The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 109 Just a little dizzy

Xie Ning took a look and felt that the material of this magic weapon was similar to the sky blade that the young man gave to him earlier.

It's just that she has obviously practiced ahem, and her sword-playing moves are much better than hers.

"team leader."

"Ready to shoot."

Xie Ning led the power grid to rise suddenly and hit the top of the tunnel with a bang.

The huge movement caused the mutated zombies to roar and roar.

The members of Team A were already ready and fired forward as fast as they could as soon as the grid moved away.

There were more than a hundred zombies that had been electrocuted, and they had lost the ability to move. Now that they were headshot, the picture was quite perfect.

After finishing his round of shooting, Gu Chen stepped on the wall and threw himself sideways towards the back of the dirt bag.

He raised his sword and dropped it, and there was a zombie howl from behind.

Xie Ning took advantage of others' unpreparedness and silently put the one-person high power grid fixed on top into the villa restaurant.

The metal grid she made earlier took away almost half of her supernatural energy. Based on the premise that it could not be wasted, Xie Ning decided to keep it.

Even if they asked later why the grid was gone, she could just lie and say... she couldn't control herself and smashed into the roof of the tunnel to pieces?

You should be able to fool around with it.

"Miss Xie, please take a rest quickly." Several team members saw that her face was a little pale and couldn't help but urge her.

Xie Ning felt that she was okay and her powers were not completely exhausted.

Those zombies just now, under the control of the first-level mutant zombies, hit her metal grid desperately, causing her some internal injuries.

But it should be fine to go back and take a short rest.

Xie Ning comforted them with a few words and turned her attention to the first-order mutated zombie fighting Gu Chen.

At this time, she had a clear view of the other party.

Covered in rags and tattered clothes, he was wearing a piece of white window screen, and when he was fighting Gu Chen with his teeth and claws, he felt quite, uh... fairy-like.

Bah, bah, what kind of immortality does a broken zombie have?

Xie Ning suddenly remembered, wasn't this the immortal-like zombie she saw on the top floor of Tianrun Supermarket in her dream? ?

Why did she see a spiritual mutant zombie in her dream?

"Be careful of its mental supernatural attacks." Xie Ning hurriedly warned.

This kind of spiritual zombie has strong control ability, but is slightly inferior in combat.

But it seems a little miserable when it encounters Xiao Gu...

After Xie Ning finished prompting, she saw Gu Chen kicking the zombie against the tunnel wall.

Before the zombie could raise its head and roar, the long sword as black as ink had suddenly pierced the opponent's head, and stirred it vigorously to vent its hatred.

The poor mutated zombie opened its mouth, could no longer roar, and fell down crookedly.

Xie Ning hurried forward, rushed in front of Xiao Gu, and walked around him, "Are you okay? Didn't you feel anything during the battle?"

Gu Chen was cutting open the zombie's head and taking out a shiny crystal core the size of a grain of rice.

He turned his head and almost bumped into the little girl who was spinning around him. He couldn't help but laugh, "It's okay, I just got a little dizzy when I fought with it."

Xie Ningmu looked at him expressionlessly, "Oh."

Are you sure it's not Versailles? She just fainted after being yelled at by the zombie several times.

Being so close to the mutated zombies, she just felt a little dizzy during the fight and had no other effect. Ning Ning had nothing to say.

Just as she was about to turn around and leave, Xiao Gu held her slender arm and said, "Here."

Xie Ning looked down at the crystal core thrust into her hand, her eyes moved slightly, "This..."

"I already have two of them. I sent them to them for research. My sister has helped us so much time and time again. You are not allowed to shirk this anymore."

The crystal nuclei of mutated zombies will be ten times the price of ordinary crystal nuclei after the apocalypse.

Ningning thought about the big family she wanted to raise, so she no longer refused, nodded and accepted it happily.

At most, if she has any other work to do in the future, she will be there to help.

The zombies digging holes around the earthen grave fell to the ground, with almost nowhere to stand.

Xie Ning looked at it with slight disgust.

Gu Chen waved his hand and asked his teammates to step forward and throw the twisted zombies aside to create a path.

Then he stepped forward and walked around the earthen tomb bag, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Wow, you're so talented!" A teammate said speechlessly, "This pit is so densely buried, isn't there a lack of oxygen in it?"

"Earth superpowers can control the earth. As long as there are some gaps, there should be no lack of oxygen." Xie Ning stepped on the ground next to the grave bag.

"How to get them out..." A teammate twitched his lips and looked at their captain speechlessly.

"Go get some tools and dig it out." Gu Chen was speechless.

What could he say? Team B is still full of talents.

As soon as the group was about to return to the car to get the excavation tools, they saw that the earthen grave bag began to move, and the soil layer continued to tilt to the left and right sides.

A bare head emerged from the grave with a pop.

"Brother Wu!!" Everyone exclaimed and hurriedly stepped forward to pull him.

"Captain Gu." Wang Bingwu was surprised and happy when he saw the person coming. "Hurry, it's okay to come out soon. Captain Gu is here to save us."

At this time, the tomb had completely collapsed, and more than twenty people emerged from the pile of soil, coughing and coughing.

"Captain Gu." A group of disgraced young men almost burst into tears when they saw him.

"Captain Gu, take a look at Qiangzi, he seems to be dying."

"We were stuck here all day and night, and many of our teammates were bitten by zombies and assimilated. If Hadron hadn't suddenly burst out with a strange earth power to protect the rest of us, all of us would have been doomed by now."

They carried the brother named Qiangzi out and laid him flat on the ground.

Xie Ning walked over with a big helmet on her head, reached out and touched Qiangzi's forehead, with a serious expression on her face, "The superpower has been used too much. Get the person in the car to rest quickly."

The issue of excessive use of superpowers is not a big deal or a small deal.

It is not uncommon for some unlucky people to fall into a coma due to excessive use of their powers and never wake up again.

Everyone turned to look at her, "What should we do?"

"We can only rest more, let him sleep, and give him more water. If there is a nutrient solution, it would be better to give it to him."

Gu Chen nodded and took note, asking several teammates to carry Qiangzi on their backs and escort him back to the car to rest.

At this time, a young man in black with a gray and haggard face stepped forward and said, "Gu Chen, what do you mean? We will naturally take care of our teammates, and there is no need for you to interfere in other people's business."

Everyone in Team B kept their mouths shut as they dared not speak out in anger.

Gu Chen stood up and glanced at the man, then suddenly grabbed him in front of him with one hand, as if he was lifting a chicken, swishy and fierce.

A punch landed hard on the opponent's stomach.

Xie Ning blinked and felt that Xiao Gu's fist was much harder than the two fools who hit Yu Tianfeng before.

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