“Are we going to find them now, or are we going to the center of this place to see.” Su Zhe looked at the two and asked, it didn’t matter which one he chosen.

Hearing this, Lias thought for a while, and said in a consultative tone: “After all, we have an alliance agreement with Cangna, Su Zhe, your strength is enough to run amok in this place, so why don’t you find them first?” ”

“Good.” Su Zhe nodded, and then looked at Jijima Juno behind him. “You can’t go fast like this, I’ll hold you.” Jijima Zhu Nai was more injured than Lias, the bones of her whole body were shattered, and her internal intestines were shattered almost only one breath, if Su Zhe hadn’t arrived in time to stimulate her physical vitality to repair herself, she wouldn’t have lasted long.

Although she has recovered some magic power now, the physical injuries make it a little difficult for her to walk slowly, let alone mobilize her magic power to fly extremely fast.

“Ahhh! I’m okay, I just don’t know if the minister will be upset. The pale-faced Jijima Juno covered her mouth and chuckled, she looked sickly soft and beautiful at this time.

“They all hurt so badly and laughed.” Lias shook her head wordlessly.

However, just as Su Zhe hugged Jijima Zhu Nai with the princess, his consciousness suddenly became a little strange.

“What’s wrong?” Looking at Su Zhe, who suddenly did not move, Lias was a little puzzled.

“I don’t think we have to look for them everywhere.” Su Zhe smiled, and then flew to a mountain wall with Jijima Zhu Nai in his arms, and landed on it under the blank eyes of the two.

“Boom!!” A large hole hundreds of meters deep, one mile in radius, and through two passages appeared in front of the three people.

“Su Zhe, don’t tell me that you have always walked like this in the dimensional secret realm.” Lias’s tone was a little stiff.

“yes, how fast that is.” Su Zhe nodded reasonably.



Su Zhe’s domineering way made the two a little uncomfortable, and at the same time, they were shocked by Su Zhe’s strength again, you must know that this wall that is permeated with void power is as strong as a golden stone, even if the two of them are full strength, they can only hit a ten-meter-deep pit.

And Su Zhe, just a kick……… In another huge cave near the center area, a curtain of light shining with fairy light shrouded a corner like an inverted bowl, and inside was Canna, Zhenluo Chunji, the four of Jiabriel, and the humanoid Thor, and Conna was looking out with a solemn and fearful expression.

A strange strange strange stared at these people.

If it weren’t for the support that Lias provided them just now, it is estimated that they would not have been able to insist on Su Zhe’s arrival.


Su Zhe looked at this ugly and cute weirdness, although it was a little cute, but it was better to die honestly.

A violent sound of breaking the air came, and the noise caused by sixty times the speed of sound, even these extraordinary people on the scene sounded very harsh.


The high-speed friction of the air abruptly wiped out the strange friction in front of Connor and directly turned it into flying ash, but it did not affect Connor and their protective shield at all.

A line of sight fell on the eight people in the defensive array, which immediately made them tense and condense the strength in their bodies.

“Haha disappeared, sure enough, this strange king of hell who faced the future still honestly fled for his life.”

The few people who took Cang ignored her, looked outside and frowned slightly: “Do we leave here now, or continue to hold on to the big array?” , The weird disappearance just now was too bizarre, and it was directly beaten into powder. ”

“I think it’s best for us to wait for rescue here, there are too many such polluting monsters outside, and once we encounter this number again, we may not be able to buy time to set up the formation.” Zhenluo Chunji calmly analyzed.

“Well, I think so too.” Behind him, the dragon wings stretched, and the half-dragon half-human Thor nodded slightly in agreement, not arrogant thinking that he could run amok in this dangerous place.

The strength reached the point where she realized that the attack just now was too outrageous, and it didn’t even contain a trace of extraordinary power, and she completely felt that it was physical damage.

As for the four of Jia Baili, they didn’t ask about taking Cannathol, the strength of the four was too low, and it was already a matter of righteousness to bring them.

Just as they were making their decision, the mountain wall in front of them collapsed with a bang, and the sky was full of rubble like cannonballs covering the earth, and a huge hollow appeared in the rumble.

Several people were shocked again, thinking that something powerful had come over.

So when Su Zhe flew out of the hole holding Jijima Junai and Lias, he saw Thor and the eight of them looking relieved.

“Are you all right?” After opening a small opening in the large array and letting Su Zhe and them in, he took Himejima Junai, who was watching him with concern.

“I almost died, but fortunately I met Su Zhejun.” Lias shook her head with a slight wry smile.

At this time, Jijima Zhu Nai also asked Su Zhe to let her down, so many people watched, even she felt a little embarrassed, especially there were a few stunted little girls.

“How, have you encountered something dangerous?”

“By the way, cousin, have you encountered a very many tentacles of weirdness.” At this moment, Satania asked excitedly.

“The weirdness of the multi-tentacles?” Lias was stunned.

“Yes, yes, let me tell you, that weird time… It’s terrifying, one day Lord Satania I will accept it, only it can be worthy of the greatest Lord Satanya in the future. Satania said what happened before her in a few strokes, and then Lias and Jijima Junai couldn’t help but look at Su Zhe.

“Ahem… I think we should go to the central area of this place, there seems to be good things there. Su Zhe coughed, interrupting Satania’s words and proposing.

By this time, he already felt that there seemed to be something good in the center of this evolutionary place.

“Go to the central area, there must be many monsters that become stronger after being polluted?” Withdrawing Canna was a little hesitant.

“Boom!!” At this moment, the entire cave was turned upside down and shook wildly, it seemed that there was a terrifying giant tearing outside, and everyone could not stabilize their bodies under the terrifying coercion.

“Be careful.” Su Zhe frowned, reached out and hugged the injured Lias and Jijima Junai, and looked up at the sky.

“Boom!!” An even more violent tremor erupted, and the entire cave began to collapse on a large scale, revealing the pitch-black void outside, and a dark shadow darker than the void.

The black shadow filled the void like an ocean, and a pair of huge palms appeared to grab the bridge of the void, breaking it domineeringly, causing a huge shock.

“Don’t move, we’re going back.” Noticing the drastic changes in the power of space, Su Zhe reminded.

The strange bridge that is the intersection of the two worlds will be broken, and this place where the bridge merges the spatial evolution of the two worlds in a short period of time will also collapse, the overlapping corner of the two worlds will be re-divided, and the creatures belonging to their respective worlds will return to their original places.

Su Zhe finally took a deep look at the endless void, and then they returned to this world and appeared in the valley that had turned into ruins and evil things had descended.

At the same time, dozens of embarrassed figures appeared around them, most of them were covered in blood, and some even made a look of bursting power, obviously in the midst of a fierce battle.

At this time, they suddenly appeared in the present world, these people were first dazed, and then they lay on the ground with a look of disaster for the rest of their lives.

“How do I have a dreaming feeling.” Looking back at the gods, he looked around as if he had experienced the baptism of doom, and smiled bitterly.

“Hurry up, all injured adults, please don’t move…” At this moment, a mountain at the foot of the mountain rushed over with many people, including medical staff, cultivators, priests, and transcendent beings who were good at healing.

“You can go back on your own.” Su Zhe looked up at the darkened sky, the sun had already set, and it was almost past seven o’clock.

“If you have something to do, let’s go first, we are safe here.” Although Lias was a little reluctant, she still nodded.

“I promised Zhenbai to go back to dinner, everyone, goodbye.” Su Zhe, whose eyes had returned to black and white, smiled slightly at the other people, and then the figure rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

“What a fast flight speed.” Su Zhe’s speed of flying tens of miles in an instant surprised Thor.

“Lias, you are not a simple member.” Zhi Cang Na said with some envy, her attention had been falling on him after Su Zhe appeared.

“What’s not simple, Su Zhe is just a good strength.” Lias ruffled her long hair and chuckled. Among those who survived, there were also a few eyes on Su Zhe’s departing back.

One of the armor on his body was broken, a little embarrassed but could not hide his demeanor, the silver-haired girl with waist and waist, biting her lip and forcibly enduring the injury, watching Su Zhe leave with her sword, her eyes flickering. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“I’m wondering how the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau is going to explain it to those forces behind it.” Lias looked around the busy crowd, her tone was a little cold, she had long felt that something was wrong this time.

When they came, there were nearly one hundred and fifty people, all of them were important figures of the young generation of major forces, or those with outstanding talents, and at this time, less than forty people died.

“We are all outcasts this time, think about what they let us bring before we leave, let’s go, go back to the underworld first to ask the old brother.”

In the pitch-black void, the rubble turned into strange remains of the void floated in all directions, and Meteora held the head of the strange demon king dripping with blood in one hand, and Diodora, who was caught unconscious, frowning and whispering in the other.

“I didn’t expect that thing in the eighth forbidden area could actually be located through that demon dragon through the distant void.” Standing on the black demon python corpse that was broken in two, the seriously injured missionary looked pale at the place in front of him that was darker than the void, and said with a bitter smile.

“Well, if you hadn’t come in the end, we might have planted here today.”

“But this harvest is good, although the demon dragon and the black-robed man ran away, but under the hands of such a monster, they also dealt with the sealing evil things, leaving three otherworldly demon king-level monsters has already reaped a lot of gains.” Meteora did not feel regret and said indifferently.

“Coupled with the fact that you intercepted and killed Li Zevim three demon king-level subordinates on the periphery, Li Zevim was also injured by you, and he definitely didn’t dare to rise up in a short time.”

“This result is already somewhat unexpected.” Meteora rarely had a smile on her serious little face, looking at the dark area.

“Among those sent by those forces, have there been signs of angel and demon activating the atavistic bloodline, and human transcendent cultivators have sensed the law.” In the depths of the darkness, an erratic voice sounded faintly.

Meteora shook her head with some regret: “It didn’t appear, I didn’t expect that the sealing evil thing that appeared this time would actually sacrifice its life to evolve the bridge, and did not enter the full battle posture to break out the origin of the void.” ”

“There is no Void Origin Stimulation, and this time everyone has not shown signs of awakening the atavistic bloodline.” Saying this, Meteora said with a strange look in her eyes: “But the strange thing is that although no one showed signs of awakening atavistic bloodline, my artifact sensed that more than a dozen people were in a desperate situation of life and death, revealing signs of a second awakening bloodline. ”

“Second Awakening!” The missionary couldn’t help but rejoice: “Good thing, although it is not as great as the atavistic bloodline potential and has the potential to reach the Transcendent Level, it is completely fine to enter the Demon King level, and you can add some helpers.” ”

“But here’s what makes me strange.” Meteora smiled bitterly and said, “Twenty-eight reaction points were suddenly killed when they were about to awaken, and only three survived. ”

“What?” The missionary frowned, and after being silent for a while, he sighed with pity: “Because they should have met that strange head, it’s a pity.” ”

“In this way, this time there were more than a hundred elites of major forces who died, and none of them awakened and broke through.” In the darkness, the erratic voice said indifferently.

“No, there is still a gain, that weird was killed.” Meteora had a faint smile on her face.

“Weird was killed by the people below! Wasn’t it killed by your hand? The missionary’s old face showed surprise, knowing that even if it was him, he had to pay a price to kill

“Who broke through?”

“Don’t know?” Meteora shook her head slightly, her Wanlishu artifact didn’t react at that time, and she could be sure that none of those people had broken through the Transcendent level, so… A guess came to Meteora’s mind, but she didn’t say it.

“This news is good, a hundred potential stocks, it is not comparable to a really powerful one, and when darkness comes, he can’t make a move.” The voice in the darkness said indifferently, in its eyes, it seemed that the elite of a hundred major forces had died, and it was very cost-effective to exchange for a breakthrough in terms of powerful combat power.

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