"It is reported that some people mutated after having a fever in the isolation room."

Gu Chen and Lu Wei hurried to the isolation room upstairs, "Have you got it under control? Don't let him bite others."

The two of them walked three steps at a time to the door of the isolation room. They saw several teammates holding one-meter-long forks to suppress the manic and roaring man.

Gu Chen took a look and saw that he was one of the three strong men who had been caught for his sister yesterday.

They had been tied up and thrown outside the villa before. After it started to rain, they were all dragged in. Unexpectedly, they still got a few drops of rain.

"People from the Biomedical Research Institute are here."

"Don't let me go out?" Gu Chen was angry and walked to the other end of the corridor.

Wei Zhengtong, Yu Tianfeng, and Fang Jiawen came up, fully armed, each carrying a square metal instrument box.

"Captain Gu, there is an unknown virus in the rain. We have gone through three sampling procedures, but the virus elements lack sophisticated instrument testing, and the reason is currently unknown. You must inform us as soon as possible and tell everyone in the Song Family Pavilion not to go out until the rain stops." Wei Zhengtong He said to Gu Chen with a serious face through his protective mask.

Gu Chen nodded, "We have sent someone to the radio station to inform us immediately."

"We are in urgent need of human samples for in-depth research." Wei Zhengtong said with a heavy face, "Although saying this may make you feel inhumane, the dead are gone, and the living must continue to walk on. I heard that you have controlled several samples , hoping to give us one to do research on.”

"Boss, the one inside has been solved!" Xue Feng, a middle-aged strong man, strode out, his eyes met the looks of Wei Zhengtong and others looking like fools, and he was stunned.

"What's wrong?" the man asked angrily.

Yu Tianfeng took two steps forward, "How can you waste the sample? That is a very good living sample! You can provide it to us for research."

"What kind of sample?" The 1.9-meter-9 strong man was a little annoyed. "They are all human beings, right? Everyone is dead, so let them die with dignity."

Wei Zhengtong hurriedly stood in front of Yu Tianfeng, fearing that he would be beaten by another strong man again!

"That's true, but scientific experiments always require someone's dedication." Wei Zhengtong said seriously, "Since these living dead will be executed sooner or later, is it better to make the best use of them by leaving them to us for research before then? ?”

"Perhaps the words "make the best use of everything" may sound harsh to you." Wei Zhengtong sighed, "But if the research institute can prepare corresponding control agents, etc., can it make some contribution to human survival? "

Xue Feng scratched his head. He was a rough guy, but he couldn't compare to a gentle doctor.

But I feel that these principles are not very fair to the experimental subjects themselves.

Maybe after people become the living dead, they just want a gun to send them away in peace, and don't want to be taken apart and sewn together again, all kinds of research?

Lu Wei pushed up his glasses and replied politely, "Doctor, what you said makes sense, but since the experimental subjects you want are very, very dangerous, we have to think about it again."

"If it will affect your personal safety, then it's better not to do it for the time being."

Gu Chen was silent for a long time, "How many people have high fever before and after?"

"Ten of my brothers started to have high fevers, and they were all brothers who happened to be on duty last night."

"There are two other strong men among the crowd. They are both suffering from fever and there are some signs of mutation."

Gu Chen took a deep breath and said, "Go ask them."

"team leader."


There was silence in the corridor, Wei Zhengtong looked solemn, and even Yu Tianfeng stopped talking.

Within five minutes, Gao Youxing, who was inquiring, hurried back, clenched his fists and choked, "The two people have completely mutated, and everyone else agreed."

"Doctor, just wait here." Gu Chen turned around and left.

Knowing that his brother was feeling uncomfortable, Lu Wei followed him a few steps and then turned back and said to Wei Zhengtong, "The masses can't give it to you. No matter which brother asked you to take it away, I hope you can return his ashes to us after studying it."

After hurriedly saying the last sentence, Lu Wei turned around and left. His eyes under the lenses were slightly red.

Wei Zhengtong, Yu Tianfeng and others stood in the corridor and bowed deeply in the direction they left.

Even the noisy Fang Jiawen just bowed after the doctors and didn't say a word of nonsense at this moment.

Xie Ning carefully took the small bowl held by the metal wire back from the window sill.

"Scanning the composition of matter."

"Scanned a household ceramic bowl, the ingredients are clay and feldspar..."

"Scan the raindrops inside!" Idiot! Xie Ning was not angry enough to interrupt.

"Scanning raindrops in household ceramic bowls, the main components are sulfur dioxide and PP0201 unknown element compounds. The ingredients are dangerous and will release toxins to the human body upon contact."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

There was a somewhat noisy sound of electricity in the sky.

Xie Ning leaned against the window and looked up. The loudspeaker in the village, which had not been used for three years, was turned on by Xiao Gu and the others and started broadcasting.

"Now we are playing an important announcement. Good morning to all the survivors of Songjia Pavilion. Due to the unknown acid rain hitting the inland, the current external situation is very dangerous. I hope that all survivors will not go out unless necessary and stay at home."

"In addition, villagers who have been baptized by acid rain and developed high fever, please report immediately to the military temporary garrison No. 73 in Songjiage."

"If any relatives or friends at home have a high fever, please report it in time. Don't hide it, don't hide it!"

"Believe us, we won't do anything to harm everyone before the fever sufferer mutates."

"All survivors are asked not to go out unless necessary. If you must go out to report, please wear a raincoat and grab rain gear. If you have a motorcycle helmet at home, you can also wear it. Pay attention to protection! Do not expose your skin to the rain. Remember, remember !”

"Sister, the mutual aid group is going to explode, come and see." Song Kexin called from downstairs.

Xie Ning raked her slightly tangled hair and sighed.

I picked up a bottle of fluffy softener on the table and sprayed it on my head. I felt that my hair, which had not been washed for six days, felt a little better.

Then she went downstairs and came to the living room.

Everyone was sitting upright at this time, surrounding the sofa.

Seeing her coming down, he looked at her eagerly.

"We don't leave this house until the rain stops." Xie Ning looked at everyone seriously, "Don't go to the front yard or the back yard. Remind each other not to forget. Don't rush out stupidly just to get something."

Everyone nodded quickly, and Song Kexin handed over her mobile phone, "Sister, look, the group is going crazy."

Xie Ning took it and saw that the group was indeed boiling.

No. 84 Li: Sister Zhu, can’t you come over and cook for us today? ? Come here with a raincoat on! It's fine.

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