"What did he say!" Because Du Zhonggang spoke too fast, Matsumoto Daichi didn't understand and turned to look at the little translator.

After the little translator explained it to everyone, several people from R country shouted in dissatisfaction, "Why should we check our bodies?"

Some of the people who got off the bus had already lined up in a long line under the arrangement of the military.

Several people from R country were still shouting on the sidelines.

"Then how come the people in the two cars just now were able to get in smoothly? There was no need to register or have a physical examination?"

The little translator ran to Du Zhonggang to negotiate with sweat on his forehead.

However, after searching around, no one could see Du Zhonggang, so he could only chatter with the soldiers in charge of registration.

"They are from the Song Family Pavilion! What registration do you need to register? Hurry up and line up! Don't be stuck here and affect other people."

"If you don't want to register and don't want to stay here, you can leave now!"

When the crowd in the queue heard this, they all started to criticize, "What are you doing? Don't stand here and influence everyone. Just leave without registering. Why are you standing in front of me?"

"Don't think that just because you are from R country, you have special privileges. Just wait in line!"

Xie Ning and others were completely unaware of the commotion at the entrance of the village.

At this time, Xiao Gu had driven Xie Ning's family to the gate of No. 85 and looked up at the wall of the courtyard.

"Has it been increased?"

This courtyard wall is clearly the handiwork of my little sister.

The wall, which is more than two meters high, has a row of metal spikes on it, which shine brightly in the sun.

Xie Ning's eyes fell on the top of the door, where half a tattered thick quilt hung. What was going on?

"Wu Meng, come here." Gu Chen waved to the boy who jumped out of the Jinbei car.

The young man ran over quickly, took out a lot of supplies and piled them aside with a wave of his hand.

Two boxes of canned meat, two boxes of canned mango, two boxes of yogurt, one box of bear biscuits,

Two packages of oatmeal, two packages of lotus root starch and sesame paste, and some other bits and pieces of vacuum bagged food.

Song Youai quickly waved his hand after getting off the car, "Xiao Gu, don't bring any more things. You didn't even finish the things you gave us last time."

"It's okay, Auntie, keep it and eat it slowly." Gu Chen chuckled, "My sister has helped us a lot this time, so little care is not worth mentioning."

The iron door suddenly opened at this moment. When Song Youai looked up, he saw an old lady in colorful clothes running out of the door happily.

He slapped his thighs hard with both hands and yelled "Hey yo yo", "Dayong, Shufen, come out quickly, the government is sending us supplies!"

Xie Ning looked at the old woman who was an excellent singer and songwriter with a blank expression, then quickly stepped forward and stood upright in front of a pile of things.

The old lady ran forward and pushed her, "Hey, get out of the way. Dayong, Shufen, come quickly!"

The small pile of things on the ground looked good. The old lady took a cursory glance and saw a packet of black sesame paste.

Isn't this suitable for breakfast for an elderly person like her with bad teeth?

"Taixian Zongxuan, Xiao Yuan Moli, and who else." Xie Ning waved, "Come over and move the things together, help me move to the fourth floor."

The young man next to Mo Li hurriedly ran forward and introduced himself in a low voice, "Ning, Sister Ning, please call me Xiao Zhang."

"Well, move quickly." Xie Ning stood in front of the old woman and was pushed twice by her, but she still didn't move at all.

Another man and a woman ran out of the iron gate. They were around forty years old, and their facial features were similar to each other.

Song Youai looked surprised, "Grandma Junjun, Uncle Junjun, why are you all here?"

Song Shijun also got out of the car at this time, standing aside with his lips pursed, looking at these uninvited guests irritably.

The old lady glanced at Xie Ning who was standing in front of her, slapping her thighs and howling, "Hey, little girl, what are you doing to stop me? Don't, don't grab it, what are you doing! Everyone who sees the supplies distributed by the government has a share. , you can’t rob them all!”

"Stop howling!" Song Shijun yelled angrily.

Song Youai quickly stepped forward and grabbed him, frowning and looking at the old woman. "Grandma Junjun, what are you doing? These things are not issued by the government. They are Xiaogu's thank you gifts for us Ningning."

"Dayong, Shufen, hurry up and move it! What are you doing standing still?"

He Shufen stepped forward and grabbed the box of yogurt held by Xiao Huangmao.

Xiao Huangmao was anxious, "Auntie, what are you doing? Don't do it, Auntie, I won't do anything serious. If it hurts, don't cry later."

"In-laws, what are you doing, why don't you let go quickly?" The Song family members who came after hearing the news also ran out.

It was really exciting for a while.

"Sister! Sister." Song Kexin jumped behind the crowd.

"Auntie." Gu Chen turned to look at Song Youai, "Want to help?"

"No, no, no." Song Youai hurriedly shook his head and smiled bitterly at him, "Xiao Gu, you guys still have something to do, why don't you go and do it first?"

Gu Chen nodded.

Others are making a fuss about family affairs, and it would not be good for them to stay here and watch the fun.

So he nodded to Song Youai, said hello to Xie Ning, and left quickly.

"Hey, come and take a look. There are a lot of goods in this car. Come here, Dayong and Shufen." Mother He saw that her children could not grab Xiao Huangmao and the others, so she drove the car and looked around.

This is incredible. There are a lot of medicines and seeds stuffed in the little golden cup.

Because there was too much space for the second-hand cargo, I moved some out and put them on the car temporarily.

When Ji Taixian saw how brave the old lady was, he was so frightened that he ran over and pulled the car door, "What are you doing? Don't touch these things. Those seeds will be sent to my brother later. They are needed by the military."

The old lady was so angry that she rushed over and beat Ji Taixian again and again.

The young man held his head and kept shrinking back, and everyone was half-collapsed in the car. For the sake of his sister Ning, he did not dare to fight back.

"In-laws, in-laws." The two elders of the Song family were anxious.

When the commotion was getting louder, Xie Ning suddenly took out the Heavenly Blade and slashed the old woman's side with a bang, leaving a shallow slash on the roof of the Jinbei car.

"Try screaming again? Let's see if I can chop you to death!"

The noisy scene suddenly came to a complete standstill!

The old lady raised her hands tremblingly and looked at Xie Ning with her mouth wide open in fear.

Ms. He Shufen, who was still trying to grab the yogurt box from Xiao Huangmao's hand, also retracted her hand in shock.

The yelling, crying and arguing stopped suddenly!

Half an hour later, the iron gate of the Song family opened wide.

Each suitcase packing bag was kicked by Miss Xie with her feet and legs. She took three steps, one kick, five steps and one roll, and kicked them hard towards the door of Song's house.

The Song family members stood on both sides of the aisle, not even daring to breathe.

There were only bursts of crying and yelling from the He family in the back room.

He's mother followed Xie Ning and kept cursing, "It's a thing that kills a thousand swords" and "You little bitch, you can't kill me easily."

Xie Ning's mother got angry and slashed the iron door with her knife, "You old bitch, why don't you scold me again? See if I don't stab you to death!"

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