Four o'clock in the afternoon.

Wild Dog Ridge.

The whole mountain was silent.

The ferocious beasts were trembling.

Their bodies were covered with dense black ants.

Those black ants had green eyes and sharp mouths, and were not big.


The whole mountain was filled with the sound of their gnawing.

In less than ten seconds, a beast was gnawed to the point of only a skeleton.

Then, one after another.


The whole mountain was like this.

The original fierce battle was ended by these black ants.

Everyone stared at the black ants in a daze, sweating profusely.

At this time, two excited voices rang out in the mountains.

"The food ant experiment was successful, and we can deal with zombies."

"The end of the world is coming to an end."

The voices were from two researchers.

They hugged each other excitedly in white protective clothing.

Mountain top.

Ning Guan's face had already turned extremely bad. Her eyes were filled with anger when she looked at the two researchers.

At this moment, the two researchers separated.

One of them looked at old man Meng and shouted excitedly.

"Master Meng, you have fulfilled your mission."

"Master Meng, take advantage of the victory and chase this witch away quickly. If she wants the reagent, she must be alive to get it."

Another researcher also hurriedly followed.

After the two of them finished speaking, Ning Guan's face became even worse.

"Looking for death."

She opened her red lips slightly and was about to give orders again.

At this moment, old man Meng in the ridge spoke quickly.


For a moment, everyone who received the order rushed towards the lone beasts.

The next moment, it was a feast of killing.

The people in Wild Dog Ridge resumed the slaughter state again.

However, the little man on the courtyard wall shook his head.

"No, it shouldn't be like this."

According to the plot in the book, Ning Guan and Old Man Meng both got the biological reagents, and Jiaojiao and Zhao Fengqin should have died.

So in the war for the reagents in the book, the Wild Dog Ridge should be at an absolute disadvantage.

But now, this situation is not right.

"There should be changes."

A soft and sticky baby voice sounded on the courtyard wall.

And not long after the baby voice sounded, a cry suddenly came from the Wild Dog Ridge where the battle broke out.

"Ah, this... this is..."

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to that person.

The next second, everyone's expressions were ugly.

Somewhere, there was a mutant wild wolf.

And the wild wolf was covered with dense black ants.

Originally, the fate of this wild wolf was to be eaten.

But the current situation made everyone tremble.

The black ants that originally covered the wild wolf stopped eating.

They seemed to have a strange disease.

They wilted in an instant.

Then, they fell from the wolf.

They fell to the ground, with their bulging bellies facing the sky, their little green eyes turned up, and they began to ooze green foam from their mouths.

It was not just this black ant.

It was not just on this wolf.


All the black ants on Wild Dog Ridge began to fall.

They came from the ground and finally fell to the ground.

When they came, their heads were facing up, but now their faces were facing the sky.

The difference was that they couldn't stop spitting green saliva from their mouths, as if they were poisoned.


For a moment, everyone panicked.

"The No. 2 biological reagent experiment failed."

"Food ants cannot escape the laws of biology and have a very short lifespan."

Suddenly, two cries were heard in Wild Dog Ridge.

The two researchers were recording data in tears.

At this moment, Ning Guan on the top of the mountain smiled.

She was out of tune with the bleak Wild Dog Ridge.

No, she was so beautiful that she had always been standing on the top of the mountain.

At this moment, she curled her lips.

"Jumping clown, I won't give you another chance."

"The third wave of beasts is coming!"

"Crush them! My Beast King Legion!"

The cold wind on the top of the mountain was howling, and Ning Guan's voice was wanton and crazy.

The next moment, a long roar to the sky came again.


The two-meter-tall white giant tiger raised its front paws and roared at the mountains.

The mountains shook with this roar.

Then, the mountains shook and the earth shook.

The next moment, the third wave of beasts came out of the mountains.

"Here it comes again."

"The third time, she actually has a third time."

"This woman is a devil."

Even though the people in the Wild Dog Ridge who were used to the storms could not help but feel weak in their legs at this moment.

Originally, the wild beasts all over the mountain were enough for them to drink a pot, but there were still the second and third times.

This woman is so damn scary.

Will there be a fourth or fifth time?

Before anyone had time to think about it, the third wave of beasts had already begun to emerge.Small heads popped down from the mountain.

Those heads were really small, like newborn cubs.

"A bunch of cubs whose hair hasn't even grown yet?"

Someone asked suspiciously.

Then, someone interrupted his fantasy.

"No, they are all super mutants, look at their body shape."

Super mutants?

These few words alone were enough to attract everyone's attention.

Almost at the same time, everyone looked at the third wave of beasts.

Those beasts with small heads also have small bodies.

Really small.

The whole body is no more than 50 cm tall and no more than 70 cm long.

They are really super mutants.

Because their original species can no longer be recognized.

They seem to be pieced together.

The body is as fleshy as a small unicorn, without hair.

But it has a thick blue-black skin.

There are also bulging bags on the body, one after another, which is extremely scary.

The heads of these beasts are like tigers, with red eyes.

But their mouths are like bats, with sharp teeth shining coldly.

Just one look, and everyone trembled.

"Fight, the strongest cub mutant army."

On the top of the mountain, Ning Guan, with a crazy face, gave orders.

The next moment, roars shook the sky.

Those newborn mutant cubs began to attack Wild Dog Ridge.

For a while, they were stuck with those people.

The people in Wild Dog Ridge waved farm tools, and cold light splashed.



After a hoe went down, there was only a shallow blood mark on the back of the newborn cub.

"Defense... so thick."

The man waving the hoe was stunned.

The next second, the surrounding beast cubs rushed towards him, ferociously.


"How can these beasts be so strong?"

"We can't beat them!"

"We're going to lose here."

Soon, miserable cries were heard again over Wild Dog Ridge.

But these cries floated to the top of the mountain and became a beautiful melody.

Ning Guan, with a smug look on his face, lay on the back of the white tiger, with an unstoppable smile on his lips.

"The cubs bred and bred in the blood lake are indeed strong."

"Having superpowers is also a waste."


Wild Dog Ridge.

The clouds are gloomy.

"What should we do?"

"These mutants are so strong."

The two researchers wiped their tears and looked at each other.

But at a glance, they saw the helplessness on each other's faces.

However, the next moment.

They all looked up and looked at the place where the mountain just shook.

"Or... let it out."

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