"Is there anyone outside?"

A tentative voice sounded in the gray corridor.

The voice was a little shrill, coming from a room on the third floor.

Hearing this voice, the soft little Lolita raised her eyebrows.

Then, he looked at that place.

But it was just a glance, and he walked away again.



"Don't go, don't go."

The little Lolita had just taken two steps when the shrill female voice sounded again.

"Please don't go, save us, there is a monster in this room, she wants to bite us, please, go find the little master and ask her to open the door."

The woman in the room begged in fear.

And after she finished speaking, many voices rang out in the room one after another.

"Good people outside, we are so scared, please let us out?"

"Woo woo, my grandpa is still waiting for me at home, I want to go home so much, please don't leave, let us out."

"I want to live, I'm going crazy, I can hear the screams of those monsters every night, I dare not sleep at all, please, ask the little master to let us go."


The sobbing and crying of the women mixed together, echoing in the dark and empty third floor.

However, these sobs were drowned out by roars.


"Roar ho roar ho."

"Ho ho roar."

The originally low roars gathered and rumbled like thunder.

Third floor.

Second floor.


Tens of thousands of square meters.

In an instant, the entire Su Mansion was shaken.




Frightened screams also came from all directions.

"Good people, you heard the monster's voice, how terrible, please save us, save us!"

"Let me out, I'm going crazy!"

"Woo, woo, let us out."

The women in the room begged anxiously.

But the more they begged, the more sensitive the zombies became.

Sounds stimulate zombies.

Crying and screaming, in exchange for only the zombies' roars and crazy door banging.

In the corridor on the third floor, a small figure stood upright.

At this moment, the soft little face looked solemn.

He first looked at the place where the roar came from, and then looked at the maid's room where the crying sound continued.

Finally, the little loli moved.

He walked to the door of the room.

Hearing his approaching footsteps, the maids in the room were quite surprised.

"Open the door quickly and let us out."

After they finished speaking, they waited anxiously.

But after waiting for nearly a minute, the door opening sound they expected did not sound.

At the door.

The white and tender little Lolita lowered her long eyelashes and opened her pink lips slightly.

"The zombie's weakness is in the head."

"Five people can control a zombie."

"Do everything possible to survive."

A faint little baby voice sounded, without a trace of warmth.

After the little Lolita finished speaking, she left without looking back.

But as soon as the little Lolita left, the maids in the room were all excited and extremely emotional.

"Little master, this is the little master's voice."

"Let us out, little master, please, it doesn't matter if you are usually bad, but now please save us."

"Little master, woo woo..."


The maids either begged or scolded.

However, the little Lolita's upright body did not waver at all.

Soon, Su Xing reached the stairs.

"Let's go."

He said to Shen Xueer and stepped onto the stairs.

But Shen Xueer hesitated.

She looked deep into the third floor, her eyes flickered, and a trace of pity flashed across her face.

"Little master, can't you let them go?"

"It's more dangerous outside than inside."

The little Lolita who had already walked away replied.

The entire Su Mansion is full of people.

If he lets people go out of pity, he might as well let them all go.

The second mutation takes three to seven days.

It's only the third day now.

If he lets people go, if someone suddenly mutates into a zombie, one person will spread to ten, and ten people will spread to a hundred.

Soon, the Su Mansion will become a zombie nest.

"It's the end of the world now. You can't survive inside, and you will die faster outside."

The soft and sticky little voice echoed in the corridor.

Shen Xueer glanced at the little Lolita's back, then looked at the depths of the third floor, her beautiful eyes moving.

Then, she quickly caught up with the little loli.

"Little master, wait for me."

Five minutes later.

The two went up to the twelfth floor.

The little loli told Shen Xueer the location of the kitchen, and then returned to the bedroom alone.

In the bedroom.

The soft little loli opened her backpack and poured the crystal cores inside onto the ground.

The crystal cores of various colors fell to the ground, making crackling sounds.

Hearing this sound, the little loli raised her eyebrows.

"Not bad."After a day of fighting, 52 crystal cores were harvested.

Among them, there were 15 red crystal cores.

12 yellow crystal cores.

9 cyan crystal cores.

7 gold crystal cores.

6 blue crystal cores.

And there were only three white crystal cores.

However, when the little Loli saw these three crystal cores, her eyes flashed.

The end-time superpowers are divided into gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Crystal cores are also divided.

Different colored crystal cores are used by different superpowers.

Red is the fire system.

Yellow is the earth system.

Gold is the gold system.

Cyan and blue are the wood system and water system respectively.

"It's time to strengthen the superpower."

The chubby white little hand was raised, and a white crystal core was pinched.

Half an hour later.


There was a knock on the door.

"Little master, I'm ready, come out and eat."

Outside the door, it was Shen Xueer who was nervous.

It was her first time to cook for the little master, and she didn't know if it would suit the little master's appetite.

What if the little master didn't like it?

The charming girl pursed her lips, and her little face was full of depression.

At this time, the door suddenly opened.

A white and tender little girl in a little black dress appeared at the door.

"Let's go."


Shen Xueer's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly led the way.


The two arrived at the dining table on the twelfth floor.

On the dining table, there were two bowls of steaming noodles.

"Little master, I don't know what you like to eat, so I made some of my specialties."

Seeing that the little girl was indifferent, Shen Xueer said in a panic.

"If you don't like it... I can go and redo it."

"No need."

The little girl went straight to the dining table and started eating the noodles in front of her.

Except for the emergency power supply in the kitchen on the twelfth floor, there was nothing else, only emergency dry food.

He lived on the twelfth floor and didn't know how to cook, so he ate those unpalatable dry food every day.

He almost vomited after eating dry food.

Now that he saw hot noodles, how could he not eat them?

The little girl thought as she ate.

He ate very slowly and without making any sound.

In the gray room, a faint night light came on.

The night light fell on the face of the cute little girl, making her look even softer and more tender.

Not far away, Shen Xueer was stunned when she saw this scene.

"So... so cute."

So healing.

The quiet little master is so well-behaved, and I really want someone to rub her head.

"Is there any more noodles?"

Just as Shen Xueer was thinking, a little voice sounded.

This caught Shen Xueer off guard, "Ah?"


"Yes, yes, I made a lot, I'll bring you another bowl."


The little girl responded, and Shen Xueer hurriedly fled the scene.

After a while, she came over with a bowl of noodles.

The little girl got up from the chair, took the noodles and walked out.

"Where are you going?" Shen Xueer asked in confusion.

Why don't you eat here?

The little girl didn't answer her question, but walked out directly.

He carried the noodles down the stairs and stopped at the door of the guest room on the eleventh floor.

The soft little girl squatted down and put the noodles at the door.

Then, he stood up and knocked on the door again.

"It's me."

"Little... little master."

The old housekeeper's excited voice and the sound of unlocking the door came from inside the door.

"Don't open the door."

The little girl said lightly.

"Open it in a minute, there is something at the door, you take it in."

The little baby voice fell, and he left directly.

One minute later.

The haggard old housekeeper opened the door and saw the noodles at the door.

In an instant, tears flowed.

He carried the noodles and walked inside with a staggering step.

Even so, his mouth was wide open.

"Master, the little master has really grown up."

He put the noodles on the table and walked to the bedside.

In the guest room, white candles flickered.

The old housekeeper also picked up the photo he had placed on the bedside.

In the photo, it was a family photo.

A couple and a teenager.

"Master, Madam, the little master has really grown up..."

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