“I once rescued a special superpower, because the body does not have any rejection reaction, and has the ability to heal itself quickly, providing living organs to those chaebol high-ranking people.”

“As for the Dongying high-level? Do you know why you are so provocative, supernatural countermeasures, and still no one is managing you? The laughing middle-aged man became crazier and crazier the more he spoke.

“What reason?” Su Zhe asked expressionlessly.

“Because those upper-level people have released a demon in the dark dimensional world of Fukushima, they have no way but to forcibly suppress it with high-level transcendents, resulting in a relatively low level of transcendent beings residing in the real world.”

“At the beginning, there were about 30 A-level transcendent beings who were given up as bait, and it was even less worthless to work for those people, and the chaos in the inner world was also caused by that time.”

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he took out a USB flash drive from his hand and placed it on top of a tombstone.

“This is the evidence, and let’s think about the investment you give, we are the kind of people.”

“We can sense your concealment, your revenge, your forbearance, you are definitely not the kind of waste who is willing to succumb to others, but a person who pursues strength, peace, and dreams like us, and we want to solve these moths that violate human rights!”


Are the current villains so idealistic?

Su Zhe sighed.

Although he does not have a good impression of the supernatural countermeasure room, these guys master the chaebol and official black materials, and will definitely win over many transcendent people.

Perhaps their dream is indeed to give the transcendent sufficient human rights.

But the end result is that the contradiction between the transcendent and the ordinary is deepening.

But what does this have to do with yourself, love it.

Anyway, it was the Japanese who died.

Once these transcendent beings know this, any normal person is right in his heart. The supernatural countermeasure room also has chaebols, centrifugal detached.

“Sure enough, if the villains are together, it will only be more divorced, after all, there is only one throne.”

The supernatural countermeasure room and the official black material are indeed very materialistic and real.

Any young man or teenager who sees what the high-ranking and chaebols do to the super-powered people will hate them.

However, it has to be said that human malice is really quite terrible.

Among them, there are many transcendent beings who have crossed into this world from another world, or intelligent beings…

Humans disassemble it for study.

Either deprive it of its power or keep it in captivity.

Among them, the supernatural countermeasure room is more peaceful.

Those in power are more human in comparison.

But the military department and the chaebols called everything they could, which made Su Zhe open his eyes.

As long as they find an opportunity, they are basically locked up, or doing research or making humanoid weapons.

Direct trafficking to other countries.

After reading these materials.

Su Zhe was even more convinced that he wanted to become stronger.

Let others always look up to themselves.

However, Su Zhe did not fully believe this information……….

The technology of this world has reached a certain level.

Even videos can be faked.

No one can say whether the information is true or false, but this thing has no wind and no waves, and you must be careful.

The trick of the Supernatural Research Institute is originally a Yangyang Scheme, as long as you don’t believe that others are all kind.

Then this information has already succeeded.

Moreover, Su Zhe and the supernatural countermeasure room are so serious, it is absolutely impossible to have a heart with them.

However, they still underestimated Su Zhe, how could they join these small organizations in the gutter.

Don’t underestimate the education of Yan Country.

Wang Hou will look at it, and Ning has a feeling.

If the eldest husband is the same, he can take his place.

This is a mark deeply engraved into every Celestial Empire through the depths of this soul.

It’s just in the Yan Kingdom, but this is Dongying!

As if thinking so, Su Zhe pulled out the USB flash drive and put it aside.

The USB flash drive indicates that this world may be a high-dimensional invasion, or it may be a fusion of other worlds and this world.

All abnormalities, whether they are traverser systems, can also awaken, ghosts and demons, and even devour a dimensional realm of an area.

It’s all about the illusory world being transformed into reality.

The Supernatural Countermeasure Room joins forces with other countries’ transcendent organizations to seal it.

Slow down the integration between worlds.

And the world is truly divine.

It’s just that the gods have been dragged down by other worlds in order to protect this place.

Su Zhe thought that he should not be an opponent of the gods at present.

The real world doesn’t know when a loophole appears, like a black hole that absorbs other worlds.

This god has fallen into this world from other worlds…

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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