Early in the morning, Su Zhe gently kissed Kasumi Hills Shiyu.

Smiled and left, and after Su Zhe turned around, Kasumigaoka Shiyu came out of the bed with a red face.

Everything yesterday was so exciting.

She didn’t want to face Su Zhe this morning, otherwise Su Zhe would have another morning luck, and it would really be the death of the society.

Su Zhe had a casual bite of breakfast on the way, and after going back to his villa, he picked up Zhenbai and Qiong and went to school.

“Zhe, where did you go yesterday?” Zhenbai stared at Su Zhe expressionlessly, as if he was looking at a negative man.

“I went out to find a friend and negotiated a deal worth hundreds of millions.” Su Zhe touched his white and silky hair and said.

“Be sure to bring me next time.”

“This is not okay, let’s talk about it when Zhenbai grows up, staying up late in the evening is not good for children.”

“Zhe, I’ve grown up.” Zhenbai’s eyes flashed with a hint of discomfort.

“I think you’re still a kid, you’re right, Dome.” Su Zhe said jokingly to the dome.


Qiongmei doesn’t want to talk, and even wants to throw you a little boy.

Today’s school is very lively, and under the care of Su Zhe during this period, Zhenbai did not delay much time to go to school with Qiong.

When stepping into the school to change shoes, Su Ze ran into Lias and Himejima Juno again.

As for the kitten is not at this age, Su Zhe can’t see it for a short time.

In the Demon High School, Su Zhe was most interested in kittens, and no Chinese could refuse a big cat with silver hair and golden eyes.

Yukino would definitely be very excited when she knew Tacheng Baiyin’s words.

“Three, good morning.” The long black hair that had reached the calves was combed into a single ponytail, and the hands were folded on the abdomen, and the elegant Yamato Fuko Himejima Juno saluted the three of them slightly, and said with a smile.

“Hello, Himejima Juna, Lias.” Su Zhe nodded and left with Zhenbai and Qiong.

After leaving a great distance.

Zhenbai pulled Su Zhe’s sleeve and said, “Zhe, stay away from those bad women in the future.” ”


“……. It won’t be Misaki teaching you again. ”

Su Zhe sent these people to the class.

“Minister, he seems to be getting stronger again.” Jijima Zhu Nai smiled and watched Su Zhe’s three people disappear after suddenly speaking.

“Well, I wonder how far he is from the Transcendent? Or it has reached the strength of the transcendent, but we can’t detect it. Lias nodded slightly.

“The minister is estimated to be your dependent, even if his strength is shown now, he has already surpassed you, how can he tend to be inferior?”

“Hmm….. It’s man-made, let’s take a look. ”


Su Zhe, who had nothing to do, did not go to save the desperate Dongying masses.

Su Zhe has not returned for two months, the main world has changed a lot, and the integration of the demon college world has made this world support more gods.

The world has become more and more stable, and Su Zhe can only obtain a small number of life crystals when he goes out to fight.

The Demon High School Demon King level is for SSS-level transcendents, and the transcendent corresponds to the god level.

Suddenly there were many more god-level existences, which made the five gods who supported the main world relax a lot.

Although none of the transcendents of the Demon Academy possessed the God Domain because of the different cultivation systems, the combat power was indeed not inferior to those gods who had the God Domain, and even the combat power was higher than these gods.

Su Zhe began to rot, and it was difficult for Su Zhe to get enough life crystals in the real world.

Because the strength of the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau and the Transcendent Research Institute has increased a lot, whenever dark creatures appear, someone always arrives in time, and Su Zhe is basically not needed.

Moreover, the life crystals obtained by going out to fight in the wild are extremely different from the life crystals provided to him every day by the Chopping Chi Dimensional Secret Realm, which has changed the speed of time flow.

Even to the point of a drop in the bucket.

Su Zhe was lying lazily in Hiratsuka’s private office, Chihiro did not want to see Su Zhe, and Su Zhe was not good to force his ex-girlfriend.

Lai stayed in Hiratsuka’s office and didn’t leave.

Let’s see if you can continue the frontier, after all, Su Zhe’s current capital is already very different from his original capital.

It is estimated that the old guys in Hiratsuka Shizune’s house have all begun to pressure her.

“Xiaojing, think about whether you want to be my girlfriend.” Su Zhe lazily lay on the sofa in direct sunlight and inquired about Hiratsuka Shizuma.

“No, you guy, I want to be your girlfriend, it is estimated that at least dozens of people in the front row, this is still famous, without a name, it is estimated that there will be hundreds of people.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka lit a cigarette and said with a big grin.

She also knew that Su Zhe was just hungry for her body, but after the initial fierce refusal, her heart was even heavier.

How much affection can he have for himself, he is already old at this age, and it is estimated that Su Zhe will begin to dislike himself in a few years.

“Whew… If only you guy wasn’t so. ”

“Hmm… If I am not colorful, it is estimated that this world has been destroyed long ago, and there is a cultivation method on the side of the Yan Kingdom called Taishang Forgetfulness. ”

“Too high to hope for the way of love, cut off love, kill Qi preaching but Erer, I am still too kind.” Su Zhe constantly instilled his own concepts in Hiratsuka Shizune.

Hiratsuka quietly perfunctory Su Zhe, not talking about the object, we are still good friends, the two people’s belief is indeed excellent, and it is very comfortable to talk.

“Does Xiao Jing want to cultivate? Su Zhe suddenly asked.

Hiratsuka was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said, “I don’t want to owe you such a big favor, and I haven’t heard of any family that has a cultivation method. ”

“I am a transcendent being, and the awakened superpower naturally does not have cultivation exercises, but recently I have met some people who have cultivation, if you are willing, I will help you ask for some exercises.” Su Zhe said indifferently.

“Forget it, I’m not interested, I’d better teach well.” Hiratsuka Shizune ignored Su Zhe’s look that wanted her to beg herself.

“Then you have to think about it, lack of strength is the root of the tragedy of this world, and I will not always have time to be by your side.” Su Zhe looked at Hiratsuka Jing seriously.

“Will I die at the hands of those transcendent beings or gods?” Hiratsuka Shizune ignored Su Zhe and looked out the window.

“Of course not, how could I possibly allow you to die?” Su Zhe said the established facts domineeringly.

“Hi hi hi, I won’t die anyway, why should I practice.” Shizuki Hiratsuka also began to be willful.

The loved one is always fearless.

But what she didn’t notice was the ridicule in Su Zhe’s eyes.

In this apocalyptic world, there is no voice without power.

Only when there is a real life and death crisis or the death of a few close people, Hiratsuka Shizumi can be willing to attach himself to himself.

Although some are not very upright, it has nothing to do with whether Su Zhe can save people or not and Pingzuka Jing, after all, the relationship between the two is just friends.

Of course, Su Zhe will not act as a villain and directly send people to attack and kill people close to her, but in this chaotic world, even if Su Zhe does not push it, danger will appear around her.

“Knock knock.”

As Su Zhe pondered when Hiratsuka Jing would surrender and play with her, there was a sudden knock on the door.

“Junai Himejima-san, what are you doing here?” Hiratsuka asked curiously, this transfer student has little to do with himself, basically a stranger, suddenly looking for himself.

“Shizune Hiratsuka, let me find Mr. Suzhe, is it okay?” Himejima Juno smiled and looked at Hiratsuka Shizune and Su Zhe with a gentle smile.

“Of course, no problem.” Hiratsuka Shizune set his sights on Su Zhe.

Su Zhe nodded and followed Himejima Juno out of Hiratsuka’s office.

After Su Zhe left, the shelf that Hiratsuka was holding could no longer be maintained.

His face turned red and covered his mouth.

I blame my mother for telling myself every day that Su Zhe is good, yesterday I dreamed of that with Su Zhe, sure enough, I was single for too long, and I held it too much.

“Is Himejima-san looking for me?” Come to the corner staircase of the teacher’s building.

Su Zhe looked at the elegant black-haired beauty in front of him suspiciously.

“Su Zhejun, I wonder if you have heard of our mysterious research institute?” Himejima Juno said mysteriously.

“Well, I heard a friend say it.” Su Zhe nodded.

“I wonder if Su Zhejun is interested in joining our mysterious research institute?” Jijima Junai took a step forward, and the soft pancreas on his body almost touched Su Zhe’s body.

The fragrance on his body pierced directly into Su Zhe’s nasal cavity.

But the distance was just right, leaned down slightly, brought his mouth to Su Zhe’s ear, and said mysteriously: “Joining the Mystic Research Institute will have great benefits.” ”

A faint smell of milkshake entered his nose, and because of his posture, his gaze naturally fell on the magnificent hill.

Su Zhe did not shy away from these, as an old dog, what should I do if others tempt themselves? Eat it directly.

He rubbed it unceremoniously.

“Ah, what are you doing.” Jijima Juno can no longer maintain the temperament and elegance just now.

Su Zhe didn’t lack strength, after all, he was a demon.

“I’m not from this school who graduated a long time ago, is it interesting to invite me to join some mysterious research institute?”

“Eh…” Jijima Zhu Nai also looked at Su Zhe in surprise, she originally thought that Su Zhe dangled in this school every day, and should be a student of this school.

Just a few days after coming to Kyoto, the intelligence network has not yet been arranged, and there are some missing intelligence. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, knocking down the pig milk did not give up just like that, but looked at Su Zhe with deep meaning.

“Even people from outside the school can join our mysterious research institute, do you want to come and see?” The club is in the building behind the teacher’s building. After Himejima Juno finished speaking, he mysteriously left.

Su Zhe raised his eyebrows, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

Want to use yourself against that turkey?

Su Zhe returned to Hiratsuka Shizune’s office like a nobody.

He met Hiratsuka Shizuki’s curious gaze.

“Is that little girl just now also your latest target? She likes you? Hiratsuka asked curiously, perhaps she didn’t notice that there was a hint of vinegar hidden under her curious words.

Su Zhe shook his head and said: “I liked me after just meeting a few times, I’m not so narcissistic, but after I have the power, some people with hearts began to plot against you.” ”

“But I don’t hate it, as long as they’re willing to pay the price.”

“Huh, scumbag.”

“What kind of scumbag is this called, this is just a deal that you are willing to make.” Su Zhe did not approve of Hiratsuka’s words.

Those good girls who are willing to play friendly matches with themselves are definitely treasures of this world.

“Cut, you guy.”

After all of them got a (manno’s) morning Hiratsuka quiet, Su Zhe went out to bring her back a luxurious lunch.

As for Qiong and Zhenbai, they honestly ate the “civilian version” bento that Su Zhe gave them.

If they are too far away from the masses, it is not conducive to making friends, and Su Zhe still hopes that they can find true friends in school.

After Su Zhe finished eating, he lay on the sofa where Hiratsuka was still leaning against the window, playing with the cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor that he had gotten from Hyoto Kazusei.

The Red Dragon Emperor’s cage hand turned into a faint red dragon shadow figure, wrapped around his arm.

At this time, the Red Dragon Emperor’s cage hand was still in a sealed state.

Su Zhe did not choose to fuse with this artifact, and explored the essence of this artifact through his huge spiritual power.

As the source of the power of this artifact, the soul of the Red Dragon Emperor was one of the strongest in the second echelon of this world, the Second Heavenly Dragon.

According to this prop, it is enough to judge the strength of the peak combat power in the demon college.

The cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor, one of the strongest artifact divine exterminators.

The ability to have is doubled, every ten seconds, with the power of double the strength of the host, as long as the physical body can withstand it, it can always increase the host’s strength without limit, and even surpass the power of gods and demons.

However, Su Zhe thinks that this guy should be blowing, and Su Zhe’s current strength can be doubled, and he thinks that this is a real artifact.

The second ability is to transfer the power of the amplification to someone else.

The third ability is to penetrate, ignoring the opponent’s defenses, and directly attacking the body.

It is a powerful conceptual ability to reverse cause and effect.

The fourth ability is fire, and if you can stick to the ultimate flame that incinerates everything, even the gods will turn into a flying ash army.

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