The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 111 One word reveals the mystery

When Xie Ning woke up, it was already half past five.

The car has turned onto the national highway and the journey has been smooth.

The little girl looked at the man driving the car expressionlessly.

As soon as she moved, Song Youai beside her woke up immediately and lowered her voice and said, "Wake up Ningning."

"Good morning!" Gu Chen glanced at her from the rear mirror and greeted with a smile.

Lu Wei, who was in the passenger seat, moved and sat up straighter, "It's half past five? Why didn't you call me?"

Why is Xiao Gu in their car? Xie Ning asked Comrade Song Youai with her eyes.

Her mother smiled at her and said, "Xiao Gu, they have too many people in their car and it's overloaded. I see that our car and the Jinbei are both empty, so I asked them to send a few people over."

Xie Ning nodded, yawned, and turned to look out the window.

She happened to see a zombie with a tilted head on the side of the road turn around and make eye contact with her.

Xie Ning turned her head expressionlessly and looked at Xiao Gu who was driving in front.

Lu Wei was taking out food and water from his backpack and turned to give them to the mother and daughter.

Song Shijun was leaning on the side of the car window, not knowing what sweet dream he was having, and was talking.

Alas, pretty boys are good-looking, but the zombies are so ugly that they are off-putting.

Xie Ning cursed and took the food handed to her and thanked her.

"That mental zombie wearing a window screen must have gained some intelligence. His base should be at Tianrun Supermarket."

Lu Wei was stunned, "Is it the supermarket we detoured from before?"

Xie Ning nodded and took a bite of bread. "This zombie will run in both directions, leading the zombies to the Tongjiang Tunnel, and then run back to the supermarket to continue hunting. Because his little intelligence told him that the people passing by the supermarket every day There should be a lot.”

It is estimated that there are countless people hanging in the hands of this spiritual zombie.

Fortunately, he was finally killed, and he was killed in his early stage. If he grows to the third level, fourth level, or fifth level, it will be extremely difficult to deal with the mental zombies.

"Little sister, how did you know he was over there at Tianrun Supermarket?" Lu Wei asked curiously.

Yes, how did she know? Xie Ning still can't figure it out.

"You may not believe it, but I dreamed about him." Xie Ning recalled the scene in her previous dream, "It was like playing a black and white movie, flash by flash. In the flashback, I dreamed of Tianrun. There are hundreds of zombies blocking the door of the supermarket. Now I think it was the spiritual zombie who summoned it."

"I see." Lu Wei suddenly realized, "No wonder you asked everyone to take a detour earlier."

Gu Chen blinked and said, "Sister, I don't think you are dreaming about watching a movie. You are probably having a mental telepathy."

"What?" Xie Ning's hand that was chewing bread paused, and she sat up straight, "What kind of feeling."

"Psychic induction, you most likely have hidden spiritual abilities."

Song Youai looked at his daughter in confusion.

Isn’t my daughter a small-space superpower? She said it herself!

When she later awakened the metal thorn power, Song Youai thought that this was the icing on the cake, but she didn't expect that there was another spiritual system that she didn't understand at all.

"Impossible." Xie Ning waved her little hands and shook her head seriously, "It's impossible, you think too much."

"If it's the spiritual system, how could I not feel anything at all?" Moreover, when she advanced to the first-level power, there were only two crystal objects in the energy source, representing space and metal powers.

If there is a third kind of superpower, there should be three crystals, or it would be more appropriate to call it the energy crystal of a superpower.

"I think it's very likely." Gu Chen analyzed it for her while driving, "Were you in the car at the time? How could you happen to be near Tianrun Supermarket in a dream and see a large number of zombies gathering at the same time? "

Xie Ning was almost tempted by Xiao Gu!

Then she shook her head firmly and said, "It's impossible."

What good things are you thinking about?

Mental abilities are one of the top abilities in the world, unlike normal attack abilities which are very powerful from the beginning.

The mental abilities in the early stage may be relatively weak, but once they grow up in the later stage, they are incomparable to those ordinary attack-type abilities.

Gu Chen saw the solemn expression on her little face and couldn't help but smile, "Don't deny yourself so quickly. You can try slowly in the future."

"This time you used the spiritual power inadvertently, which means that the spiritual part of the energy source is still quite weak, and may not have fully manifested yet. You listen to me, and slowly wait until you are home and alone. Practice. If you think about it, you can always find a feeling."

Xie Ning nodded dubiously.

"Ah!" Song Shijun suddenly became excited and shouted, standing up.

The range of movement was too large, and his head hit the roof of the car. He grinned in pain, but he finally woke up.

"Junjun, what's wrong?"

Only then did Song Shijun see clearly that he was in the car and was very safe with his aunt and sister.

He wiped his cold sweat and said, "I, I dreamed about my parents."

"This kid." Song You patted his nephew lovingly, "Don't worry, Junjun, mom and dad will be fine."

"If everything goes well, we can reach the Song Family Pavilion in about twenty or thirty minutes."

After Gu Chen said this, the few pickup trucks in front of him slowly pulled over and stopped.

Xie Ning:......

Lu Wei glanced at his brother, feeling a little embarrassed.

Gu Chen blinked, not feeling embarrassed at all, "Stop, maybe there is another truck to be moved ahead, I'll go down and take a look."

"I'll go too." Xie Ning planned to take a few steps, stretched her legs and shook her waist, and then got out of the car with Gu Chen.

As soon as I got out of the car, I heard two muffled shots coming from the front.

When Xie Ning passed by, there were already a lot of melon-eaters crowding the roadside to watch the fun and not take it too seriously.

A female zombie with scratches all over her body and part of her intestines falling out dragged her dilapidated body and turned around, howling lowly at everyone.

"Oh my god." An aunt next to her shook her hands in fright and dropped the yogurt box to the ground.

Xie Ning looked down at the wasted food and sighed silently.

In ten days and a half, Auntie will regret today's wasteful behavior and regret throwing away this half box of yogurt for the rest of her life.

"Sister Ning Ning, is this the one in your team? Who is that?" Gu Chen's voice reached her ears.

Xie Ning raised her eyes and recognized her, "It's Annie."

Annie becomes a zombie.

It seemed that Annie took Lou Dali and the others away, and the return journey was not pleasant.

A young comrade gave Annie a gun and sent her on her way smoothly.

After the rest of the group quickly cleared away the dozens of zombies blocking the area, everyone drove away again.

After entering the West City boundary, some people drove off on their own to find relatives, but there were still a large number of people who believed that Gu Chen and the others could protect everyone, so they followed closely.

“I’ll raise the courtyard wall higher when I get back.”

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