The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 131 I advise the subject to be an individual

This kind of bucket holds 7.5L of water. She estimated that she drank more than 1L of water?

It makes my heartache to think about it. This is because I haven't washed my hair.

After raking her hair, which was still fluffy and soft, Xie Ningxin said, will it be two more days before I wash my hair?

After taking a shower, Xie Ning felt much more relaxed. Lying on the bed, Xie Ning suddenly ordered: "In the future, take a look at the mall."

The small silver metal spider crawled along her elbow to the back of her hand, "The subject does not have any points and cannot open the prop mall."

Xie Ning poked it with a faint smile, "It was too late yesterday and I forgot to ask, what are points?"

"It's the points the subject can earn by doing various tasks."

"For example? What tasks has Wang Qingyao done before?"

"Well, the former subject Wang Qingyao, because of his poor physique and ability, can only do ordinary small tasks. For example, kill thirty ordinary zombies and get thirty points. The points exchanged for zombie crystal cores are There can be more.”

Xie Ning smiled at it, "Really? Why do you, a smart brain, need something like a zombie crystal core? How can a zombie crystal core help you?"

The little spider pretended to be dead and said nothing.

The current subject is a bit scary, not in terms of his appearance, but his brain.

Why can she associate so many strange things?

"Answer me about the future."

"The future is the system, and the system is created by the creator god of this plane. This universe is diverse, and there are many small planes like the earth. The future of the 00008531 system is just a small light in this vast universe. Point. The subject can understand it this way.”

Xie Ning sneered, "I don't believe it!"

"You are an artificial navigation intelligent computer. The scientist who created you is really amazing."

"I guess you must have stored tens of billions of novels and videos, so you just made up the lies."

Spider-Man continues to play dead.

"What a creation god, what kind of plane heroine? You can fool people like Wang Qingyao who have low IQ, but you can't fool me, Xie Ning."

The little girl reached out and touched the little spider that crawled on the bedside table. "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it now. I won't force you. I will slowly influence you, warm you, and let you Be willing to open up to me and take the initiative to communicate.”

Xie Ning smiled at it again.

Little Spider's electronic voice suddenly came out: "Scan the subject's brain to enter an active state. Subject detection, degree, danger!"

Xie Ning looked at it expressionlessly, "You must be something extraordinary. If I can't survive, I will definitely take you away with me. At least I can make a small contribution to mankind before I die."

This is the best kindness she has left.

This advanced intelligent brain does not seem to be a product of the earth.

She had never been exposed to such things in her previous life. If so, it might be because she was ignorant.

"Subject, you have awakened the metal power. Why don't you want to believe that I am the system that created the plane?"

"I think you should be something from a parallel space." Xie Ning fiddled with one of its alloy spider legs.

"You are right. Theoretically, the multiverse is an imaginary space with infinite possibilities. You came from another parallel space. The scientists who created you are probably more advanced than ours."

The little spider made a trembling electronic sound, "Absurd! I am the 00008531 system. There are countless systems like me in the entire universe."

"So, maybe there are countless Wang Qingyao around us? Intellectual brains like yours are parasitic on countless Wang Qingyao's bodies, trying to obtain zombie crystal nuclei! This crystal nucleus is the key point."

"Sorry, 00008531 is down. It will take 1 minute to restart."

"Countdown: 60..."

Xie Ning burst out laughing and said to herself, "How smart, he was so angry that I died."

After a minute, Xie Ning smiled and ordered, "Future, turn on the computer."

“Be prepared to restart again in the future.”

"Think about it, I didn't use the bottled strong sulfuric acid last time."

"The future has been restarted. Hello, Ning Ning. May I ask what your instructions are?"

You must not have a conversation with the subject. Every sentence the subject says is a trap, every word and every word is a trap, and it is a trap for future words.

From now on, we can only let the subject issue orders and operate them in the future, and we must not chat!

Because chatting is not pleasant at all, but is digging holes step by step!

"In the future, open the mall interface and let me have a look."

"Okay, the subject is opening the prop mall in the future. It will take a minute to initialize the prop mall."

A minute later, a layer of light blue light was cast in front of Xie Ning.

A virtual light blue super large electronic light curtain floats in the air.

It was as big as half a movie screen and very clear.

Xie Ning reaches out and touches an item, and then she can click on it and the purchase bar will appear. It's a bit like online shopping, but the picture is super simple.

She looked at the picture of the small potion bottle she clicked on, "What is this beauty potion?"

"The former subject Wang Qingyao once redeemed it. She can drink it. After drinking it for a week, her face will be more beautiful."

"It's a pity that Wang Qingyao only drank it for a few days, and the remaining beauty potion has been recycled by the system."

Xie Ning's face was filled with astonishment, and she looked at the system price, "One hundred points?"

"You just said that thirty zombies only cost thirty points."

"Yes, but Wang Qingyao was lucky. She and her friends once hunted a first-level zombie and took out a zombie crystal core when prompted by the system. Because it was the first time to hunt a first-level zombie, there were bonus points. "

Xie Ning was speechless, "You can buy this crap for 100 points?"

She looked at it and saw that the gun only cost thirty points and came with twelve bullets as standard.

Who would buy beauty potions in the apocalypse? To put it bluntly, after having the so-called system, shouldn't we first improve our own strength and survivability? ?

"There's something wrong with your brain." No wonder he was so stupid that he was deceived by Zhinao.

"There's nothing wrong with it. This new type of beauty potion has a lot of people buying it. It's very popular."

Xie Ning raised her head and looked at it with a smile, "So there are indeed many Wang Qingyao scattered everywhere, right?"

The little spider suddenly shut up.

Xie Ning didn't ask any more questions, since she knew what was going on.

She casually flipped through a page in the prop mall, and on the second page there was a product, M1911-modified version, 2 bullets, 50 rounds, 30 points.

So when Little Spider had zero points, he got her a hundred rounds of bullets. What a great job!

"that's it?"

"Because the system is only elementary and the main points are zero, the prop mall is also elementary."

Xie Ning reached out and touched the little electronic spider's head, "So you have something to do! You are so smart, you must be able to use your system bug to get me some points?"

Electronic Spider:! ! !

Subject, please, be a human being, ah!

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