Magic City.


Outside the huge crowd, there are many vehicles parked.

Next to a white van, a mountain bike was lying crookedly on the ground.

Next to the bike, there was a young man lying on the ground.

The young man was covered in blood and was dirty.

His left hand, which was bleeding, tightly grasped a long knife.

The long knife, which originally exuded a cold and sinister feeling, also had many gaps and was somewhat miserable against the ground.

But his right hand was tightly clenched, and no one knew what he was holding.

"Help... Help me."

The yellow-haired young man who fell to the ground was panting heavily, and his chest, which was overflowing with blood, also rose and fell.


His panting became heavier and weaker.

Unfortunately, in this suburb where vehicles were parked, such a sound was too weak after all.

Coupled with the noise of the crowd in front, the cry for help was directly drowned out.


The yellow-haired young man's eyelids became heavier and heavier.

The light in his eyes also faded a little bit.

"Revenge...I can't take revenge..."

"Little brother."

At this time, a tentative child's voice sounded.

The voice came from the white van.

"Little brother, did you encounter something?"

The slightly awkward and immature voice of the little girl came from the van again.

At the same time, a little head also stuck to the car window.

"Little brother?"

" me."

The yellow-haired young man's eyes regained a little light, and he raised his eyes with effort and looked towards the car window.

I saw a fuzzy and round little head on the glass.

I could vaguely see the outline of a little girl.

And the little girl's face seemed to be covered with some cloth.


"Little brother, I'm sorry, I can't get out."

The little girl in the car window had a low voice.

"Are you injured? I can smell the blood on you. Hold on. My mother said this is the Beidou base, and many people will come here."

"I...will I hold on..."

"You must hold on. Many people come here every day."

The little girl in the car window said seriously.

After she finished speaking, she began to slap the window on her car window and shouted loudly.

"Is there anyone here? Someone is injured."

The little girl shouted with all her strength.

The eyes of the young man who fell to the ground also flashed, "Thank you..."

"Help, help."

The little girl's voice rang out in the wilderness.


The woman in a professional suit and wearing the Su family medal on her chest hurried over, and the smile on her face had not faded.

"Xiaoyue, what's wrong?"

Wang Wei asked anxiously.

She had just obtained the qualification to enter the Beidou base and was about to come back to share the joy with her daughter.

Who knew that she would hear her daughter calling for help not far away.

She didn't dare to think too much and ran over quickly.

"Mom, a little brother is injured, save him quickly."

Xiao Yue said in the car window.

After she finished speaking, Wang Wei, who was still in shock, looked at the ground.

I saw a bloody figure lying on the green ground in the suburbs.

The man was seriously injured and his breath was abnormally weak.

" me."

"Mom, find a way to save the little brother."

The ground was panting and shouting inside the car window.

But the woman standing next to the white van was hesitating.

She took another look at the yellow-haired young man's injury, and the hesitation in her eyes flashed.

Finally, she turned her eyes away.

"He can't be saved."

This is... the end of the world.


Hearing Wang Wei's words, the yellow-haired young man's eyes dimmed again, and his clenched right hand gradually loosened.


A medal fell to the ground.

"This is..."

When Wang Wei saw the medal, she was shocked.

The next second, she ran to the Beidou base again.

Three minutes later.

Four or five strong men came and helped the young man up.


Nanyun Province.

Continuous mountains.

In the gray mountains, there are thorns.

On the bare and desolate mountains, there are black stones everywhere, which hurt people's feet.

However, it was on these black stones that a square-faced young man with a bag appeared.

The young man was panting as he walked.

In the young man's hand, there was a radio communicator.

But the radio communicator was extremely silent.

But even so, every time the young man walked to a certain direction, he would raise the communicator and shake it twice.

"Little master, little master."

"Little master, can you hear me?"

The black communicator was frighteningly cold.

The red signal light was not on.

"My young master..."

The young man who was fiddling with the communicator suddenly paused. He was terrified.

He looked not far ahead.

He saw a dilapidated stone tablet a hundred meters away.

There were three big characters on the stone tablet.

Ye Gou Ridge.

Next to the Ye Gou Ridge stone tablet, there stood two figures.

One figure was two meters tall, with white patterns all over his body.

It was the white tiger seen at the foot of the mountain.

And on the white tiger sat a woman in a red cheongsam.

The woman's eyes were fixed on the stone tablet.

Seeing this scene, the square-faced young man quickly covered his mouth and hid behind a mound next to him.

He didn't dare to make a sound at all.

I don't know how long it took.

When he turned around and looked back, the two figures next to the stone tablet had disappeared.

At this time, the square-faced young man dared to walk out from behind the mound.

However, he no longer dared to follow the direction where the two figures left.

Instead, he chose another direction.

"Little master, wait for me."


Wild Dog Ridge.

Stone Courtyard.

Three figures were sitting in the gray courtyard.

An old lady, a young girl, and a little girl.

The middle-aged old lady held a needle in one hand and a piece of clothing in the other.

She was sewing clothes.

The young girl next to her also held a piece of clothing in her hand.

Both of them were sewing slowly.

Next to them, the little girl was watching quietly.

"Jiaojiao, I'm so nervous."

The middle-aged woman with a swollen face sighed while sewing clothes, her eyes full of worry.

"My right eyelid has been twitching recently, and Xiaobao has been crying all the time. I don't know if he can survive this time."

After the middle-aged woman finished speaking, the mute girl didn't respond.

Then, the woman continued to speak.

"Tell me, if I leave, what will happen to our Xiaobao? There are only Xiaobao and I in our family. His heartless parents have gone to work in the city."

As the middle-aged woman spoke, tears fell.

"I am 45 years old, not young anymore. I can die, but my grandson Xiaobao is only two years old. What should I do?"

Hearing this, the mute girl was no longer silent.

She put down the clothes in her hand and then signed with the old lady.

At this time, the little Lolita, who was supporting her chin, yawned boringly.


As soon as she finished yawning, there was a knock on the door.

"I am here."

The attentive He Yong ran out of the stone house and hurried to open the door.


The two wooden doors opened.

A woman in a red cheongsam appeared at the door.

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