Wild Dog Ridge.

Main house.

Soft light filled every corner of the house.

And in the place where the light was brightest, there were two figures.

One was sitting cross-legged on the bed.

The other was standing beside the bed.

He was staring at the figure on the bed.

The figure on the small bed was a little Lolita.

However, the little Lolita was pale, and her bloodless lips kept opening and closing.

"Why are you crying?"

A weak and tender little voice sounded in the stone house.

But it couldn't stir up a ripple.

"Little girl, melt hard!"

Old man Meng, who was standing beside the bed, suddenly spoke.

He looked at the trembling little Lolita, and then looked at the two light beads in his hands.

At this moment, the little light bead had sunk into the head.

At the same time, the little person on the bed was shaking more violently.

At this moment, the little person's consciousness began to become more and more blurred.

In the blur, Su Xing saw the little girl with the same face as himself.

"Su Xing'er."

She was the real Su Xing'er.

But now, she was standing and crying in the dark.

She raised her head, and her face was also full of tears.

"Why are you crying?"

Su Xing asked again.

The crying Su Xing'er did not answer his question.

Instead, she slowly stood up and walked towards him step by step.

But every step Su Xing'er took towards him, the shadow became more illusory.

Silent tears fell from Su Xing'er's little face.

But she was still walking towards him.

In the end, they faced each other.

Su Xing'er's illusory forehead touched his forehead.

At this moment, everything was silent.

In an instant, countless complicated memories flooded into his mind.

In the blur, he saw some pictures.

Six years ago, a little baby girl was born.

She was born in the most luxurious delivery room.

Hundreds of servants cheered her birth.

But her parents did not smile.

Her mother looked at her coldly, and then cut her wrists in front of her.

The little girl at that time did not understand anything.

She could only watch quietly with her eyes open.

She saw her mother's body being carried away, and also saw her father's disgusted and majestic eyes.

"Send the body back to the Chen family, don't dirty my Su family's land."

The father was tall and fierce, and his whole body revealed majesty.

She was still a baby and was very scared.

She shivered in the crib.

But her majestic father picked her up for the first time.

"Fortunately, fortunately you are the blood of my Su family."

At that time, she did not understand what the Su family and the Chen family were.

She only knew that her last name was Su.

Her father named her Su Xing'er.

"Xing'er, you are my star."

Her father hugged her tightly, his face full of fatigue.

"From now on, all of this will be yours."

She didn't understand what her father meant by what he said.

But from then on, she was praised to the sky.

She could get whatever she wanted.

But the tall father was no longer close to her.

Father was always busy and always had too many things to do.

She could not see him once a year.

She longed for fatherly love.

So, she started to get into trouble.

She started to lose her temper and beat the servants at will.

She was violent and moody.

She even smashed all of her father's favorite antiques.

But there was still no response.

Father would just tell the old housekeeper on the phone.

"If Xing'er likes it, buy more and let her smash it."

From then on, she gave up.

That was when her grandfather found her.

He was an old man who looked very kind.

But his eyes were always complicated when he looked at her.

It seemed that there was hatred, but also pity.

But when she looked at the old man ignorantly, he would always sigh helplessly and then hug her with tears.

"Poor child, we are relatives."


At that time, she was three years old.

But she could probably feel the closeness of the old man.

The old man was kind to her and willing to accompany her.

"Child, are you willing to go with grandpa?"

The old man looked at her with loving eyes.

But she hesitated.

She wanted to ask her father's opinion.

So, she ran into the study with her short legs.

It was on that day that she was scolded by her father for the first time.

"Get out!"

The father, who was sitting on the floor, had a face full of anger.

He shouted at her loudly.

She ran away.

But when she left, she looked back again.

Her father seemed drunk and his face was very red.

There were wine bottles all over the floor.

And in the middle of the wine bottles, there was a black and white portrait.

She had seen the person in the portrait.

That woman who cut her wrists.

That day, sheCried.

Her tears fell like pearls from a broken string.

I don't know if it was because her father was mean to her.

She had no idea.

She just cried and ran into her grandfather's arms.

"I... I want to leave."

Grandpa touched her head and picked her up.

"Okay, Grandpa will definitely take you away."

A few days later.

Grandpa really did it.

He took her away.

But when she was leaving home, the old housekeeper stopped her.

"Little master, you can play, but the master will only give you three years. After three years, you have to come back and continue to be the little princess of the Su family."

She snorted and ignored the old housekeeper.

After that, she lived with her grandfather in the Chen family.

The Chen family was very quiet.

Except for some servants, there were only the elderly grandfather and her.

She still had a bad temper and always bullied others.

She was fierce, but her grandfather was kind.

Grandpa always taught her softly.

However, she never changed.

She was always naughty, which gave Grandpa a headache.

But one day, Grandpa would never teach her again.

Grandpa was lying on the bed with bruises all over his body, and his hands were sharp nails, and the nails were full of blood.

"Grandpa, get up and scold me."

She pushed the old man's body while crying.

But the body was as hard as fine steel.

She didn't know why Grandpa was like this.

She could only cry, and her eyes were almost blind from crying.

Finally, a group of people in black held a funeral for Grandpa.

They mourned on the surface, but there was no sadness on their faces.

"You killed Grandpa."

She shouted and rushed towards those people.

"It was you who entered Grandpa's room. After a few days, Grandpa would not move."

"Miss, please be careful."

The people in black shook off her hand and left the Chen family.

But she was unwilling.

She refused to eat or drink, trying to find clues.

But there was nothing.

The servants would not let her go out, and forced her to eat.

She refused.

Later, someone told her.

Her father was also dead.

At that moment, she fainted from the pain.

Then, she lost consciousness forever.

"Help me."

When the two light beads met, a weak cry sounded.

"We must find the murderer who killed grandpa."


The little girl on the small bed nodded.

The next second, the light was bright.

The stone house was full of light.

And the two light beads hanging above the little girl's head had completely merged.

The small light bead was completely immersed in the big one...

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