In the evening.

Wild Dog Ridge, Stone Courtyard.

In the empty yard, there is a small stone table.

Beside the stone table, there are three people sitting.

The three people have different postures.

The old man in yellow is rolling an egg on his face, as if to reduce the swelling of the two dark circles under his eyes.

On the right hand side of the old man, there is a girl with a cold face.

The girl is stroking the little green snake in her arms, with a slight curl of her lips.

At the same time, the little green snake in her arms also tilted its head back.

Slightly squinting, pretending to enjoy it.

Even the little green snake's tongue is half spit out.

It looks very cute.

Next to the mute girl, there is a short lolita sitting.

The little lolita supports her head with one hand, and a pensive look hangs on her white and soft face.

I don't know what she is thinking.

At this moment, a person suddenly walked out of the stone house.

The man was a bald and strong man with a tall stature.

He walked out of the stone house with a tray in his hand.

In the tray, there were three plates with steam coming out of them.

As the bald man walked, the steam kept shaking.

In less than three seconds.

The three people at the stone table all raised their heads and looked at the tray.

At this glance, the three people's noses moved.

"Young master, your dishes are here."

Bald He Yong walked to the side of the stone table with a tray, and then brought the dishes on the tray to the table.

As soon as he put down the dishes, the three people immediately picked up chopsticks.

There were three dishes in total.

Chicken stewed with mushrooms.

Kung Pao chicken.

Cumin lamb.

"Young master, these meats have been frozen for a long time, and the taste should not be very delicious. I can only make them like this."

He Yong touched his bald head and smiled shyly.

But before he finished laughing, the three of them had already started eating.

But after taking just one bite, the little girl put down her chopsticks.

This scared He Yong a lot.

In an instant, he became nervous.

But at this moment, the two people next to him made a sound of "tsk tsk".

"Little bald head, you did a good job."

The old man's voice was like thunder, and it was the kind with built-in speakers.

He Yong, who was praised, did not dare to be superior, but looked at the dazed white little girl with a face full of trepidation.

"Little master, is what I made not delicious?"


The little girl shook her head and frowned slightly.

"It's just that this tastes very similar..."

The little baby voice hadn't finished yet.

Suddenly, a loud rumbling sound was heard.

When the roar sounded, even the ground was shaking.

In an instant, everyone was shocked.

They all looked towards the place where the roar came from.

That was deep in the Wild Dog Ridge.

They couldn't see the details, but they could vaguely see the mountain in the depths shaking.

"The mountain is shaking?"

All of a sudden, the little girl stood up from the stone chair.

"Is there anyone blowing up the mountain here?"

In the past, people would use explosives to blow up the mountain, and occasionally there would be disasters such as landslides.

But now it's the end of the world.

Who would have the leisure to blow up the mountain?

And even if they did, it wouldn't make any sense.

For a moment, the fair little girl was full of thoughts.

It was also at this time that the mute girl began to sign to Old Man Meng frantically.

That speed was faster than the seal.

Old Man Meng didn't even wait to finish reading the sign language, and ran towards the stone house.

As he ran, the mute girl hurriedly followed.

"Little master, what's wrong?"

He Yong, who was standing aside, scratched his head again and asked in confusion.

Clearly, just now, these two people were so fond of eating the dishes they cooked, and they ate them with gusto.

But everything changed all of a sudden.

And what happened on that mountain?

Why did such a noise suddenly come out?

"Little master, is there anything strange on this mountain?"

When he thought of this, He Yong became suspicious again.

This Wild Dog Ridge looks too extraordinary.

A stone house in the deep mountains, a deaf and dumb old woman.

And most importantly, there are no zombies.

"Wait, little master, such a loud noise should attract zombies, but we haven't heard any zombie calls yet."

He Yong looked at the little Lolita excitedly again.

As if he had discovered some huge secret.

But the little Lolita didn't talk to him at all, but held her chin up and thought.

After the end of the world, there are not only zombies.

Even they have become extremely sensitive to sound.

The vibration there just now was so loud, something extraordinary must have happened.

But there is no way to know what it is.

But this old man must know something, otherwise he wouldn't be like this...

Just then, the two wooden doors in the yard were knocked loudly.rang.

"Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao, open the door quickly."

An anxious voice of a middle-aged woman sounded outside the door.

"Go open the door."

As soon as the baby voice fell, He Yong hurried to the gate.

He opened the courtyard door.

In an instant, a woman dressed as a peasant ran in in a hurry.

The middle-aged woman had no time to look at the situation in the courtyard, and was about to walk into the stone house in a hurry.

At this time, two people in the stone house came out.

It was the old man Meng and the mute girl just now.

At this time, the two had changed into black and gray long sleeves and held sticks in their hands.

"Jiaojiao, what should we do?"

The middle-aged woman immediately shouted when she saw the two.

Before she finished speaking, the mute girl called Jiaojiao began to sign.

"Stop it, just go!"

Old man Meng was anxious and couldn't bear to see the sign language flying all over the sky.

He slapped Jiaojiao's hand and walked forward.

As soon as he left, Jiaojiao no longer cared and hurried to follow him.

"Uncle Meng, wait for me."

The middle-aged woman stamped her feet and then followed.

For a moment, the three of them left the small stone house.

Only the little Lolita and the bald strong man were left in the yard.

"Little master, what should we do?"

"Wait here."


He Yong scratched his head.

"Shouldn't we follow and see?"

"Go if you want to."

The little Lolita pouted and sat on the stone bench.

He Yong behind him saw this and immediately made a bitter face.

"Little master, you are too calm. Should I go or not?"

"It's up to you."

"I always feel that this mountain is weird. The people and things on this mountain are too weird. We just came here on the second day, and the mountain collapsed. I don't know what will happen in the future. I think, for your personal safety..."

"Go if you want to."

The cold little baby voice sounded again.

He Yong opened his mouth and finally nodded.

"Okay, little master, then I will come back as soon as possible."

After he finished speaking, he ran out directly.

After he went out, the little Lolita sitting on the stone chair twitched her mouth.

"It's a miracle if I can keep up."

The little baby voice fell, and the chubby little hands moved immediately.

The little Lolita began to pick up the cumin lamb on the table, quietly picking up a piece of lamb and chewing it in her mouth.

"The taste... is really similar."

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