Su Zhe’s hands were like phantoms that brought out countless afterimages on the keyboard.

It only took half an hour to complete a chapter.

After a simple look, there was indeed no abnormality, and Su Zhe directly took the drawings and novel manuscripts downstairs.

Su Zhe glanced at Machida Yuanzi, who was already asleep lying on the sofa.

At this time, Su Zhe had the effort to look carefully, and found that Machida Yuanzi’s face was unexpected, looking very haggard, and it was far from the radiant feeling when he first met.

The whole person has lost weight, even if she has painted heavy makeup, she can’t cover her thick dark eye bags, and her hair looks a little withered, looking very tired.

Seeing him like this, Su Zhe was also a little guilty, he was a friend who had talked for so long.

Because he became like this because he was worried about himself, he still did everything to coerce her, and this time he went out to let go because he didn’t have much patience with her.

Su Zhe, who had long known about her mother’s medical problems, not only did not help her, but only hung her with his work.

Sure enough, I was a scumbag.

Her face was still deeply uneasy, as if she was some nightmare, her face was almost twisted together, and her eyebrows were furrowed.

Cover her with his own clothes and use the means he has recently developed to calm others with powerful mental power.

It has been tested many times, and although it cannot hypnotize other people, it has a strong soothing effect and can make people have a good dream.

The invisible condensation of spiritual fluctuations slowly poured into her body.

Then Machida Yuanzi’s face slowly soothed, but at this moment, a strange fluctuation suddenly appeared, and Su Zhe felt that his spiritual power was bounced off by a mysterious force.

Machida Sonoko fell into pain again, and her face became tangled.

“No, who is the black hand?”

Someone is going to strike at themselves?

No, it was a shot at her?

Su Zhe directly turned on his super vision and looked at Machida Yuanzi, this power contains strange negative power, the quality feels very high, but it is very weak, and the mental power scan around does not find obvious strength or spiritual power.

This power must come from her, and it is not the influence of the outside world on her.

Within Su Zhe’s super vision perspective, Machida Enko has a lot of life and spiritual energy escaping from her.

But these emitted spiritual and life energies are very wrong.

Ordinary people are absorbed by the inner world, but it is just a wisp of green smoke, which will not cause any harm to humans at all.

Machida Yuanko’s body almost condensed into a column of steam.

Like boiling water, a huge column of water vapor evaporates and appears.

That is, she is still young and can withstand it.

Those who are a little older will definitely be pumped to death.

However, these transpiring life and spiritual energies were not absorbed by the things in the inner world, but were attracted by a strange bracelet in his hand, and then fused into it.

“Wake up, Sister Yuanzi!”

“Ugh!” Machida Enko suddenly woke up with an exclamation.

The shrine Peking Opera seemed to dream of something terrible, and then frowned suspiciously.

“What’s wrong? Look at how you don’t seem to be in good spirits. ”

“It’s not all to blame on you, since I ran away last month, I have been looking for you to read early, and suddenly it has become like this, I have never slept well, and then I have nightmares every day, you have no conscience, and let me accompany you.”

Su Zhe smiled embarrassedly, this is indeed an excessiveness of his own doing, but if he admits his mistake, he will not change it!

“What nightmare? Can you talk about it? After thinking about it for a long time, Machida still didn’t remember what she dreamed about.

“Erm….. It seems to have forgotten. ”

Then he gave Su Zhe a blank look and said, “Maybe I dreamed of you guy.” ”

“Forget it, these things are not important, by the way, your manuscript is ready?”

“Okay, how about a look?”

“Well, it’s worthy that the quality of your article is indeed very high, and the plot this time is also quite explosive.” As soon as Machida got the manuscript, she commented on it with her own professional vision.

For the merits written in it, he did not hesitate to praise and put forward some suggestions, but Su Zhe did not change it.

“Sister Yuanzi, where did you get this black bracelet on your hand?” Su Zhe asked quietly.

Su Zhe wanted to know the origin of this thing, whether others wanted to calculate themselves from the people around them.

“This is the bead string I asked my aunt to ask for from a sect called Night Fortune that has recently emerged, it is said to have the ability to do what he wants, and the rumors in the room are very valid, fortunately, my aunt is from the Lu Sect, so she can help me ask for one, ordinary people can’t get a way to ask for it.”

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