“If you dare to touch Misaki, I will definitely go to Chihiro-san to file a complaint.” Seeing that Mitaka Ren was really a little angry, Su Zhe did not continue to ridicule.

As for Misaki, Su Zhe was too lazy to lick the plate.

These two people really love each other, what are they doing when they have nothing to do?

“Well, I don’t like Misaki either, you can play slowly with her by yourself.” Su Zhe waved his hand and didn’t want to deal with this sea king.

“Since you’re not here to pick me up, who are you here to pick up?” Mitaka Ren asked curiously.

Su Zhe took out his mobile phone and showed him the photo.

“What a cute little girl!”

Mitaka Ren looked at Su Zhe with a sad look and said, “Such a beautiful child, it is estimated that he will not be able to escape the poisonous hands of this scumbag of yours.” ”

“What are you talking about?” Su Zhe said unhappily.

“This is your sister?”

“It’s not.”

“Since it’s not your sister, isn’t she very dangerous to run into someone like you.” Mitaka Ren said with a deserved look.

“Go aside, this is Chihiro’s cousin, let me pick it up.”

“Hehe, I’m afraid it’s not a sister at that time.”

While the two were chatting casually, Su Zhe saw a white figure coming out of the exit gate of the plane.

The girl is tall and slender, looking very slender, with silky light yellow long hair shawl.

Her skin is as white as snow, and a pair of phoenix eyes make her have some maturity.

The girl stepped off the plane, pulled her small suitcase, and sat down under a huge banyan tree.

She has an angel-kissed face, her delicate facial features are expressionless, and her body seems to radiate light.

A faint aura of hollow isolation from the world began to spread, and it seemed that everything around it began to fade.

She was left alone in the whole world.

This is a person who is clear in his own world, and his mind is not much interested in everything in the outside world.

“That girl’s temperament is quite unique, Su Zhe, I’m more and more sure that she will definitely not be able to escape the palm of your hand.” Mitaka Hitoshi pushed the frame of his glasses and looked at the girl who was as delicate as a porcelain doll12 with some surprise.

Even if Mitaka Renyue has countless beauties of this level, she has never seen a few, and there are few of them with unique temperament.

Generally do not look at him.

Su Zhe looked at the picturesque Shiina Mahaku in front of him with pure eyes, and then said with a smile: “How?” Did you fancy this little guy? ”

“It’s not a heartbeat, she’s not my type, but this guy may be very suitable for you, completely dependent on other people’s silk, I bet she will definitely not survive if she does not rely on other people.” Mitaka Ren looked at Su Zhe meaningfully.

Most of Su Zhe’s ex-girlfriends chose to break up because their personalities were too tough.

In this era of women’s liberation, it is difficult for these excellent girls to accept Su Zhe’s dream of opening a harem.

A floral wind blew through.

The cherry blossoms falling from the sky and the long hair of the girl sitting under the tree dancing with it, unfolded like a beautiful picture scroll among pedestrians.

The girl raised her head, her clear eyes radiated a bright light, and looked at Su Zhe who came closer, and asked, “What color do you want to become?” ”



“The world needs to be destroyed and brought with new life.”

Shiina Mahaku tilted his little head and looked at Su Zhe curiously, not understanding the meaning of his words.

“So what color do you want to become?”

“I….. I didn’t think about it. The girl looked at Su Zhe in confusion.

“My name is Su Zhe, Chihiro-sensei entrusted me to come and pick you up, she should have called you and said it.” Su Zhe handed the photo of her in the mobile phone to Shiina Mahaku to see.

“Su Zhe, I like your name very much.” Shiina Mahaku’s voice did not rise or fall much, and he read Su Zhe’s name.

“Then thank you for the compliment.” Su Zhe smiled slightly, took her luggage and prepared to go to the parking lot.

“Hmm.” Shiina Mahaku nodded quietly and obediently followed Su Zhe.

As for the fox dog friend Mitaka Ren, he had already disappeared when Su Zhe stepped forward.

Who Su Zhe likes doesn’t have much to do with him.

As for not liking Misaki, as for the question that Zhenbai will be eaten dry and wiped clean by Su Zhe, he is still more cordial and Su Zhe, who is a good friend with himself.

And he didn’t think that Su Zhe would treat this girl badly.

Su Zhe walked slowly shoulder to shoulder with Shiina Mahaku, and Su Zhe deliberately slowed down and let Shiina Mahaku follow him.

Su Zhe likes children very much, and it would be better if he could have such a cute little child in the future.

Lolicon? Su Zhe is not such a beast.

Although Su Zhe is very handsome, because Su Zhe’s strength is too strong, others subconsciously avoid Su Zhe.

Because of standing beside the girl, passers-by began to pay attention, mainly because the girl was too dazzling.

Tall and slender body, delicate facial features.

It has the three-dimensional facial features of Westerners, the exquisite facial features of Asians, and the incompatibility with the world.

People on the road will stop in amazement and take a few more looks.

Parking is reached very quickly.

Su Zhe drove her back to his villa.

Kasuganodome wore the clothes of a maid and respectfully welcomed Su Zhe in.

His eyes looked at Su Zhe like scum.

A little contact with Shiina Mahaku, you can know that this girl is completely a blank piece of paper, much cleaner and purer than herself.

Now it will also fall into the hands of this scumbag.

What the hell is wrong with this world? Breath shaking cold.

Su Zhe was also not satisfied with Kasugano’s attitude, and slapped him fiercely.

“Ah…” Harugano, who blushed shyly, stared at Su Zhe with a look of shame.

“What’s wrong with me again!!” Kasugano shouted without tears.

“I don’t like the look in my eyes.” Su Zhe withdrew his hand and said casually.

“You guys are there….. Do? Shiina Mahaku looked at Su Zhe and Kasuganodome with a curious look.

“Nothing, just a little punishment for this disobedient little maid.” Suzhe Melt said.

“Oh, Zhe, I will be obedient.” Shiina Zhenbai looked at Su Zhe with an innocent look and said seriously.

“Uh-huh, Zhenbai is a good boy who is obedient.”

The two completely ignored Kasugano, who was shining with tears in the corners of their eyes, and began to interact.

Kasuganodome wiped a handful of tears and went to the kitchen to fetch some fruit for Mahaku.

One afternoon on the balcony was served by the Kasugano Dome, nothing to play with Mahaku for a while, this life is simply immortal.

Speechless all night.

The next day, brush your teeth, wash your face, and get dressed.

Su Zhe came to Shiina Mahaku’s room. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Knock knock.”

“Shinhaku, it’s time to get up, Chihiro asked me to take you to school.”

No response?

Yesterday I obviously let her go to bed early, why can’t she get up?

“Knock knock.”

Still no response.

“Zhenbai, I’m in.”

The door did not lock the door, and the lock opened directly with a twist.

Slowly opened the door, and a messy room met Su Zhe’s eyes.

Clothes, books, underwear, pajamas were littered everywhere, as if several thieves had entered the room, robbing the room.


Sure enough, it was the same as Su Zhe guessed.

Su Zhe’s gaze quickly locked under the computer desk.

There, the clothes were wrapped up in a ball, leaving only a small white foot that leaked out, which looked like a small white ice cream.

Su Zhe dragged her out directly.

Shiina Mahaku’s delicate little face also looked messy, with long pale yellow hair scattered messily on the side, and a small pink hood on his head.

The pure white bitter tea seeds were also thrown at the feet.

Su Zhe saw this famous scene and thanked the god who sent him over.

Su Zhe poked Shiina Zhenbai’s delicate little face.

“Hey, it’s time to get up, Xiao Zhenbai, if you don’t get up, I’ll delete all the comics you drew yesterday.” Su Zhe threatened viciously.

“Nope… No. Shiina said with a confused snort.

“Although I don’t mind your lateness, you better get up.” Although Su Zhe felt that it didn’t matter if Shiina Mahaku was late, for a genius like her, no matter what she did, there was a place.

There is no need to run for life like ordinary people.

Su Zhe directly pinched Shiina Mahaku’s delicate nose and did not let her breathe properly.

“Hmm…. Hmm….”The feel like mutton fat jade made Su Zhe love it.

The girl, who could not breathe, only lasted a few seconds before she had to open her eyes.

First he glanced at Su Zhe a few times, and then reluctantly got out from under the table.

The sheets, clothes slowly slipped off, revealing the shoulders, arms……… A delicate and perfect person was presented in front of Su Zhe.

She is God’s favored favorite.

Shiina Mahaku was still rubbing her sleepy and hazy eyes, and did not notice Su Zhe’s gaze, or that there was no problem of male and female defense in her consciousness.

If there is no one to take care of it, nine times out of ten, someone will be sold somewhere.

Su Zhe looked calm and admired the beautiful scenery in front of him.


“What are you doing?” Kasugano, dressed in a maid outfit, suddenly rushed in and protected Shiina Mahaku behind him.

“You pervert, she’s still a child.” Kasuganodome said angrily.

Although it was only a short time together yesterday, Kasuganodome already liked this simple girl who had no scheming.

“I didn’t do anything.” Su Zhe threw the clothes on Shiina Mahaku’s body and asked her to dress.

“Get out.”

Su Zhe shrugged and walked out.

“Shiina Mahaku! You can’t do this, although he is your guardian now, but you must guard against that guy, he is a big colored wolf. “Shiina Mahaku can immediately educate Shinhaku.

“However, Su Zhejun is a good person, and he likes me in his eyes.” Shiina said expressionlessly.

“That’s why you should avoid him and like the pervert of the young girl!” Kasugano Dome’s prejudice against Su Zhe has become inextricable880.

Although this is only true.

Kasuganodome also discovered the problem, Shiina Mahaku actually can’t wear clothes.

Can only help her put on all the clothes little by little, can’t let Su Zhe a big man dress a young girl, right?

“Dressed and ready to go to school, is Dome going to school together?” After following his uncle, Dome has not been to school for a long time.

Su Zhe also did not allow her to go to school.

“I….. I’m not going, and I’m going to find friends at school. Kasugano smiled reluctantly, he didn’t even have freedom now, and he actually wanted to go to school.

Then she went out on a spring night and let her brush her teeth, wash his face, blow his hair, and organize her school bag.

She took care of the girl like a full-time nanny, and by the time it was done, it was almost 9 o’clock.

“Zhe, didn’t you say you’re going to be late?”

Su Zhe touched Shiina Zhenbai’s little head and said: “It doesn’t matter, it’s okay if things are delayed or late.” ”

Dome, do you want to go to school with Mahaku? I’m a little worried that she’s going to lose. Su Zhe saw the envious gaze of the dome sister and thought that she was still of school age, and it was not a good thing to be trapped in the villa by herself.

It’s better to let her accompany Zhenbai to school.

Kasugano suppressed the excitement in his heart, his eyes shifted, and he said nonchalantly: “When… Of course no problem, I’ll take care of Mahaku. ”

Really a tsundere girl.

“I really miss going to school.”

Su Zhe held Zhenbai with one hand and Kasugano Dome with the other.

With these two perfect loli in, the return rate on the road is 150%.

As for why he led Shiina Mahaku, it was naturally because the other party walked too slowly, and if he didn’t pay attention to it, he would get lost and lost.

It made Su Zhe feel very dangerous.

As for why he was holding the Kasugano Dome, he naturally needed a bowl of water to be flat, and of course he couldn’t drop the Kasugano Dome by holding Shiina Mahaku.

The warm morning sun shone on his body, and Su Zhe could clearly feel that his skin was like photosynthesis.

Crazy absorbing the energy in the sun, strengthening and transforming his body.

Feeling the continuous surge of power deep in his body, Su Zhe’s mood couldn’t help but get much better.

Superman’s ability is really perfect, there is no need to deliberately cultivate at all, and you only need to honestly bask in the sun every day to become stronger at super speed.

Simply the best way to get stronger for lazy dogs.

For Kryptonians, shining into the yellow sun is like turning on the switch for super purification.

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