The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 115 Protect our home

Xie Ning didn't say a word from beginning to end. She swept the person out and turned around to leave, pursed her lips and said nothing.

But everyone was a little afraid to say anything. It seemed that the little girl was a little angry!

Song Youzhi desperately winked at his eldest sister Song Youai, meaning he would go up and talk to the little girl.

But Comrade Song Youai was also a coward. At this time, she would never dare to provoke her daughter, so she hurriedly shook her head and waved her hands at Song Youzhi.

Song Youzhi couldn't help but roll his eyes and wanted to scold his sister, but after thinking about it, it felt a little inappropriate, so he turned around and gave his daughter Song Kexin a fierce wink.

Song Kexin pursed her lips. Under the urging of her father Song Youzhi's eyes, she reluctantly rolled her eyes and shuffled towards the living room.

After a while, Song Kexin ran out happily and waved to everyone in the small courtyard, "Sister, I want to hold a family meeting."

Then he turned to look at Ji Taixian and Xiao Huangmao, "You guys, wait a moment. When our family meeting is over, I have something to say to you."

Song Youzhi quietly approached Song Youai, "Sister, my decades of life experience tell me... there will be no good luck."

Song Youai twitched the corner of his mouth, and while he couldn't laugh or cry, he felt vaguely worried.

The old couple of the Song family, the third sister and brother of the Song family, the third daughter-in-law He Shuping, Song Kexin, Song Shijun and Xie Ning sat in a circle around the sofa.

In addition to the fourth son Song Youxuan's family, three generations of the old Song family were present.

Before Xie Ning could say anything, Song Kexin was the first to raise her hand and express her opinion, "I think what my sister did is absolutely right! I have endured them all day and night!"

When the little girl talked about the six members of the He family, she was full of resentment.

"Earlier, those people wanted to occupy the fourth floor of my aunt and my sister's house. After being rejected, they occupied my uncle and aunt's wedding room. What are they doing? Do you have any self-awareness of being a guest? Really? This is their own home."

"And those two naughty kids! One is nine and one is ten years old, and they can eat better than pigs!" Song Kexin felt deeply resentful when it came to food.

The two little bears rummaged around in the kitchen all day, eating whatever they found. Fortunately, she hid all the food in her room and locked the door, so that she could avoid being poisoned.

"Kexin." Song Youzhi scolded and winked at his daughter, "How can you talk?"

My aunt He Shuping was so ashamed that she almost dropped her head into the soil, rubbing her hands all the time, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry to everyone, it's all my fault."

"No, how could it be your fault?" Song Youzhi hurriedly comforted, "Shuping, don't take it to heart. A child can't speak. She is just aggrieved because her food was robbed."

Song Kexin snorted softly with her lips flattened.

She is so duplicitous. It is obvious that her father is the one who complains the most in front of her!

"I called you all here just to talk to you about this matter." Xie Ning spoke calmly. She was neither particularly angry nor emotional, and just described the matter very calmly.

"I believe that my uncle and aunt will have a clear view of what is going on outside now that they have escaped all the way back."

Uncle Song Youyi nodded, his eyes under the lenses showing a hint of solemnity.

"This time we brought Junjun back from Sioux City and experienced a lot of dangers. The zombie virus has been mutating, and we encountered the Rat Man." Xie Ning told his family everything that happened.

There was no adding fuel to the fire or any promotion of a heroic complex, they just stated the facts they had witnessed with their own eyes.

How do ordinary people survive in the hell copy.

Aunt He Shuping hugged her son and turned to look at Xie Ning, with a grateful expression on her face, "Ning Ning, I really want to thank you very much."

"I, my little aunt, really don't know what to say."

Old Mrs. Song smiled and wiped her eyes, "Shuping, one family does not speak the same language as the other. I believe that Ning Ning did this just for her brother. That is because of their deep brother-in-law love. We are the oldest. Seniors should be proud and happy."

"Yeah, yeah." He Shuping nodded heavily with tears in her eyes.

"I hope all of us can realize the seriousness of the current situation." Xie Ning took a deep breath, turned on her mobile phone, and showed her family some desolate scenes taken along the way, as well as scenes of rat people burning on the spot.

"If you are still dreaming, the world is only chaotic for a while, not for the whole life. It will gradually stabilize and get better. I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible."

"The biggest dilemma we are currently facing is the shortage of food and some daily necessities."

"It may not be reflected in these two days, but what about three days, five days, seven days later?"

"I hope that everyone can help me to protect our home before we move to the safe zone!" Xie Ning said lightly, "The first step is to prevent the idlers from letting them in casually."

"Okay." Everyone realized the seriousness of the situation and nodded in agreement.

Uncle Song Youyi looked ashamed, "It's all my fault. I didn't dump them on the road."

Song Yaoguo was speechless, "What's the use of dumping him? It's not like they don't know the address of the Song Family Pavilion."

"This is the most difficult thing for Shuping to do." Song Youai sighed, took the hands of his younger siblings and patted them, "Shuping, you have such a soft temper, and you have been manipulated by those in your family for so many years. ."

"Now even for Junjun, you have to stand up!"

"Listen to Ning Ning, if the time comes when you are really short of food and clothing, is it possible that you will use Junjun's share to supplement your unruly and willful younger brothers and sisters?"

He Shuping's face turned red, "Sister, I, I know. I will change it, sis."

Xie Ning was not familiar with the He family. They only met once a year at the family reunion dinner hosted by her brother-in-law's family and occasionally said hello.

She didn't want to mention the bad things about the He family at all, so she changed the topic directly, "Uncle, what's going on with the half-broken quilt on our iron door?"

When he mentioned this, Song Youzhi laughed angrily, "Aren't they those two weird brothers and sisters across from us?"

"Ning Ning, that Li Dawei, he has awakened his power! And Li Xiang, it seems that he has also awakened some kind of power. I don't understand what it is."

"They climbed over the wall with quilts?" Xie Ning looked at her uncle Song Youzhi doubtfully.

"That's right! I don't know what I think. I can't get off the hook. It's just what happened last night. Oh, you don't know. That's a big deal!"

Yesterday afternoon, I was pleasantly surprised to see my younger brother and his wife coming back, but before I could be happy, the He family gave the old Song family a huge shock.

At night, brother and sister Li Dawei sneaked up the wall again. However, they overestimated their own abilities and could not get past the metal thorns. They hung the quilt on the door with both of them.

"The two siblings howling at the door were louder than zombies." Song Youzhi said with a look of disgust.

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