The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 338 As long as my girlfriend is happy

At the same time, more than a dozen shovels and shovels were digging towards the dense roots. One after another, everyone exerted 100,000 efforts and tried their best.

Xie Ning followed Zuo Li for a while and then turned to face Zuo Li's face, which was frowning in deep thought, "Do you think there is any hidden danger?"

Zuo Li nodded, "No coincidence, why would a big flower suddenly appear at the entrance of a good base?"

Xie Ning had to admire Zuo Li's thoughtfulness.

She did it because she had some past life experience, but Zuo Li purely relied on her intuition of danger.

“Dig, keep digging.”

"Dig out the entire root of this flower and see what's going on."

When Zuo Dazhu, Gu Chen, and Lu Wei came over, they saw a big hole dug out at the entrance of the base.

Xie Ning and Zuo Li were squatting by the pit, and a dozen people were wielding hoes, shovels, shovels and various tools.

Gu Chen walked to Xie Ning and said hello naturally, "Girlfriend, what are you doing?"

As a result, everyone's eyes suddenly focused on his girlfriend Xie Ning.

With an expressionless look on her face, her girlfriend calmly stood up and straightened her hair, pointing to the deep pit below, "The captain suspects that the roots of the mutated plant are likely to spread deep underground."

"This situation is extremely difficult."

Gu Chen nodded, "Captain Zuo thinks that there is a mutated plant covered under the ice and snow? It is very likely that it has surrounded the base? It will only break out after the ice period."

"What?" Zuo Dazhu was shocked, "It can't be done."

"That's what I mean." Zuo Li glanced at her unreliable father expressionlessly, "While the temperature has remained around minus ten degrees for the past two days, we must dig out the protective ditch as soon as possible."

"The city wall has been reinforced before. Now dig along the city wall!" Zuo Li gave an order, and all the base soldiers shook their bodies.

"There is not much time left for the base." Zuo Li stared at his unreliable old father Zuo Dazhu, "We must arrange for all manpower to come together. The base issues tasks to all teams of superpowers. For the teams involved in digging trenches, each person Earn two thousand contribution points every day.”

"Ordinary people can endure the cold and freeze and think they have no problem, so they can go there, but if something goes wrong, they have to be responsible for themselves."

Zuo Dazhu turned around in confusion, waved to the secretary beside him and shouted, "What are you still doing? Follow Captain Zuo's instructions."

Everyone moved nervously for a moment.

Fortunately, the base has been arranging dedicated personnel to regularly shovel snow. After investigation, only a small number of root plants that broke out of the ground were found, and they were immediately removed and burned.

For two days, Song Youzhi, Song Youyi and his team have been working with the team of shoveling snow and digging ditches, starting from 7:30 in the morning and working until 9:30 in the evening.

After two days of hard work by all the superpowers in the base, a deep trench was dug along the city wall and a layer of kerosene was poured in advance.

Two days later, the temperature plummeted again.

Now, except for the talented ice power users who could still move around, the rest could only retreat into the underground shelter.

Zuo Dazhu set up a temporary computer department in the underground shelter.

In short, everything can be cut off. Manual power generation is intermittent and cannot be cut off completely because it needs to be recorded with a computer.

The old fox issued a corresponding work number plate to each survivor, and all of them, men, women, old and young, signed a three-year agreement.

As long as the ice age is passed safely, everyone will become a temporary employee of the base, obey the base's dispatch and assignment, and work to pay off debts.

Except for some relief grains released free of charge, the rest need to be redeemed with contribution points in each person's name.

At that time, without exception, all survivors' contribution points will be negative. After the ice age is over, they can slowly work and move bricks for the base to pay off their debts.

Huang Shiyao squatted in a dark corner with unkempt hair, taking a bite of dry and hard grass pancakes, and shed tears of regret.

She didn't know how she ended up like this.

She never dreamed that one day she would be like these refugees, squatting in an underground shelter and eating dry biscuits to survive.

"There is a team of water superpowers from the superpower team. They are distributing clean water to everyone. Go get it quickly!"

Huang Shiyao stood up in a hurry and ran towards the crowd like crazy.

Squeezed in the middle of the crowd was a woman with a child.

White shirt, black short skirt, and short ear-length hair.

Huang Shiyao recognized it at a glance, it was Xu Yu, the Holy Mother of the Xunbao Team.

In the past, she would watch Xu Yu's drama with cold eyes, but now...

Xu Yu's life is obviously much better than hers.

A group of people gathered around Xu Yu, waiting for her to hand out clean water. They all looked grateful. The moment they received the water, everyone was grateful and kept saying good things.

Huang Shiyao licked her dry lips, the hatred in her heart rising steadily.

She never dreamed that one day she would be dependent on others.

These days, she often dreams about Jingxin Study, always thinking about the plate of fried egg toast that she swept to the floor.

If she hadn't decided to dispatch the fighter planes for the base at that time, would everything have been different?

Huang Shiyao didn't know that this was God's retribution for her wasting food. When she dreamed about it at midnight, she would always think of that delicious fried egg toast.

On the generous city wall, Xie Ning touched the wall.

"There are artillery openings here, as well as several places nearby. It should be enough to resist ordinary zombies. But it will be a bit troublesome when encountering mutant birds and the like."

"I heard that you improved a batch of weapons for the base." Xie Ning stood on the city wall and looked from a distance, "So you also modified those superpower guns?"

"I just changed a few core components on the firearm diagram provided by Wuyan. I mainly relied on the research and development by the Wuyan team. I don't have that much time to spend in research."

Xie Ning felt that the young man was praising herself in disguise.

A lot of changes can be made in a limited time.

"If you don't go back for the entire Ice Age, won't the Gyeonggi people miss you?"

"No." It would definitely be possible, but he could withdraw the communication and pretend that he had not received any news.

He had already thought about it when he came, and he would not go back once he came to Jinshi Base.

Not only that, but you also have to work hard to build the base where your girlfriend's family is located into the most glorious benchmark base in the entire Kyushu continent.

I think my girlfriend will be happy.

"I heard from Captain Zuo that the Gyeonggi Province sent some investigation team or something like that to come with you?"

"Those special investigators, have they settled down?"

"Yeah, we've asked them to go back first." Gu Chen nodded repeatedly, "Don't worry, they won't be an eyesore here."

Xie Ning nodded slightly, "As long as it's not bad."

"We have to make a final inspection of the sewer pipes in the base in the next two days."

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