"Then how did Liu Wei become like that?"

Little White Hair put away the note and looked at Hu Wenhai again.

Hu Wenhai lowered his eyes and sighed again.

"Those Americans put us on a barren mountain and let us kill each other. Captain Liu Wei was bitten by a golden snake on that mountain."

"At that time, he had clearly dealt with the snake venom, but he continued to have a fever and fainted after that. He was still unconscious until we entered the American Temple."

"But at that time, we fell into a sea of ​​fire. Captain Liu Wei seemed to have awakened something, jumped out of the sea of ​​fire, and saved all of us."

In the RV, Hu Wenhai's voice kept ringing.

But Little White Hair next to him was a little confused and didn't understand what he was saying at all?

What American Temple?

What barren mountain?

And fell into a sea of ​​fire.

The original book didn't say this at all.

The original book said that there was a Sakura man named Kikutaro. The Sakura man was timid, but he knew the location of the entrance to the underground treasure of Sakura.

And when he was in the United States, Kikutaro told the Americans this secret. There was a spy among the Americans. Except for the spy, everyone else died.

Later, the spy came to China and told Lin Yue and Yang Tian about the secret, but Yang Tian and others couldn't eat the big pie of Sakura Country, so they shared it with the United States.

There was no mention of the temple at all.

So, what exactly did Hu Wenhai say?

"Tell me about this matter from beginning to end."

The little white hair stroked his thoughts and spoke again.

"Okay, little master."

Hu Wenhai responded and continued to talk.

"At the beginning, you told us that Kikutaro would be in the US base, and we designed him to save us and sneak into the US base with him..."

Hu Wenhai was very focused and spoke in detail.

The little white-haired girl beside him also raised her chin, her soft little face full of seriousness.

About half an hour later, Hu Wenhai stopped telling the story.

"Young master, this is what happened."

"So... is the woman in the coffin above the sea of ​​fire a god?"

"I don't know."

Hu Wenhai shook his head, a look of fear on his face.

"At that time, I did hear the woman's voice. They all said that the woman was a god, but the god didn't move at all, just lying there quietly."

"We were all very scared, but it was useless."

"Almost everyone there was trapped in a fantasy, just like taking hallucinogens. We didn't know what was wrong with us, and we kept exposing our shortcomings."

Hu Wenhai lowered his head, his eyes flickering.

"There, everyone lost their minds."

"I know, let me think about it."

The little white-haired girl tilted her head and closed her eyes.

Hu Wenhai next to her saw her like this, and didn't continue to disturb her, but sat quietly aside.

"Desolate mountain... Temple... Prison Palace..."

The little white-haired girl took a breath with her eyes closed and muttered.

"These are not in the book."

"It should be the butterfly effect. It has changed a lot of things."

After she finished speaking, she opened her eyes again.

And this time, she looked out the window.

Her golden eyes slightly raised, revealing a hint of thought.

"But it's too far from the Magic City. Let's talk about it later."

She didn't expect those people to experience so much in the United States.

Originally, she thought that sending those people there was just to let them contact Kikutaro and get the coordinates of the underground treasure in Sakura Country.

But who could have known that they would be so dangerous.

"Let's talk about it when we get back."

After thinking about it, the little white-haired girl fell asleep on the chair again.


Two hours later.

In the gray wilderness, a military truck and a black RV slowly drove towards the Beidou base in the center of the wilderness.

On the towering walls of the Beidou base, several patrolling figures saw this scene and quickly picked up the radio communicator in their hands.

"Miss Xue'er, the young master and his friends are back."

Not long after, the girl in a white maid outfit walked to the gate eagerly.

As she walked, the small white bell on her chest was also shaken up and down, jingling non-stop.

The guard standing at the door saw her and hurriedly lowered his head.

"Miss Xue'er, you are here."

At this moment, the military truck drove to the front of the base gate with the black RV and stopped.

At this time, the car door opened.

Several strong men got out of the car, and the bald strong man also opened the back door, and the white-haired little Lolita jumped out of the car.

The moment she jumped, everyone lowered their heads.

"Welcome to the young masterReturn."

"Welcome my Lord!"

Hundreds of strong men on the walls shouted in unison.

They shouted loudly, with respect and humility on their faces.

At this time, old man Wang, who had just got off the car, opened his mouth wide, with shock on his face.

"God...really a god..."

"So many strong men are the power of the God, and they will listen to her. "

The little white-haired girl who was walking in front heard what old man Wang said and slipped.

But fortunately, she stabilized.

Finally, she walked forward again with a blank expression.

As she walked forward, the strong men behind her lowered their heads.


Half an hour later.

Beidou base, castle.

Top floor.

In the luxurious living room, the white-haired little Lolita sat on the sofa.

And the gentle maid and the old housekeeper stood behind her.

The old housekeeper was reporting with his head down, and his face was not good.

"Young master, Wild Dog Ridge has spent a lot of supplies again. If this goes on, we may only be able to use the last plan."

"I have a solution to this matter, no need to say more."

The little white-haired girl raised her hand and interrupted the old housekeeper.

The next second, she turned her head to look at the gentle maid next to her and directly ordered:

"Send a telegram to Wild Dog Ridge and let old man Meng prepare to bring people to Beidou base to meet up. "

"Okay, young master."

Shen Xueer nodded and immediately turned and walked out.

Not long after, she walked out of the room.

Only Little White Hair and the old housekeeper were left in the living room.

"Young master..."

"Go back to your hometown and ask Granny She to prepare. I have something to do. Just tell her."

As soon as the old housekeeper opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Little White Hair.

The old housekeeper's words came to his lips, and he swallowed them hard.

"Be sure to let Granny She come. The rest of the things will be discussed after she comes. I will have someone protect you back."


The old housekeeper nodded resignedly, and then sighed again.

He looked down at Little White Hair, wanting to say something but stopping.

But in the end, he still didn't say it, but just walked out quietly.

"Finally, we're back to the base."

When both of them left, Little White Hair collapsed on the sofa and slightly closed his golden eyes.

"I'm so tired."

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