The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 158 Escape in the middle of the night

The mother and daughter rushed down the stairs, threw their backpacks onto the seats and jumped into the driver's seat and passenger's seat.

The headlights suddenly brightened, creating a broad shadow from the darkness.

The roar of the engine immediately alerted Li Dawei and others in the building opposite in the quiet early morning.

Xie Ning deliberately turned on her headlights and honked the horn warning sound, and then a faint light came out of the window of Uncle Ge Liang's house in the 79th building nearby.

"Mom, fasten your seat belt, let's go."

She is a selfish person and can only give these reminders. As for whether she can escape this catastrophe, everyone's fate is uncertain.

At the same time, Li Dawei dragged Zhao Yingying to her feet and hurriedly put on her shoes and bag.

Li Xiang kicked the door open and rushed in, "Brother, Xie Ning and her daughter ran away! Something must have happened. Let's leave quickly! Go to No. 59 to inform Bai Liang and the others."

"Yes, yes, Miss Zhong and the others must not know what happened."

"Then we won't wait for rescue?" Zhao Yingying was so panicked that she lost her mind.

Li Dawei cursed angrily, "What a waste. We promised to come the day before yesterday, but there is still no trace of him. Something must have happened to the rescue team."

Three minutes later, the survivors in the entire Songjiage villa area started to move in panic.

At 3:10 in the morning, Xie Ning had just driven the car to the west gate when she saw the villa closest to the west gate suddenly opened the door and threw out a woman wearing a large cotton-padded jacket with a height of 36 degrees.

"Take me away, take me away, take me away with you." The woman bumped her head against the door on the side of the RV, pressed her ferocious face against the window, and banged the door of the RV hard.

Wu Qiumeng lives in the building closest to the west door. In the past few days, he has been paying attention to the movements of people coming and going outside.

Although she had never been out, she noticed Xie Ning every time. She used to drive a small golden cup back and forth, but then she changed to a RV.

Moreover, every time he entered and exited the community, other people described themselves as embarrassed and with damaged cars, but this little girl was completely fine.

Wu Qiumeng is a very superstitious person. According to her idea, the little girl must have great luck, and following her in and out will definitely ensure safety.

When the military dispatched an emergency vehicle to leave, she had not had time to pack her things.

In the past few days, after she finished packing, she kept an eye on the little girl.

Song Youai didn't expect that someone would suddenly rush out of the villa, and subconsciously shrank her body to the left.

His eyes swept behind the woman, staring at the seven or eight large boxes and luggage bags behind her, and he couldn't help but be speechless.

Wu Qiumeng broke the door handle and shouted sternly, "Wait for me, I have a few luggage bags on top, wait for me!"

"Sister, move!" Song Youai shouted at the woman through the door.

The sound coming out was naturally muffled.

Wu Qiumeng didn't know what Song Youai was shouting, but she just slapped the RV door, "Wait for me, wait for me, wait for me!"

Xie Ning stepped on the brakes, causing the car's body to pause. The woman was bounced by the car and fell to the ground.

The next second, the RV started suddenly, dropped the woman and drove away.

Wu Qiumeng ran a few steps behind the RV, stamping her feet angrily and shouting, "Hey, hey you guys, just wait for me, hey."

Turning to look at the luggage bags and suitcases on the floor, Wu Qiumeng was so angry that she quickly drove her milk-pink Q-car to the door of the villa.

Seven or eight suitcases and luggage bags were thrown into the car, which was so full that it couldn't hold anything anymore.

Wu Qiumeng stamped her feet in anger when she thought about the luggage she had not yet been able to carry downstairs.

The mother and daughter were so inhuman. We were all neighbors, and no one was willing to help even if they couldn't help.

She just saw that the mother and daughter were alone in the RV, and the back seat was empty and could hold a lot of stuff.

The roars of zombies were heard one after another outside the wall of the Songjiage villa area, and the sounds were clearly getting closer.

At this time, at the north gate of the Song Family Pavilion, more than a dozen zombies had burst open the iron gate at the same time.

Frightened screams came from the villa area.

Uncle Ge Liang, wearing a helmet and fully armed, took his daughter with him on a motorcycle and rushed toward the west door.

Behind him were several young men, straddling the battery cars in twos and threes, much slower than Uncle Ge Liang's motorcycle.

After receiving the news, Zhong Shichong rushed downstairs with his backpack and Xu Boliang and his party.

Chen Man'er was still packing up her lotions, powder puffs, eye shadows and other items when she was suddenly slapped by Mr. Wang on the side, "What are you still quarreling about? Hurry up and leave!"

three twenty in the morning

The entire Songjia Ge Villa area was in chaos. Those with cars got on, and those without cars could only run out on two legs.

The number of corpses rushing in from the north gate is getting larger and larger, and in the darkness, they pounce on the people on the ground and bite them.

Zhong Shi rushed to the driver's heart, sweating, and slammed into the small battery next to him.

A father and son on a battery car were hit and fell to the ground, screaming.

The screams attracted more and more zombies to surround them, and the voices of the father and son soon disappeared into a sea of ​​corpses.

Zhong Shichong kicked the accelerator hard, rolled over several bumpy corpses, and rushed to the west door.

Mother He held her son's hand tightly and cried, "Dayong, what should we do now?"

"Get in the car, get in the car." He Dayong greeted the family and rushed out of No. 53, carrying two large bags of things on his shoulders and holding his son in his arms.

As soon as the car was locked, He Shufen took the lead and got in with Ren Dabao in her arms.

As soon as she turned around, she saw a zombie rushing towards her sister-in-law.

He Shufen's eyes widened in fear, her hands shook and she quickly closed the car door.

The zombie threw He Dayong's wife to the ground, and its sharp teeth instantly pierced her neck.

"Mom!" He Xiaobao cried out in He Dayong's arms.

Mother He was so frightened that she shivered and shouted in a high voice, "Dayong, drive, drive, drive!"

"Squeak!" The wheels of the car spun rapidly, one side stuck in the mud of the flower bed and accelerating hard.

The zombie biting He Dayong's wife turned his head when he heard the honking of the car. His gray eyes stared at the fresh flesh and blood in the car, glowing greedily.

Mother He peed in her trouser pocket in shock, seeing the zombie suddenly jump up and slap her on the car window.

The wheel that was stuck in the mud finally came loose, and it broke away from the flower bed with a bang, jolting forward.

The zombie's claw missed, and it roared and howled as it chased the swaying car.

Xie Ning was the first one to rush out of the west door of the villa area, but she soon realized something was wrong.

There were three to five zombies pouring out of the alley in front of them, coming in groups, accompanied by zombie roars.

Xie Ning released a row of sharp metal spikes to resist the dozens of zombies rushing from the left.

Every zombie was killed by her piercing the brain, but this also consumed Xie Ning's own energy very much.

If metal spikes are placed, they will not be very lethal to zombies.

Zombies can't feel pain, so poking the soles of their feet is useless. If they stab them indiscriminately, they will trap all the neighbors of the Song Family Pavilion who run out.

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