The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 311 The Lost Little Sheep

Beichen was speechless and looked at the girl silently, "But you don't seem nervous at all."

It feels like this dead girl has always been very calm, even if Mount Tai collapses in front of her, her face does not change.

It seemed that no matter what happened, it was impossible for her to show surprise.

I really want to see the different expressions on her face.

What would a little girl who has been cold and indifferent look like if she had an emotional breakdown? It should be interesting.


The young man was stunned for a moment, and when he raised his eyes, he saw that the girl was close to him.

So close, so close that he could almost look into their crystal clear pupils, and carefully count the slender eyelashes that fluttered her duck wings.

This seemed to be the first time a girl gently called his name.

For the first time, instead of calling him "you, you, you", he was called clearly and gently... Beichen.

"Why are you stunned?" Xie Ning stretched out her hand to push him, with a strange look on her face.

Beichen felt his face turn red instantly, starting from the base of his ears and rising to his entire face.

"I'll go out to greet them later. If I don't tell you, don't come out. Do you hear me clearly?" Xie Ning pushed his helmet rudely again.

Through the resin mask, that annoying feeling suddenly came back.

"I know, I know." The young man waved her hand away in embarrassment and said angrily, "That's too long."

"Pay attention!" Xie Ning gave him a warning look, reached out and peeled away the broken ice, pulled out a convex manhole cover, and walked out step by step.

Beichen looked at her cottony back and wanted to laugh inexplicably.

The girl looked solemn, holding the manhole cover and carrying a long-handled ax, moving step by step towards the ruins. Beichen felt that this scene should be photographed as a souvenir...

"Whoosh!" Several arrows shot towards Xie Ning from different directions at the same time.

Xie Ning blocked three of them with the manhole cover, and the other two were bent by her metal-type power and fell to the ground.

"You can't be a hero if you are sneaky, but you can fight to the death if you have the guts."

What she said was like that of a passionate and mentally retarded girl, which made people laugh out loud.

Xie Ning turned her head and saw two white figures standing on the ruins on the left.

The two were about the same height, both wearing white sweatshirts with the City Arrow club logo printed on their chests. They stared at Xie Ning hungrily, as if they were seeing a lone little sheep, full of blood and energy.

Xie Ning's eyes fell on their hands.

The hands were also covered with frostbite, some were ulcerated and some were scabbed, looking extremely ugly.

They stared at Xie Ning's cotton equipment like wolves, and one of them even trembled slightly with the hand holding the bow and arrow.

Scarf, down jacket, down pants, snow boots, and thickened gloves!

This is the equipment they covet now.

I don’t know what they can get by taking these two little fat sheep.

Both of them had greed in their eyes.

Xie Ning blocked the manhole cover in front of her and shouted like a moron, "Are you two just the two of you? Why are you hiding your head and tail? Come out!"

"Hahaha, that little girl is very courageous." A strong man wearing a white down jacket stood up from the ruins wall not far away.

Xie Ning took a closer look, and saw five or six people huffing and puffing around him, each wearing a City Arrow club sweatshirt, staring at her with piercing eyes.

To be precise, he should be staring at her down jacket, down pants and other items.

"Wow, there are so many of you." Xie Ning was frightened and took two steps back, with a look of defeat on her face.

Strangely, after repeated bombings, there are actually still living people in Canghua Homeland, which is quite surprising.

Judging from their outfits, they are probably survivors hiding in the City Arrow Club?

She quickly mentally reviewed the footage of the search for survivors in Canghua Home, and she was very sure that she had never seen this City Arrow club.

"Little girl, we don't want to embarrass you." The strong man in the white down jacket showed Xie Ning a smile that he thought was very kind, "Call your companions out and come with us."

"Although you are a gold-type superpower, we have two power-type superpowers here, and one is a speed type." The strong man punched the bulging ice layer next to him into pieces, "You can definitely win against us. ?”

"You, what do you want to do?" Xie Ning showed a tearful expression, carefully took two steps back, and shouted delicately, "I can tell you. I, my father is the president of the big base. Well, if my father finds out that you have captured me, he will definitely send bombers to blow you up!"

"What did you say?" The woman with short curly hair next to the strong man glared at her angrily, "Is your father the one who bombed Canghua's home last week?"

Xie Ning played the role of the mentally retarded girl vividly. She raised her chest and head when she heard the sound, and nodded heavily, "It's my dad. My dad is the second-in-command of the big base! You'd better not mess with me! Otherwise, none of you can afford the consequences."

"The big base you are talking about is not the gold market base, is it?" The woman who spoke was standing next to the woman with short curly hair. She was in her fifties, with a pair of triangular eyes that were slightly tilted when looking at people, looking sinister.

Like a mindless child, Xie Ning raised her head with a look of arrogance, "This is the Jinshi Base. My father, Huang Zhaosheng, is the second-in-command of the Jinshi Base. Even the head of the base has to address my father as Mr. Huang. , must be given three points of thin noodles. You can go and ask around at will. In the Jinshi base, I, Huang Shiyao, am a person who walks sideways."

Beichen rolled his eyes speechlessly.

This eldest lady is so pretending!

Asking, where can I ask in this world of ice and snow? If these people really enter the Jinshi base, they will be the turtles in the urn, and Miss Xie can easily catch them.

The woman with triangular eyes licked her chapped lips and laughed sinisterly, "Then we really have blind eyes."

"Let me tell you, Miss Huang's equipment is definitely not ordinary." The man with frostbitten hands said mockingly.

"Miss Huang." The strong man in the white down jacket smiled like he was trying to trick a child. "Look, it's getting late now. The Jinshi base is at least two to three hundred kilometers away from here."

"Why don't you come back to the base with us and rest for the night? We can escort Miss Huang back to the base tomorrow?"

"You also want to go to Jinshi Base?" Xie Ning's eyes lit up.

"Of course, of course." All of them had sarcastic smiles on their faces.

Like a little white flower, Xie Ning turned a blind eye to the expressions on their faces and shouted with joy, "Ah Zhong, Ah Zhong, come out."


Beichen slowly moved out from behind the wall, his eyes filled with frost, and he glared at Xie Ning who was smiling through his mask.

"Miss, do we really want to follow them back to their base?"

The man in the white down jacket sneered and looked at Beichen, "You are a servant, do you have the right to speak?"

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