At this time of year, why should I explain? Is the explanation interesting?

Song You also felt unreasonable anger in his heart.

What did Xie Xuezhi do to this child Ning Ning?

If Kang Yunru hadn't suddenly come to make this happen, how could Ning Ning be so angry with them that she suddenly got angry?

There must be a reason for this, although Song Youai still doesn't understand what happened.

On the other side, Wei Zhengtong, who had Kang Yunru carried away quickly, dragged Xie Xuezhi all the way and couldn't help complaining, "Lao Xie, what did you do? How did you offend my daughter like this?"

Xie Xuezhi was so anxious that he was running around in circles, "How do I know?"

What's going on?

Let him delve into biological research, and he is very good at it.

Thinking about my daughter's thoughts, he is really one head and two older!

Until now, he still doesn't understand why Kang Yunru became his mistress inexplicably?

It was obvious that he and Miss Kang only interacted with each other at work and nothing else!

"Hey, I'm not talking about you." Wei Zhengtong muttered close to him, "You really don't listen to what some people in the organization say, do you?"

"You and Kang Yunru are too close!"

"And have you really not noticed that Miss Kang usually looks at you with a fiery look?"

"How is that possible??" Xie Xuezhi turned to Wei Zhengtong with a shocked look on his face, "How come you have random thoughts like Ning Ning and her daughter? Kang Yunru is not much older than my daughter, how could she have any thoughts about me?"

Wei Zhengtong rolled his eyes and slapped him, "You nerd. I think you can't get out of the experiment! If Kang Yunru really doesn't have any thoughts about you, why would she come to your wife to make trouble?"

"Uncle." Gu Chen quickly chased after them and stopped them not far away.

Xie Xuezhi turned his head and stared at Gu Chen with eyebrows that were not eyebrows and eyes that were not eyes.

It was this kid who openly infiltrated into the old Song family and coaxed his wife and daughter around.

Gu Chen's dark eyes met Xie Xuezhi's dissatisfied look, and he smiled politely, "Uncle, I heard that you have been sending people out to look for Aunt Song and Ning Ning these days?"

"Then no one told uncle that Ning Ning and Aunt Song have been at the Jinshi base for more than a year?"

Xie Xuezhi was stunned and stared at Gu Chen with a stern face, "What do you want to say?"

Gu Chen still smiled faintly, "Uncle, my point is very simple. If you haven't received even a little bit of news from Ning Ning and Aunt Song for more than a year, shouldn't you start investigating from the people around you?'

Xie Xuezhi was stunned, and when he looked up again, he saw the young man nodded slightly at him, turned around and left quickly.

Wei Zhengtong slapped his thigh, "Hey, Xiao Gu is right! Xuezhi, where do you think Ning Ning is so arrogant to you come from? Doesn't it all come from that woman Kang Yunru?"

"Who can you entrust to find their mother and daughter? Will there be any problems? Kang Yunru, she..."

Wei Zhengtong was still chattering when he saw Xie Xuezhi suddenly turned around and ran away.

"Hey, Lao Xie, why are you running so fast? Wait for me."

Base medical clinic

The two young nurses had just hung up the hanging bottle when they heard a "bang" from the door.

Turning around to look, he couldn't help but be stunned, "Dr. Xie?"

Wei Zhengtong waved his hand to the young nurse and motioned for them to go out.

Xie Xuezhi rushed to the hospital bed in three steps and stared at Kang Yunru, who was covered in bandages, with sharp eyes, "What did you do? What did you do to my daughter?"

Kang Yunru was now covered in bandages from top to bottom, and several bones in her back were broken.

When she suddenly saw Xie Xuezhi rushing in front of her and questioning her, she felt a little stupid and said tremblingly, "Dr. Xie?"

Did Dr. Xie ask the wrong question?

What does it mean to do something to her daughter?

Dr. Xie shouldn't ask, what heinous thing did her daughter do to her?

Xie Ning beat her to the point of paralysis. How could Dr. Xie rush in front of her and question her?

Isn’t this completely the opposite?

"I asked you to issue a mission to find my wife and daughter. Did you do anything to it?"

Kang Yunru's tears suddenly slid down her face.

She looked at the man pitifully, opened her mouth to murmur, and wanted to speak out, but she seemed to be crippled by Xie Ning, and could not utter a word for a long time.

Xie Xuezhi was furious, "Why did you go to find my wife and daughter? I didn't let you cause trouble for them."

"Apart from making your own decisions this time, what else have you done?"

"Doctor." Kang Yunru burst into tears and couldn't help but smack her lips in grievance.

"You can't answer?" Xie Xuezhi was furious, "You talked to yourself and went to Ning Ning and the others, and it's all your fault that Ning Ning became so resentful towards me!"

If it weren't for the fact that it was... degrading to gentlemen, Xie Xuezhi would still want to rush up and hit Kang Yunru twice on the head.

Kang Yunru was bound from head to toe, and she looked extremely miserable.

But Xie Xuezhi could not feel any sympathy from beginning to end.

If this woman hadn't gone to find his wife and daughter for no reason, how could the daughter have such a big misunderstanding of him?

It's all her fault, it's all this woman's fault!

"When did it get your little assistant's turn to intervene in my housework?" Xie Xuezhi roared at her twice, turned around and slammed the door of the ward with a bang.

Wei Zhengtong was startled and turned to look at Xie Xuezhi who rushed out like an angry lion. He then looked at Kang Yunru who was miserable on the hospital bed. He shook his head and sighed helplessly, "Miss Kang, why are you doing this?"

Kang Yunru cried.

Because his mouth and cheeks were swollen from being slapped, it was a bit difficult to speak at this time, "Dr. Wei, not me, Dr. Wei. I didn't want to ruin the relationship between Dr. Xie's family, me, wuwu."

"You shouldn't have gone to find Ning Ning's family." Wei Zhengtong shook his head, "In what capacity did you go to find them? Isn't this simply a misunderstanding between mother and daughter?"

"It's okay now. You made Lao Xie not a human being inside and outside, and I don't know how to explain it later."

Kang Yunru was almost going crazy.

She was the one who was beaten into a mummy. Why is it that now everyone is coming to blame herself?

What did she do wrong?

Dr. Xie’s daughter is too violent!

After beating her like this without even a single apology, she still managed to gain sympathy from Dr. Wei and the others?

It's crazy!

"Cough, cough, cough, cough." Kang Yunru coughed nervously and tried to stand up, "Dr. Wei, can you help me persuade Dr. Xie? I...I really didn't mean it."

"I didn't expect Ms. Xie's reaction to be so big."

Wei Zhengtong sighed, looked at her lightly, said "you can do it for yourself", then turned and left.

Kang Yunru used her hands wrapped in rice dumplings to yank off the water glass and stared at the door gloomily.

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