"Fuck him, the end of the world."

"Driving people crazy."

"What a mess."

Hearing what happened to the gangsters, the soldiers couldn't help but curse twice.

After all, it's always unpleasant to hear bad news about people you saw two days ago from other people.

Although the gangsters wanted to rob them.

But the gangsters were forced to do it.

Otherwise, why would they go to rob houses when they have a good life?

"Forget it, it's all over."

"Keep eating, why are you still in a daze?"

"Eat, eat, you will have the strength to fight zombies after eating."

"Hahaha, eat."

After a while, everyone forced a smile again.

For a moment, the haze was swept away.

As if everything just now had never happened.

The soldiers continued to talk.

The strong men's eyes flashed, and each of them had a somewhat unnatural look on their faces.

As for He Yong, it was even weirder.

He glanced in the direction of the fair little Lolita.

At this time, the little Lolita was also looking up at him.

For a moment, he nodded to the little Lolita again, then quickly retracted his gaze and continued to brag to the soldiers.

"Let's not talk about these unhappy things. Let's talk about the future. You are all from Yandu, which is a big city. You should know more than us."

He Yong grinned and asked again.

"I was not born in a good place. I don't know how the situation in your Yandu is?"

After he said that, the group of soldiers looked a little bleak.

Many of them put down the biscuits in their hands.

They sighed.

"Yandu is the same as the whole country."

"There are zombies everywhere. It's a huge city with millions of people."

"We should steal..."

"Rest early!"

Just as the soldiers were about to start talking, a serious voice sounded.

Upon hearing this voice, the soldiers who were about to speak shut their mouths tightly.

And He Yong also looked at the owner of this voice.

The man was wearing a black cloak, sitting alone by the fire, with a slightly majestic look.

He didn't look old, only about twenty years old.

Sitting there alone, he still exuded a hint of nobility.

After just one look, He Yong retracted his gaze.

He smiled at the fire and stopped talking to the soldiers.

At this time, the sound by the fire became lower and lower.

Not long after, the sleepy people fell into a deep sleep.

And Su Xing, who was sitting by the fire, also yawned, and then leaned on a backpack and fell asleep.


Nothing happened overnight.

The next day.

A mist rose in the mountains.

The mist was heavy, and the mountains were trembling.

The mountain road became more and more difficult to walk on. The deeper you go into the mountains, the more black stones that hurt your feet.

In this mountain hidden in the clouds and fog, a team of more than 40 people is struggling to move forward.

At this time, a voice came from the end of the team.

"Little master, how about I carry you?"

The one who said this was a bald strong man with a worried look on his face.

And the person the strong man asked was a little girl in a gray sportswear.

The little girl was leaning on a black-handled Tang sword in her hand.

With every step, the scabbard touched the black stone on the ground, emitting a crackling fire.

However, every time the fire lit up, there would be a heavy gasp.

And this gasp came from the little girl.

The little girl was not in a good condition at this time.

She was pale, panting, and staggering.

"Little master, you can't climb like this anymore."

Looking at the shaking little girl, He Yong couldn't help but speak again.

Their little master was fine during the battle.

How could he become like this just by climbing a mountain?

Even if he fainted, he shouldn't have fainted so badly, right?

Besides, their little master is so strong, how could he faint?

He is obviously abnormal now.

"Little master, you..."

"I'm fine."

The fair and tender little Lolita shook her head, her sweaty face full of stubbornness.


"Little master, your legs are shaking, you really can't continue, why don't we take a break."

He Yong looked at the stubborn little Lolita, and sweat broke out on his bald head.

Not to mention that the little master saved their lives, just say that the little master made them have no worries about food and drink in the end times, they should all thank the little master.

How could he bear to watch the little master get into trouble?

"No need."

Su Xing raised his eyes again, and the sweat on his forehead dripped.


The crystal sweat beads hit the black stone, making a slight sound.

And the sound continued.

"Can't stop..."

Slightly tired and weakA weak little voice sounded.

Su Xing also shook his head, and there was a storm in his starry eyes.


If he stopped, he, Su Xing, would really die here.

Hurry to Wild Dog Ridge and find someone who can save him.

Only in this way can he survive.

"Keep going... uh... you?"

The weak little Lolita stopped talking halfway.

Because the little Lolita had already flown into the air, about one and a half meters from the ground.

The reason why the little Lolita was in the air was the big hand of the 1.9-meter-tall young man.

That's right.

The little Lolita was lifted up by someone.

And that person was 1.9 meters tall.

He was the leader of this group of soldiers, the leading young man.

At this moment, the tall leading young man was holding the little Lolita's hat and walking up the mountain step by step.

This situation was very much like a hunter carrying a chick home.

For a moment, the four strong men were dumbfounded.

Especially He Yong, his mouth was wide open enough to swallow an egg.

"He... dared to do this to the little master?"

"He's crazy, does he want to die?"

"Will he be shot in the head suddenly?"

"Why didn't the little master kill him?"

At this moment, He Yong's face was extremely complicated.

While he was wondering, the leading young man, who was 1.9 meters tall, had already walked a long way with his height advantage.

"Let me go."

The little Lolita, whose fate was strangled by the neck, had a black line on her face.

"I can walk by myself."

The weak little baby voice was matched with fierce words.

In addition, the funny scene of the little Lolita at this moment.

All this still made the leading young man look sideways.

A trace of confusion flashed across his upright face, and his eyes flashed.

However, he did not let go of the little Lolita in the end.

"Little sister, at your speed, I'm afraid you won't be able to reach Wild Dog Ridge in two days."

But he still chose to explain.

"I don't think you are a little girl who doesn't understand things. Your physical condition is really not good, and you don't seem to like to interact with boys, so I can only carry you like this."

A serious and upright voice sounded in the mountain.

After the voice fell, the little loli stopped struggling.

The little loli just lowered her head and kept muttering.

"God damn little sister."

God damn little girl.

"Hurry up."

The leading young man didn't care about the little man's words, but continued to stride forward.

Three hours later.

The group finally saw the third thing besides the mountain and the black stone.

That was a stone tablet.

There were three big characters written on the stone tablet.

Wild Dog Ridge.


ps: As usual, the next chapter will be tomorrow morning... right

Don't wait, go to bed early.

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