The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 320: Good intentions are treated as a donkey’s liver and lungs!

Just as Xie Ning expected, within half an hour, the virus broke out in Ma Xiaotian's body and turned into a complete zombie.

Martin couldn't believe what he was seeing.

It was hard for him to accept that his daughter, who was fine half an hour ago, suddenly turned into a mindless zombie.

When Ma Xiaotian went crazy, she bit three more men and was now tied to the table with thick ropes, struggling desperately.

Father Martin shed tears, his eyes filled with blood and hatred, "Where is Miss Huang?"

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, his knuckles cracking.

He wants this damn Miss Huang to die with his precious daughter!

"Ms. Huang seems to be still wandering around the villa area and said she won't be back for dinner." A club member, Qi Xi Ai Ai, was talking. Seeing the boss's eyes being shot with a knife, he quickly added, "Ms. Huang probably feels that the air outside is better than ours." It’s nice here.”

"So, so she has been. She came back very late yesterday."

"Ms. Huang should be fully responsible for my daughter's death!" Martin said coldly, "She deserves to die."

"Boss, why don't we send her to Chaoyang Base in exchange for supplies?"

"Xiaotian was not bitten by the zombie at all, so how did she get the virus?"

"Is it important to pursue this now?" Martin screamed in pain, "My daughter has become like this, nothing matters, it doesn't matter!"

He turned to look at Ma Xiaotian, who was tied up with ropes and still struggling and roaring.

At this time, her face had long lost its personal appearance, and her pale and blue face showed signs of the spread of the virus.

The virus was eroding her body wantonly, destroying every inch of her skin and organs, and accelerating the decay of her skin.

Martin looked at his daughter, covered his face and shouted in pain, "Xiaotian!"

Xie Ning and Beichen raided the villa area overnight.

There were many more zombies in the villa than when she swept the residential building before.

Fortunately, these first- and second-level zombies were basically gifts of crystal cores to her, so she was very happy to collect them along the way.

"Are you going back today?"

In fact, just finding a villa here to spend the night is much better than going back to the dark and damp underground club.

"Then we won't go back." Xie Ning nodded, "Martin will definitely turn his anger on us. Let them calm down for a night first."

Beichen sneered, "What if they don't calm down tomorrow?"

"Aren't you calm?" Xie Ning randomly found a bedroom and went in, planning to get a floor bunk for a night or two.

"Then don't reply tomorrow until they calm down."

Beichen wanted to laugh inexplicably.

This damn girl is really...

So Xie Ning took Beichen and played hide-and-seek with Martin and his entourage. They happily swept through the villa area for two consecutive days. With the effect of her spiritual power, she was always able to avoid meeting Martin and others in advance.

It wasn't until the early morning of the third day that the two Shi Shiran returned to the underground club.

When I walked into the club, I was immediately surrounded by a group of people, gathered in the center.

Everyone stared at them with evil eyes, as if they were afraid that they would disappear into thin air again.

Martin and his good sister walked through the crowd and walked to Xie Ning Beichen.

At this time, there was no trace of sadness on the strong man's face.

When he saw Xie Ning, he could still hold back his anger and still showed her his signature naive smile.

"Where have Miss Huang and Mr. Azhong been these past two days?"

"We've been wandering around the villa area."

"Wandering around for two days and two nights, Miss Huang, let me tell you, what's so good about wandering around?" Martin said nothing, and the good sister stared at Xie Ning sharply.

Because of his extraordinary vision, he can often see things that others cannot.

My good sister intuitively felt that the little girl in front of her was very strange.

It's very weird!

For two days and two nights, she had been searching for their traces, but she found nothing.

But they didn't actually run away, and came back at this time.

I feel that these two people are very weird, giving people a feeling of being vague and intermittent, and completely unable to grasp it.

Xie Ning was a little nervous for a moment and subconsciously reached out and touched her backpack.

This small action immediately attracted everyone's attention.

All eyes were focused on her bulging bag.

I went to see Beichen again and saw the taciturn man. His backpack was also very bulging. It was obvious that he had picked up something from somewhere.

"You entered the villa?" Martin stared at Xie Ning sharply.

Xie Ning lowered her head in embarrassment, "Sorry, because the bed in the villa is a bit comfortable, so I snoozed a little."

"Which house are you going to?" The good sister stepped forward with an excited face, wanting to grab Xie Ning's collar, "Is there something in there?"

"The one at the farthest south." Xie Ning seemed to be frightened by the old woman, and backed away holding her bag, "When I went there, the lock on the door of that house was broken, and the door would open as soon as I pushed it. I thought you would sooner or later I will find this, and I will tell you then..."

When Xie Ning said this, she looked at Martin and the others who looked like they were constipated strangely, "How could I know that you never came after I waited here and there."

"I, we didn't take them all, there's still..." Before she could finish her words, she saw Martin rushing out with others.

About an hour later, everyone returned to the underground club with happy faces.

The good sister still stared at Xie Ning and the two with those scrutinizing eyes, and then sighed for a long time, "We have also broken open the door in the villa area in the past two days."

"It's a pity that I went to several stores but didn't get any supplies..." At this point, the good sister looked at Xie Ning Beichen with suspicion.

What a coincidence.

They were searching for supplies in the villa area, and Miss Huang was also there.

They didn't get anything, but Miss Huang pushed to an unlocked door?

Can such a coincidence happen in the world?

"Ms. Huang is a gold-type superpower, so don't you know who Mr. Azhong is?" Once the seeds of suspicion were planted, they naturally got out of control.

Martin and others all turned to look at Beichen, with a half-smile on their lips.

"Mr. Azhong, shouldn't he be a space superpower?"

Xie Ning blushed instantly and looked at Martin and others angrily, "You! You actually doubt us? If Azhong is a space superpower, why don't we pack all the things away."

Gong Pingfan sneered, "There are high and low levels of space superpowers, and there are big and small spaces. Maybe it's not that you don't want to take them all, but because you can't hold them all?"

Xie Ning fell back in anger, covering her chest with one hand, her face changing drastically with anger.

After a long while, he choked out a sentence, "Think whatever you want, love! I thought that we would all go together for the journey, and naturally we should share the good things together when we see them. I didn't expect! You actually miss us so much?"

"It's so kind to treat me like a donkey! If I had known this, I wouldn't have told you!"

"Ms. Huang, Miss Huang, don't be so angry." Martin jumped out again and smoothed things over with a smile. "I'm sorry, Miss Huang. The main reason is that everyone has been so unlucky these days, so our moods are a little high."

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