The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 313 Unkind Invitation

"Come, we are destined to meet you thousands of miles away. Miss Huang, Mr. Azhong, let us all have a glass of wine together and thank God for mercy and giving us a chance to live."

"Hahaha, come on, come on!"

In the lobby of City Arrow Club, everyone put together three long tables. On the tables were placed sumptuous dishes that are rare after the apocalypse.

There are all kinds of canned pork, canned beef, canned vegetables, canned fruits, and rarely a few plates of fried green vegetables.

In the center is a large basin with pork stewed vermicelli mixed with a hint of peculiar smell.

Those who were able to serve the table were the top executives of this small team. Ma Xiaotian sat next to his father, his mouth watering with greed, and he started to pick up the food while holding a bowl.

In addition to their table, there were three small tables in the lobby. A dozen survivors crowded in front of the small tables, rushing to grab the meat in the basin, and their mouths were full of oil.

Xie Ning pretended to be elegant, took out half a bottle of water from her backpack, poured it into a bowl, rinsed it with chopsticks and a spoon, and then poured the dishwater on the ground.

This move made the people at the table dumbfounded. The pieces of meat in Ma Xiaotian's mouth even fell on the table.

Everyone stared at her with a particularly strange look, as if Xie Ning was a fool who came out of a lunatic asylum...

What does she think the current environment is like?

Do you still continue to use the routine of going to restaurants to eat in modern society?

Just when all of them are going crazy with joy over the snow and ice falling from the sky, there are still people living such an incredibly exquisite life?

They are really greenhouse flowers cultivated in a large base, so elegant and noble that they are enviable!

Ma Xiaotian picked up the meat that fell on the table and ate it. She stared at Xie Ning with her big eyes full of color and said with a smile, "Sister Huang, you are so extravagant."

“The water we use to wash pots, dishes, wash our faces and take showers is the water from the melted ice cubes outside.”

"Xiaotian." Martin patted his daughter on the head and looked at Xie Ning with a smile, "Miss Huang, don't mind, children can't talk."

Xie Ning carried out the idiot eldest lady's pretense to the end, opened her eyes wide and asked curiously, " you have such a hard life? Well, aren't there people with water powers who can supply water?"

Martin smiled bitterly, "There are more than thirty survivors in our stronghold. Alas, there is only one water superpower. The clean water released is not enough for drinking, so naturally it cannot be wasted."

Xie Ning immediately took the initiative to release the news, "I have a lot of water at home. My father had stored more than a thousand boxes of mineral water before the end of the world. As long as you can safely send us back to the Jinshi base, I can ask my father to take out hundreds of boxes of mineral water. Twenty percent will be awarded to you."

"Really?" Everyone looked overjoyed. Only the little girl Ma Xiaotian curled her lips, as if she didn't even bother to pretend, and hummed softly.

Martin gave his daughter a warning look.

Ma Xiaotian turned to him and said something silently.

Xie Ning's mental power was so sharp that she immediately caught what Ma Xiaotian said silently: Dad, it's enough to beat the soft-footed sheep to death, why talk nonsense to them?

It's really a film about a... little girl with a bloodthirsty heart.

Ma Xiaotian glanced at Xie Ning, and under her father's warning gaze, she lowered her head and continued eating, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of contempt in her heart.

This stupid woman is still waiting for them to send her back to the Jinshi base?

It's almost enough to send her down.

The mineral water and other food her father had accumulated would belong to them sooner or later anyway. They don't even bother with the 20% reward, huh, that's ridiculous.

"Miss Huang, thank you so much for your help to us." Martin smiled, showing a row of big yellow teeth, "but the hail has continued in the past two days, and the road should be very difficult."

"So I would like to ask Miss Huang to be patient and stay at our base for a few days."

"Don't worry, Miss Huang. As soon as the weather clears, we can immediately escort Miss Huang and Mr. Azhong back to the Jinshi base."

"That's it." Xie Ning pretended to consider it, and then nodded helplessly, "Well, it seems that this is the only way."

Martin breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled at Xie Ning and said, "Miss Huang, I have an unkind request, I hope you can agree."

"You said it." Xie Ning nodded and smiled slightly, "Since Brother Ma promised to send us back, it is right for us to do something to help."

"Ah, you're welcome." Martin smiled so hard that he couldn't see his eyes. "That's right. I heard that metal superpowers are very good at controlling metals. They can even open door locks and enter at will?"

Xie Ning hesitated deliberately and showed a rather troubled expression, "As you said, the metal power users who can control door locks at will should be third-level or higher powers."

"I'm only at the first level." Xie Ning was embarrassed and lowered her head slightly, "I may not be able to help Brother Ma."

"Ha." Ma Xiaotian stretched out her fingers and scratched her face, making a face at Xie Ning, "It's really funny that such a big person is only at the first level. He even said that he came from some big base."

"In a small stronghold like ours, my father is already a third-level power user."

Seeing the shock in Xie Ning's eyes, Ma Xiaotian raised her chin proudly and said, "It's awesome."

Martin smiled innocently and touched his head, "It's just a coincidence that made Miss Huang laugh. It's just a coincidence."

Xie Ning showed a hint of admiration at the right time, staring at Martin and saying, "Brother Ma, you are really amazing."

"Where there."

Ma Xiaotian snorted, "Why are you flattering me?"

Xie Ning didn't want to talk to a little brat, so she chose to ignore it and continued talking to Martin, "I may not be able to help you much. Brother Ma needs a gold-type superpower to unlock the door?"

"Yes." Martin smiled bitterly, "We are searching for supplies in the Wharf Palace. If we collect the whole process of this commercial housing complex, we should actually be able to collect a lot of supplies, which will solve our urgent need of lacking supplies."

"It's a pity that this community has thickened doors with electronic code locks built to high standards."

"Alas, an ax can't break it but a knife can't knock it down. It took a few of us superpowers to put down one of them with great effort."

"It takes a lot of time and effort to enter a search company for several days. So I wanted to ask if there is any shortcut."

The woman with short curly hair next to her nodded when she heard the sound, "Didn't I hear that you metal superpowers can control metal at will? A metal-reinforced door cannot change its shape?"

Xie Ningtan smiled and shook her head, "The one you are talking about should be a relatively high-level metal superpower user. For someone like me, the superpower energy will be gone after two uses, so I'm afraid it won't work."

"It doesn't matter. Miss Huang doesn't have to be too mentally burdened. We're just going to try it tomorrow. Do you think it's okay?"

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