The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 140 Building collapse and exposure

On September 16, the indoor thermometer showed that the temperature exceeded 30 degrees.

Xie Ning poured two glasses of warm water from the living room of the villa, and the mother and daughter drank a large glass.

After finishing it, Ning Ning’s mother looked at the water cup in her hand with a confused look on her face, “Isn’t this the cup I used to use at home? When did you go back?”

Xie Ning took back the water glass with an expressionless face, selectively ignoring her mother's question.

"The weather is starting to get weird." Xie Ning took a deep breath.

The experience of the previous life is completely unacceptable.

From the beginning of the last world to the fourth year of the last world, the world was in an extremely wet and cold environment.

That's why she asked everyone to buy as many down jackets, duck vests and the like as possible in the men's clothing market in Sioux City last time.

However, now, on the ninth day of the apocalypse, power outages, Internet connections, water outages continue, and the temperature rises suddenly, which is contrary to everything in the previous life.

"Mom, let's wash out two clean buckets and make some mung bean soup and lemon honey water."

Song Youai felt that his daughter's expression was solemn, and he nodded again and again, "Last time we were in the drugstore, we collected a lot of heat-repelling medicine, right?"

"Yes." Xie Ning nodded, "Don't worry, we are just taking precautions before they happen."

The mother and daughter do whatever they say.

Song Youai kept pouring water, cleaned the two buckets inside and out, and then divided the work. One cut lemons to make honey water, and the other used the cassette stove to cook mung bean soup. He was sweating profusely from the work.

After doing this, Xie Ning took the honey water and mung bean soup back to the crowded villa restaurant.

Song Youai filled another half bucket of water and collapsed on the sofa exhausted.

"Oh, Mom is really old and useless. Just add this little water and it won't work."

Xie Ning smiled and squeezed to her mother's side, "Mom, you are so capable. Think about how much water we can save in the future with your water power. You are simply a lucky star in our team~"

Song Youai was so coaxed by his precious daughter that he smiled from ear to ear.

"Mom, is this half bucket of water enough for you to take a bath?"

"That's enough, not enough for Mom to wipe yourself with..." Song Youai glanced at her daughter, "You don't want to wash it?"

"I washed it the day before yesterday. You can go ahead."

"No wonder." Ning Ning's mother rolled her eyes at her daughter.

"Then Mom won't be polite to you. Mom hasn't taken a shower for nine days. She has been lying in bed for the past two days and feels like even the sheets are smelly!"

She said that her daughter seemed to be a bit whiter that day, and it turned out that she took a bath secretly, and Song Youai couldn't help but carry the bucket upstairs.

After lunch, my mother diligently continued to practice her water powers until she was exhausted before going upstairs to rest.

Xie Ning took a sip of the water released by her supernatural power. It was sweet and clear, like a clear spring in a mountain stream, and her eyes couldn't help but light up slightly.

Mom is great.

At night, the indoor temperature rises to thirty-two degrees.

Song Youai, a very nervous person, felt that something was very wrong.

Neither mother nor daughter had much appetite, so they ate two small pancakes with mung bean soup and went upstairs to sleep.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, I was woken up by an earth-shattering sound.

Xie Ning stood up and opened the door. She saw her mother wearing an off-white sweatshirt and standing at the top of the stairs holding a metal knife with a serious look on her face.

Two rat corpses lay at the entrance of the stairs, and Comrade Song Youai had large drops of sweat on his forehead.

"It seems he ran in from the stairwell." Song Youai stepped over the rat corpse and walked downstairs.

She didn't sleep well all night, and she was afraid of heat. Usually when the temperature reached 30 degrees, the air conditioner would be turned on in the room.

I don't have that condition now, and I'm a little worried about my parents, so I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep much.

When there was a huge earthquake outside, Song Youai happened to get up and pour some water, so he heard the squeaking rat sound immediately.

Mother and daughter walked around the stairwell.

The inside had long been cleared away, and all useful tools were thrown into the living room of Xie Ning's villa.

"Why is there a water pipe here?"

"Oh." Song Youai suddenly realized, "This place used to be connected to the faucet, but then it was abandoned without much use."

Xie Ning used a metal plate to block the broken water pipe.

The mother and daughter walked around the house worriedly, and then they ran to the balcony to take a look when they found there was nothing wrong.

"The sound seems to be coming from No. 86." Song Youai raised his chin and looked to the left, "Look at the dark front. Is there something wrong with that house?"

"Collapsed." Xie Ning's eyesight was better than her mother's, and she could see at a glance that building No. 86 had half of the floor collapsed.

The right half collapsed to the ground, revealing the tattered decoration and soil inside.

"No way." Song Youai was shocked, "Want to go down and take a look?"

Xie Ning shook her head, "It's too late now. It's not appropriate to go on in the dark. Let's go over and have a look tomorrow morning."

It's not that she is indifferent, but that she can do as much as she can.

"I suspect that the previous group of rats was just an advance force. They may send the main force over in the next two days."

Song Youxin was surprised, "What about now? Let's go to sleep?"

"Yeah." Xie Ning nodded and glanced at her mother, "Mom, the overall physical fitness of superpowers will be better than that of ordinary people, but they still have to exercise. If you can't sleep well, how can you continue to practice water superpowers tomorrow? So? No matter what the environment is, you must sleep when you should sleep, and force yourself to sleep too.”

"Okay!" Song Youai nodded heavily, "Go to sleep. Mom will release the water tomorrow."

Before six o'clock on September 17th, the sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling came from outside, waking Xie Ning up immediately.

She got up and got out of bed, opened a corner of the curtain and looked coldly out of the window.

At this time, many people gathered at the iron door of their house, and some even came from all directions.

Li Dawei and Li Xiang were chopping away at the sharp thorns on their iron door again, making a clanging sound.

Xie Ning opened the door and was greeted by a wave of heat.

The temperature in the hall downstairs rose to thirty-three.

My mother came over with sweat profusely, "Wash your face and brush your teeth, drink some porridge before going out."

The porridge is not too hot. It seems that my mother got up at four or five o'clock.

"It's too hot." Comrade Song Youai fanned himself with a burning cattail leaf fan.

"Under the bright sun outside, the temperature must be more than thirty-three degrees."

Xie Ning finished half a bowl of porridge and drank half a cup of light salt water, "Go out and have a look."

Song Youai picked up the metal knife and followed his daughter outside.

The mother and daughter locked the door of the villa and arrived at the gate, then opened the big iron door aggressively.

The brother and sister Li Dawei, who were slashing at the door with kitchen knives, slashed open the door with one blow, and then people rushed forward.

Xie Ning kicked out hard, kicked Li Dawei away, and sat down next to the dead rat.

"Ah!" Li Dawei jumped up in shock, patting his pants with his gloved hands.

Song Youai was shocked. She didn't expect that the front door of her house would be filled with rat corpses and corpses scattered everywhere.

"Xie Ning, why are you bullying my brother?" Li Xiang screamed, "Building No. 86 collapsed yesterday. Do you know?"

"The village chief is here."

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