushed to Zhao Fengqin's side.

He looked at Zhao Fengqin, whose lower body was bloody, and his face showed sadness and guilt.

"Fengqin, you..."

"Meng...Second Uncle, don't worry about me,"

Zhao Fengqin raised her eyes with difficulty, and her breath became weaker and weaker.

At this moment, the holy light on Old Man Meng was shining.

"Don't talk, Fengqin."

The holy light poured out from Old Man Meng.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the holy light fell on the lower body of the middle-aged woman.

A little bit of light gathered on the middle-aged woman.

The broken flesh also began to slowly gather.

But it was only for a moment.

The next moment, the broken pieces were scattered again.

At the same time.

Zhao Fengqin's eyes became dimmer and her breathing became weaker.

"Meng...Second Uncle, no...don't worry about me, save...Jiaojiao, we...owe their family...too much, can't...let her..."

"Fengqin, don't talk."

Old Man Meng, who couldn't hear anything at all, continued to use the holy light.

But no matter how many times he gathered, the flesh couldn't close.

"No, why not?"

Old Man Meng had long lost his master's demeanor.

His eyes widened, and his hands clenched tightly.

At this time, a figure suddenly fell not far away.

That figure was the girl Jiaojiao.

Jiaojiao's face was full of hatred, and panic appeared in her eyes, and a touch of bright red blood flowed from her elegant lips.

Just now she was attacking the black dragon.

But the result was useless.

They were not the opponent of the black dragon.

Those ice spikes couldn't even touch the black dragon.

Not to mention freezing the black dragon.


When Jiaojiao was panicking, the black dragon opened his eyes and was already angry.

It rolled up and looked down at the girl who had fallen to the ground, and anger rose in its scarlet eyes with a hint of green mist.

The next moment, it opened its huge black mouth.

"Jiao Jiao!"

Not far away, old man Meng, who saw this scene, shouted again.

He wanted to rush out to save people, but when he looked at Zhao Fengqin, who was breathing weakly on the ground, his face was full of embarrassment.


His sight stayed between the two.

Then, he looked back at the tragic Wild Dog Ridge and the female beast army behind him, with a complicated expression.


"Why do you have to do this?"

"Why can't I kill happily?"

"Why can't I protect my relatives?"

His voice was like thunder, and his face was painful.

However, the next second.

He looked up again, and a look of determination flashed across his eyes.

He shouted again.


A sound shook the mountains.

The next moment.

A fiery red little fox limped towards Old Man Meng.

At this time, a childish voice also sounded faintly.

"So, this is the truth."

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