The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 138 The crowd is excited

Shi Ailing was the first to let out a scream, turned around and ran away as her urge to urinate disappeared.

Several middle-aged women were so frightened that they ran and shouted, "It's killing, it's killing."

Wei Zhengtong looked embarrassed. Could it be that all his colleagues in the institute would die because of their broken mouths?

If Fang Jiawen didn't speak, nothing would happen.

I just wanted to stimulate Xie Ning, who had been holding back a lot of strength.

Xie Ning silently walked into the kitchen and took out her signature machete from the independent space.

"This acid rain only targets ordinary people and has no effect on people with super powers."

"What?" Wei Zhengtong looked surprised, "Where did you draw the conclusion?"

Xie Ning turned her head and stared at him with cold eyes.

Wei Zhengtong was actually stared at by the little girl and took a step back.

Xie Ning didn't explain, just put on a disposable raincoat, without wearing a mask, and walked towards Li Dawei's house at No. 84 across the street, carrying a machete.

Song Kexin swallowed her saliva, "I, I think, I should let my sister get rid of the evil spirit in her heart, and then it will probably be cured."

What is the source of bad breath? That must be the rice-boring brother and sister Li Dawei.

Without this pair of brothers and sisters who make everything possible, my mother would not be able to help with cooking.

An ax hit the door of his house, "Li Dawei, get out."

"If I can't eat you, eat, eat, eat. Can I die if I skip one meal? It's all you who harmed my mother."

Brother and sister Li Dawei heard the sound of banging on the door and ran to the balcony on the third floor to take a look.

They saw Xie Ning, like a raincoat killer, using a thick ax to chop down the stainless steel courtyard door of their house.

At this time, the people in Car No. 3, Car No. 4, and Car No. 6 were all excited, and the crowd was excited.

Shi Ailing finished disinfecting her whole body, her face was still a little pale, and after she told the story of what she saw at Xie Ning's house, everyone in Car No. 6 clamored for the driver to drive and drive immediately.

"You can't take someone with a high fever with you!"

"Yes, zombies can bite, but they can't harm all of us in the car!"

"Where are you, Leader Gu? Hurry up and drive."

The people in Car No. 1 and Car No. 2 were all gathered in front of the glass door on the right, watching Xie Ning slash the stainless steel courtyard door of No. 84.

"Why isn't she wearing glasses and a mask?"

"Are you looking for death?"

"It will definitely be caught by the rain. They said that several of Chief Gu's men were caught in the rain while standing guard, and one of them mutated."

"It's really scary. A little bit of rain will cause fever and mutation?"

"Guess so."

"Hey, is that Commander Gu?"

"Young man is such a nice guy and you still want to save her. You shouldn't save someone you want to die."

Xie Ning kicked open the stainless steel door and was grabbed by the wrist and pulled back.

"Ning Ning, Song Kexin has told us that the Li Dawei brothers and sisters are hateful. But Auntie is currently fighting the virus at the most critical stage. Can you have some confidence in her?"

"If I kill Li Dawei and the others out of anger now, my aunt will wake up and awaken her powers later. Do you think that with her temperament, will she feel extremely guilty after knowing this?"

Xie Ning slowly calmed down, lowered her head and asked softly, "Is it really going to be okay?"

She was really scared that everything would develop according to the development path of her previous life.

In the last life, my mother was dragged to death by those pig teammates and colleagues, and she did not survive the first month of the apocalypse.

So Xie Ning was scared when her mother developed a high fever.

She was afraid. She suspected that her mother would not be able to survive and that she would leave her like she did in her previous life.

Ning Ning no longer has a father, and she is really afraid of not having a mother.

The calmness he pretended was like bubbles in the sea.

It breaks as soon as it is poked, and the remaining emotions are only panic and irritability.

"Ning Ning is good, don't be afraid, she will definitely be fine." Gu Chen nodded, "Let's move Auntie out first, and then we'll talk about the rest."

Xie Ning said "hmm" listlessly.

"Gu Chen." Du Zhonggang walked over with a solemn expression and waved to him, "I've heard all about it. There is news from the safety zone that no one with a high fever can enter."

"You need to stay outside for seven days for observation."

Du Zhonggang glanced at Xie Ning, "And the people in the six cars are reacting very strongly now, and they are not willing to travel with people with high fevers."

"What's so big about the repercussions?" Gu Chen interrupted coldly, "Do they have the right to speak? They don't want to get off the train by themselves."

Du Zhonggang choked, "That's not what you said, Xiao Gu."

"Then what are you going to say? Do I, Gu Chen, need the consent of others for the decision I make? I just have an obligation to inform, and I don't ask for anyone's opinion."

This authoritarian brat! Du Zhonggang was speechless.

Xie Ning tugged on his wrist and muttered listlessly, "Stop arguing."

Gu Chen tilted his head to look at her and smiled slightly, "I didn't quarrel with him. I never quarrel with others. At most, we have two fights to solve the problem."

This gentle tone was completely different from the cold decisive voice he had just spoken to Du Zhonggang.

Du Zhonggang rolled his eyes and almost rolled his eyes to the sky.

"Then I'll go ask Mr. Wu for instructions."

"Ning Ning goes back first." Gu Chen squeezed Xie Ning's cold little hand, "I'll be right over. It's okay."

Xie Ning dragged heavy steps back to the door of the villa and saw Fang Jiawen curled up sitting on the steps, wiping the rain from his face and hair and cursing.

When she looked up and saw Xie Ning coming over, she shivered in fright and shrank back.

Xie Ning walked straight past her.

Returning to the living room and taking off her disposable raincoat, Xie Ning took the dry towel from Song Kexin and wiped her head and face, then turned her eyes to the sofa.

Wei Zhengtong coughed awkwardly.

Dr. Yu’s mental endurance is actually quite good...

From the beating incident in the living room to Ms. Xie dragging an ax out to kill the opponent's house, until now, Dr. Yu only focuses on cooling down the temperature of You Ai's sister-in-law and doesn't care about anything else...

Yu Tianfeng looked up and saw Xie Ning, putting a large bag of things into her hand, "This is my homemade fever-reducing patch. I give it to Auntie every two hours."

Xie Ning nodded, "Thank you."

"Give Auntie more fluids and she will be fine. There is nothing wrong with Auntie. Don't be too nervous." Yu Tianfeng glanced at her.

At this time, Gu Chen and Lu Wei walked in from outside the villa.

Xie Ning looked at Song Youzhi, who was standing beside him worriedly, "Uncle, take your grandparents and everyone with you and follow Xiao Gu and the others."

Song Shijun was shocked, "Where are you, sister?"

"Mom and I stay here." Xie Ning held her mother's hand tightly, with a trace of worry in her eyes.

"No!" Gu Chen and Song Youzhi said at the same time.

Xie Ning turned to look at Gu Chen and the others, "Mr. Du just said that people with high fever must be isolated for seven days even if they reach the safe area."

"I don't know how long Mom will have the fever, and I don't know what she will do."

"It's not as safe to live in an isolation tent in a safe area as it is to stay at home." Xie Ning explained very quickly, "In this way, there is no need to move mom around and the bumpy road."

Song Youzhi looked heavy, "What Ning Ning said makes some sense."

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