Everyone got into the car in silence.

Zheng Heng checked the oil gauge and found nothing unusual, then took a deep breath and reversed the car.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of several zombies running from the green belt in the rearview mirror, and he couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart.

Zha Peng, who was in the passenger seat, turned around and looked, "Zheng Heng, they are really coming!"

"Let's go, brother." Zheng Feina turned her head and saw more and more zombies running towards them through the rear window, and she suddenly panicked.

"Why don't we take the fat grandma and her family downstairs with us?" Zhuang Xinyi wiped the corners of her eyes that were red from crying.

Fat grandma is the nicest person in this apartment to them.

"I can't take it with me." Zheng Heng stepped on the accelerator and started the car.

Zhao Yanran stumbled out of the apartment building, shouting "robbers, you will not die well". When she turned around, she saw dozens or even more zombies coming towards their apartment building.

Zhao Yanran screamed and rushed forward to grab the doorknob.

Zheng Heng was about to lock the door with a cold face when he saw Zhuang Xinyi quickly opened the door and waved to Zhao Yanran, "Come up quickly."

Zhao Yanran hurriedly squeezed into the car, and then a strong smell of inferior perfume filled the car.

"Ugh." Zheng Feina was completely speechless to Zhuang Xinyi.

How could Zhuang Xinyi still exude her Virgin Heart all the time?

Originally, there were only four girls crowded in the back seat, but now Zhao Yanran was added to them. Even though the girls were slim, they couldn't bear to be squeezed into a dog.

Zha Peng yelled, "Close the car door quickly."

Zhao Yanran quickly shrank her body, and cleverly reached out to close the car door.

At the same time, the car made a small bend along the green belt, and the front and rear wheels grazed the flower bed and drove past, leaving behind the roar of the zombies.

"Zhao Yanran, please stop squeezing. Isn't He Zhi almost squeezed out by you?" Zheng Feina scolded angrily.

"Do you think I want to squeeze in? If you bandits hadn't suddenly broken into my house and plundered all my supplies, would I have followed you down?"

"If you don't come down here, you'll die in the apartment, waiting to become a reserve food for zombies."

Zhao Yanran seemed to have thought of this and trembled all over.

The five girls could only sit in front of each other, and there was no room for their legs to rest, which was very uncomfortable.

"Where are we going?" Zhao Yanran broke the silence of the car.

Zha Peng, who was debugging the radio station, sneered with a straight face, "Where do we go has nothing to do with you? Get off the car when we get to the front."

Zhao Yanran's eyes widened and she screamed, "You want me to get out of the car? No, you guys have stolen all my supplies. Now you just let me get out of the car. What's the difference between killing someone?"

Zhuang Xinyi wiped her tears and said, "Yes, this is not good."

Zheng Feina rolled her eyes and almost went up to the sky.

"I looked at the electronic map before when there was internet. The apartment is very close to Songjia Pavilion, about ten minutes away."

"Song Family Pavilion?" He Zhi murmured, "What a familiar name."

She suddenly sat up straight, "I remembered, isn't that Xie Ning's grandma's house? I remember that she would go back to her grandma's house during winter and summer vacations."

"Shall we go find Xie Ning?"

"Why are you looking for her?" Zheng Feina snorted, "She's a bit of a jerk. She's so timid and fussy. She probably won't survive more than three days in the apocalypse."

He Zhi was a little unconvinced, "Nonsense, she, she is quite powerful."

"Besides, the Song Family Pavilion is so big, how can we find her home at once? If we find her home, will she take us in with her salty temper?"

"Why do you keep calling her a salty fish?"

"Isn't she a salty fish?" Zheng Feina felt angry when she talked about Xie Ning, "It's because of her brain that she jumped two levels in a row."

"We stayed up late at night and read to her, watching literary and romantic movies. We memorized foreign languages, and she cried like hell while holding bloody novels! The key is that every time she took the monthly exam, her grades were better than the two of us. She didn't do anything in the dormitory day after day. Son!"

He Zhi:......

"Fina, I think you are just jealous of someone else's brains and ease of studying." Zha Peng was inexplicably amused. The hatred between girls is so funny.

"Bah, I am the eldest daughter of the Zheng family, am I jealous of a little girl from the countryside?"

"Don't say that to classmate Xie Ning." He Zhi tugged on her sleeve, "Her home is in the urban area of ​​Xishi City. It is said that her family conditions are pretty good."


"Chi la chi la." At this time, bursts of sound came from the car radio.

But after a moment, the female announcer's clear voice reached everyone's ears.

"Dear survivors, you have worked hard all the way. This is the Lanshan Tahu Safety Base, the Lanshan Tahu Safety Base."

When everyone in the car heard the sound, they all became energetic.

"Due to an inexplicable virus sweeping the world, the human body will develop into polarization after experiencing fever..."

The RV rolled over a puddle of water, and the west door of the Song Family Pavilion could be seen in the distance.

The voice of the female announcer on the radio continued.

"We temporarily name this virus a zombie virus. The bodies of all groups that mutate into zombies will accelerate their decay within an hour. The zombies will attack humans, and the claws and teeth of the zombies are the sharpest."

"We recommend that everyone wear protective gear and prepare a helmet if possible. Do not expose your skin before fighting zombies."

"Please believe that the government believes in the country. We have stepped up our efforts to search for survivors and relocate them."

"It is recommended that survivors who are able to prepare a car go to the Lanshan Tahu Survivor Base as soon as possible. The base door will always be open to you."

"If you don't have a car at home and have difficulty moving around, please don't panic. Try to block all the doors and windows of your home and wait for rescue. Wait for rescue."

"We will not give up on any of you! Humanity around the world is now facing this catastrophic disaster. The people of Kyushu will uphold their consistent tradition, unswervingly unite as one, and fight against the virus as one. We will always stand behind you."

Comrade Song Youai was so excited when he listened to the radio that he wiped his tears excitedly and said to his daughter, "Everyone is saved, everyone must be saved."

When I turned around and saw my daughter's expressionless face, I immediately felt like a basin of cold water had been poured down on me...

In the past, when my daughter heard such exciting words, she would have cried more than she did, and she would have probably pulled out one or two hundred facial tissues.

Why don't you have any emotional reaction now? ?

Xie Ning drove the car to the west door and saw several small battery vehicles approaching on the dirt road next to it.

"Mom, don't be too optimistic." Xie Ning said this and drove into the Songjiage villa area.

Then two shabby-looking men riding small batteries rushed in and went straight to Uncle Ge Liang's house at No. 79, "Uncle, uncle is not good, your nephew and a few friends were beaten and the car was taken away. "

Xie Ning glanced at the man yelling at Uncle Ge Liang's house and drove back to her home.

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