The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 316 Taking advantage of the situation

The man was extremely excited all of a sudden, his eyes were bloodshot and he screamed, "Then why should I tell you? You won't let me go."

"You can choose not to say anything." Xie Ning smiled innocently at him, "Have you ever heard of Ling Chi? Popular parlance is the punishment of being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts."

"To use a knife on a human body, it takes a total of 3,357 cuts. The last cut will kill the person completely."

The man was shaking like chaff, "You are not a first-level metal superpower at all. Your metal superpower is... third level? Third level, right? You have been deceiving us all the time."

"It's just each other." Xie Ning slashed with the knife and cut off a piece of flesh on the man's arm.

No matter how much the man cried out in pain, Xie Ning remained completely unmoved.

The soundproofing effect of the wealthy mansion area is not fake. Now except for the two of them, no one knows that the little man is experiencing a horrific nightmare here.

"You, you want to avenge those people? Who are they to you...ah." Several consecutive stabs made the man's whole body twitch in pain.

"I'm not a judge, and I don't want to be bored and avenge those who died. I did this just out of my own will, because... I wanted to, so I did it."

The little man screamed in horror before the girl swung the knife again, "I said, I said. I said! Yes, Brother Ma plans to trick you into going to Chaoyang Base. You, aren't you the daughter of President Huang's family?"

"As long as you fall into the hands of Chaoyang Base, Chaoyang Base will be able to increase its bargaining chips. Captain Zuo of Jinshi Base will probably use a rat weapon?"

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows, "Captain Zuo? Chaoyang Base."

In this life, Zuo Li was urged by her to lead troops to the Barbarian Base to search for supplies. Could it be that the operation at Chaoyang Base was also advanced?

In the previous generation, the Chaoyang Base took advantage of the chaos and captured the entire Barbarian Base, which would create a brilliance.

Now... could Chaoyang Base be confronting Zuo Li?

Thinking of this possibility, Xie Ning couldn't help but frown, kicked the man hard, and asked, "Where are Captain Zuo and the others now?"

"There was a confrontation between the two in the barbarian base. The Chaoyang base suppressed its firepower and did not directly confront Captain Zuo and the others, thinking that peace talks should take priority."

"But isn't the road blocked by hail now? It's difficult to move goods and leave directly. The two teams should still be in confrontation and negotiation."

The man gasped in pain, "Miss Huang, I have said everything I need to say, please let me go. It was Brother Ma who made the decision to hand you two over to Chaoyang Base without authorization, and it has nothing to do with me! I promise , I will definitely take a detour when I see you two in the future."

Xie Ning waited for him to finish speaking in one breath, then sent him on his way with a knife.

Beichen rolled his eyes speechlessly upon seeing this.

A little polite but not much!

Xie Ning took out a wet tissue to wipe her hands, turned to look at the boy Beichen, and showed a sunny smile, "It's not that I don't want to let him go, it's mainly that they are too disgusting and have touched my bottom line."

"No need to explain." Beichen turned around and walked into the room, then paused, "The meat porridge in the morning..."

God knows how hard he had to use to stop himself from vomiting!

Xie Ning was actually able to eat it. She finished three bowls of white porridge in a row and ate more than half a bowl more than he did.

Xie Ning was packing up the red wine in someone else's glass display warehouse. She glanced at him and nodded, "That's what you think."

She watched expressionlessly as the young man rushed to the bathroom to vomit.

Damn it, I just thought of vomiting at this point, isn't it too slow?


Xie Ning ran to the bathroom door and knocked on the door, "Hey, don't vomit, don't waste food! After vomiting, you will be hungry again. Can't you bear it?"

Scumbag! Beichen felt his stomach churning more and more, and he really wanted to vomit in her face.

Xie Ning gained a lot today. She didn't go back to eat lunch despite Beichen's strong protest. In the afternoon, she took Beichen for a walk around half of the community.

Most of the houses in Wharf House were newly renovated and not yet occupied. In line with the noble virtue of not missing out when passing by, Xie Ning dismantled all the electrical appliances and furniture...

Now there are two huge mountains piled up in the villa courtyard, and Xie Ning plans to continue shopping tomorrow.

Of course, she was also very considerate in her work. Every time she took out something, she would seal the door again, and even make the metal password door stronger to prevent Martin and his gang from somehow taking advantage of the loophole.

At night, Martin took his daughter Ma Xiaotian, Chai Lei, Gong Pingfan and several others and walked around the house anxiously.

"How's it going?" The woman with triangular eyes in her fifties looked away and shook her head, "I looked around and couldn't find him. Is he invisible again?"

Ma Xiaotian gasped secretly, "Isn't this old ghost discovered by that stinky woman?"

"Impossible." Chai Lei, a woman with short curly hair, shook her head and sneered, "This old ghost is already a second-level stealth power user, how can he show his weakness in front of a first-level power user?"

"What's going on?" Martin felt inexplicably uneasy, as if something was completely out of his control.

"I'm so annoyed. Why don't we just tie him up and send him to Chaoyang Base for a mission tomorrow?"

"That's right, Dad, that stinky girl's gold power can't even be used to open a door, so it's of no use. Just hand it over to someone to distribute the supplies!"

Martin shook his head with a cold face, "It's not the time yet."

He really didn't believe in that evil. Four or five empty houses were opened one after another today, which really made people angry to death.

"Let's go to the villa area and try it tomorrow."

"Where?" The woman with short curly hair couldn't help but clench her fists, "But didn't my good sister say that there are a lot of zombies in the villa area?"

"Yes." The woman with triangular eyes nodded, "On the second floor of the first building in the north, there are at least a dozen zombies gathered."

Martin gritted his teeth, "Since we are moving to Chaoyang Base, we can't do it without equipment on the way. Even if those of us with super powers can resist, those ordinary people can't resist for long without winter clothes."

Gong Pingfan couldn't help but interject, "I just don't understand. It's good for us here. Why should we imitate others and move to the base? Can Chaoyang Base really give us preferential treatment?"

"What do you know?" Martin glanced at him, "I have already made an agreement with Teng Hongming, deputy director of Chaoyang Base, that the other party will not break their trust with me. What's more, now we still have the trump card of Miss Huang. You will definitely get more special benefits.”

"It's just a day here at City Arrow Club, but you've seen it all day today. We searched several houses and found that they were all new houses. Apart from some household appliances, there was basically no food or drink inside."

"If this continues, one day we will run out of ammunition and food and have nothing left."

“It will be too late to move by then.”

"I think what Lao Ma said makes sense." Chai Lei nodded, "Let's do this and send a few more people out to find Lao Gui. Is this guy hiding somewhere to drink?"

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