However, there are advantages to expensiveness.

With the increase in the level of [Iron Body], Su Zhe could clearly feel that his body had undergone very drastic changes.

It is obvious that the intensity of my body has increased very high.

“Click.” The golden world around him where time stood still shattered instantly.

Su Zhe’s pupils shrank and he saw the extremely ugly vampire rushing in front of him.

Almost subconsciously, Su Zhe raised his arms to block his handsome face.

“Bang!” A violent crash sounded.

Su Zhe’s turned into a shadow and flew out fiercely.

He hit a wall behind him hard, and the whole person was deeply dented.

The vampire didn’t seem to have much interest in Su Zhe, so he targeted the surrounding crowd.

For a while, the screams were continuous, and the crying father and mother were wailing everywhere.

“Bah… Ahhh. ”

Su Zhe, who ate a mouth full of ash, cursed.

“What the hell?”

Slowly slicing himself off the wall, he reached out and pushed away the bricks and cement slabs that were pressing on him.

Su Zhe’s gray face fell from the wall.

Standing up and even looking around, there was already a mess around it, similar to the Syrian battlefield.

On the other side of the street, the screams of people continued.

Su Zhe withdrew his gaze and turned to look at his body, the clothes on his body had long been tattered and forcibly torn, revealing a smooth and strong body without a trace of injury.

The sleeves on both arms were violently pulled down by some strange force.

The pants are also tattered.

“Just a first-level steel body actually has such a strong effect.” Su Zhe looked at his strong body with a smile.

Then he frowned, he needs to evacuate quickly, it is that foreigners have nothing to do with him, the most important thing is that the official people may soon come to investigate, and the current strength is not enough to fight the official.

It’s funny to be locked up in prison, and you can’t absorb the sun.

Thinking of this, Su Zhe didn’t bother to go to that vampire to take revenge, hurry up, and leave here, you are the right thing.

Accumulate grain and buffer king.

The words of the ancestors must be listened to.

And the local police station has already sent police, no matter how powerful the monster is, it cannot withstand the strafing of machine guns.

An hour later, Su Zhe had changed into clean clothes and returned to the hotel where he was staying.

Turn on the TV, and several channels are full of information about the disaster.

However, the host in the news never mentioned the existence of vampires.

Sure enough, public opinion is controlled by official people, maybe the world has already had these extraordinary things.

It’s just that I don’t have the ability to touch it.

The presenter has gone from a vampire to a gun thug.

It seems that all countries are the same and will not allow the word report of such an extraordinary creature.

Su Zhe opened the international version of Doumei and found that there were videos of extraordinary creatures everywhere, but most of them were deleted as soon as they were sent.

The female host said in a fresh and elegant voice: “… At present, the criminal is on the run, and the local police and military have coordinated and deployed a large number of police forces, and I believe that the criminals can be solved soon. ”

“Sure enough, extraordinary creatures are not so simple to solve, after all, vampires are still relatively good at escaping in biochemistry.” Su Zhe stared at the TV and pondered.

“It is estimated that it should also be hit hard, human weapons are definitely not for dry food, maybe they will have the opportunity to pick up a leak.”

Su Zhe’s heart fell, this guy almost killed himself, there is a chance to solve it.

Then Su Zhe ignored the news that continued to be broadcast, turned his head and went into the bathroom to clean himself.

The ash of being hammered is indeed unpleasant.

On the panel, the information about Su Zhe did not change much.

Life crystallization because Su Zhe has upgraded the Iron Man and becomes 0.

The other superhuman abilities are all level zero and have not changed at all.

However, just a level 0 Sun Body can also feel a very clear power improvement.

Su Zhe was lying on the balcony at the moment, and he could clearly feel the sunlight shining on him, and every cell in his body was happy.

It’s as comfortable as going to a hot spring when it’s freezing in winter.

“The level 0 Sun Body, although the efficiency is very low, but no matter how low it is, it is also an improvement.”

Su Zhe clenched his fists and felt the increase in his strength.

Only two hours had passed since he turned on the system and extracted the abilities of his super powers.

He also spent half an hour indoors.

It was only about an hour and a half, and Su Zhe was exposed to sunlight.

(ps Ask for flower tickets, data determines how far the book goes!) )

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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