Half past eight.

Wild Dog Ridge.

Stone Courtyard.

In the square courtyard, there were little dumplings squatting.

Those little dumplings were soldiers who had just been dug out.

They were still dripping with blood.

Their faces were also very bad, and their eyes were even more resentful.

And the object of their resentment was a little square-faced man standing at the door of the stone house.

The little square-faced man was tall and not very old.

But his neck was as shrunken as a quail.


The wooden door of the stone house opened.

A short young girl came out.

The little square-faced man hurriedly bowed his head and said respectfully:

"Little master."

The little girl did not look at him, but walked directly into the yard.

"Little master."

The strong men guarding the little dumplings in the yard also spoke in unison.

"All your captives are here."

He Yong stepped forward and continued.

When he finished speaking, the stone courtyard was silent.

The zongzi on the ground raised their heads and looked at the little loli.

The look in their eyes was extremely complicated.

The leading Major Cheng also had a complicated look.

Three days ago, they had taken this little girl for a while.

But now...

"Help them stop bleeding first."

When everyone was feeling complicated, a little baby voice sounded.

The little baby voice was cold.

As if it didn't have any emotion.

"If they all died, wouldn't it be a loss?"

"Yes, little master."

The bald strong man responded and gestured to the remaining few people.

All of a sudden, several strong men moved.

They first took out the medical kit from the house, and then quickly ran to the little zongzi to carry out rescue work.

For a while, the yard was still a little hot.

While everyone was busy, the white and tender little loli sat on the stone chair, propped up her fleshy little hands, and watched with interest.

While watching, she shook her head.

"Forget it."

There was a hint of regret in the tender little voice.

This made everyone present start to feel nervous.

The strong men stopped their movements and looked at each other.

What does the little master mean.

Could it be that he has changed his mind?

They don't need to treat these soldiers?

Kill them directly?

For a moment, the strong men were all cold.

And the little dumplings shivered.

What is this little girl going to do.

Will she really kill them directly without even talking?

Just as everyone was speculating randomly, they heard the cold little voice again.

"I have no doubt about your loyalty to your faith."

"Looking at your clothes, I don't think you will surrender."

What the hell?

What the hell?

The little dumplings lowered their heads, silently glanced at their military uniforms, and then pursed their lips.

Can we discuss it?

They didn't even say a word.

"Stop the bleeding and lock them up in the utility room."

"I'll deal with them when I'm free."

The little Loli waved her hand in boredom, and then went back to the stone house to catch up on her sleep.

"Yes, little master."

As soon as the little Loli left, the strong men sped up.

Not long after.

The little dumplings with bandages were dealt with, and then thrown into the utility room in the stone house.


Inside the stone house.

Su Xing, sitting on a European-style bench, was looking down at the paper in his hand, writing and drawing while reading.

At this time, He Yong walked into the room.

"Little master, those people have been dealt with."

"Find someone to watch them, don't let them run away."


He Yong nodded, but there was still a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

"Do we need to torture them?"

"No, they won't confess anyway."

The little girl who was busy drawing said directly.

"I'll take care of them when I have time."


He Yong lowered his head and dared not say anything more.

For a moment, the stone house became quiet.

There was only the rustling sound of pencils sliding on paper.

"By the way, I'll go down the mountain to pick up supplies later."


He Yong nodded, his eyes flickering again.

"Young Master, Xiao Yu seems to have something important to say."

"Let him in."

Su Xing looked up and handed the letter in her hand to He Yong, her pink lips slightly parted.

"Do as it says."


He Yong took the letter and left in a hurry.

One minute later.

Xiao Yu walked in.

"Young Master, we saw a woman riding a tiger, and the woman was wearing a red cheongsam."

Xiao Yu reported as soon as he entered the door.

"There are many wild animals next to that woman. They look like they have mutated. They all look abnormal, with bloodshot eyes and ugly bodies."

Su Xing, who was about to write a piece of paper, paused when he heard what he said.

"YouDid you see the cheongsam female beast tamer with your own eyes? "


Xiao Yu nodded quickly, with a look of fear on his face.

"That woman... is very scary."

"How many were there?"

"I can't count them, maybe tens of thousands."

Xiao Yu thought for a while and shook his head.

"It was too dark at the time, and we were all scared. When we saw the beasts all over the mountain, we didn't dare to look at them any more."

"Did they all go deep into the mountains?"

Su Xing looked up, and his beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

Xiao Yu nodded, "Yes."

"But there was no trace of them in the mountains."

Su Xing put down the pen in his hand, and his eyes were moving.

"It seems there is a problem. "

If the beasts had entered the mountain with Ning Guan, wouldn't it be enough to just flatten Wild Dog Ridge?

Why would it take three days?

But it's also possible that Ning Guan was afraid that he couldn't find the reagent.

So he used courtesy before force.

"Young master, I have seen that cheongsam woman twice."

When the little Loli was in a daze, Xiao Yu spoke again.

"The second time I saw that woman was at the stone tablet at Wild Dog Ridge. At that time, there was only a white tiger beside the woman."

"I know, you can go down. "

A baby voice sounded in the stone house.

The next second, Xiao Yu walked out of the stone house.

For a moment, only the little Lolita who was still in a daze was left in the room.


Nanyun Province.

Continuous mountains.

A certain mountain.

Under the gray sky, the mountains blocked the sun.

And under this tall mountain range, there is a small lake.

The lake is not big, but it exudes a cold and sinister feeling.

The blood-red lake water adds a bit of weirdness.

Inside the lake is a purgatory on earth.

There are tens of thousands of animals in it.

Every All of them have bloodshot eyes and their bodies are mutated.

They have green faces and fangs, and they eat each other.


Not just eating.

They also mate and give birth.

Some beasts mate infinitely, and then eat the males after mating.

After eating, the female beasts will give birth quickly.

Not long after, a mutant baby beast is born.

This cycle repeats endlessly.

Bloody and cruel.

There is no end to madness.

Next to the blood lake, a woman in a cheongsam is watching this scene with excitement on her face.

"Great, evolve."

"In these three days, evolve like crazy!"

After the woman finished speaking, she giggled again.

"This Wild Dog Ridge is a great place."

"I didn't expect to find the lake where those researchers put abandoned biological reagents. Great, great."

"No matter how powerful you are, the reagents will definitely fall into my hands in three days."

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