None of the members who saw a group had any opinions.

Deputy Director Aso said calmly: “If Plan A fails, proceed directly to Plan X.” ”

“The target threat is too high, and the ability is very similar to the ability of the American movie Superman, of course, it is not necessarily Superman, it may be other similar abilities.”

“That’s why I have to snipe him in advance, in case it is superhuman ability, his growth curve is much stronger than ours, the sooner it is solved, the better.”

“However, it may also be an ordinary ability, such as the villain’s ability in the dark chariot is quite weak, but it looks a little like Superman.”

“No matter what kind of superpower the other party masters, he has not grown, and he should have just awakened at present.”

Deputy Director Aso handed several documents to everyone present, and in Thailand, he had a hard time killing even a weak F-class vampire.

“So our researchers think that he has just awakened, and the level of awakening ability is not low, and he can actually improve so high in a short time.”

“It’s impossible, it’s only been a few days, and it’s actually grown to S level.” One of the team members looked at the information dumbfounded.

“He’s growing so fast.”

Deputy Director Aso said indifferently: “So we must deal with this problem as soon as possible, either recruit or detain him as soon as possible, I suspect that he has grown faster in the past few days.” ”

“The big guys above are also a little worried.”

For the big man, the existence of the transcendent is either not used by me or destroyed.

As for the barbaric growth of Extraordinary, it was terrible.

It has been almost three years since the birth of the first transcendent being.

If it weren’t for the fact that transcendent beings could be born all the time, how could the supernatural countermeasures appear?

The transcendent who was born should all be stuffed into the laboratory, the miserable situation of their own old-timers, but they have seen it with their own eyes, and some are inhumane breeding, all the time, all the time feeding medicine to grind the blood underneath.

As for why he has to be bred, of course, since this guy’s superpower is to give birth to offspring, there is a 10% probability of giving birth to superpowers, although most of them are useless superpowers, but with infinite collision limited, as long as the number goes up, super extraordinary people will definitely be born, and they can be cultivated well from an early age as a blade in their hands.

It is much more obedient than other transcendent beings, and although the cultivation time is relatively long, the chaebols and the big family have never been a momentary dispute.

These transcendent beings do not have absolute strength and will definitely not dare to defy the above.

Deputy Director Aso focused on the X beheading plan.

It’s important that everyone is fully aware of the plan.

And according to his speculation.

With Su Zhe’s personality, he will definitely not join the supernatural countermeasures bureau.

If the other party refuses, the beheading operation must be carried out.

Otherwise, if it drags on for too long, with his growth rate, the whole country may already be unable to resist.

He has now mastered the biggest weaknesses of the target person.

According to the members of the second group, the only attack he dodged on the battlefield was the spiritual power dagger of Kasugano Dome.

It shows that his resistance to spiritual power is relatively weak.

And this is also the core of this X decapitation plan.

“Everyone move, remember the plan, start moving, I will watch you perform!”

With an order from Deputy Director Aso.

A group of members of the office sprang into action.

Teleporter, carrying the team to the target place.

The bustling streets of Kyoto.

Su Zhe wandered aimlessly, although he wanted to chat with Aunt Sayuri about his feelings these days, he estimated that he would be stared at, so he still didn’t make trouble for her.

With a cold drink in his hand, he walked slowly.

“Hah! This is life, what you want to eat, what you want to drink. ”

The only problem now is to crush the next snooping snoop.

As for why Su Zhe would know?

Of course, it was deliberately revealed by some people.

There are no secrets in this world.

As Su Zhe walked, he suddenly found that the crowd around him was getting smaller and smaller.

It seems that this group of guys is coming.

Is this ability an idler retreating?

Soon the street was all emptied, and the originally lively street suddenly became very empty.

Two voices came to mind from behind Su Zhe.

Two men in uniforms who looked very handsome walked towards Su Zhe.

“Hello, Mr. Su Zhe.”

“Get acquainted, Kazuya Shinomiya, leader of the first team of the Lower Paranormal Countermeasures Bureau.”

Su Zhe looked at him with a frown and asked, “That Fourth Palace Family?” ”

“Yes, after awakening the extraordinary ability, I entered the Four Palace Family.” A group of group leaders said with red faces.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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