The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 364 You are my good helper

Song Kexin felt aggrieved and lit a small fire. She approached Xie Ning and asked in a low voice, "Sister, are these people from the X world? What do they want to do?"

Xie stared at the dark night in the distance, "I want to cause trouble."

But unfortunately, it seems they have the wrong person.

After returning to the room and looking at the dirty floor and broken floor-to-ceiling windows, Xie Ning silently packed up her bedding and ran to the next room to rest.

The rooms on this floor were almost completely occupied by her!

No, it was because of those idiots from the X world.

Kicking the door shut, Xie Ning took out a handful of potions from her pocket and looked at them one by one carefully.

"come out."

The little spider sneakily rolled out from under her sleeve, and the electronic voice trembled, "Sir, what are your orders?"

"I think my dimension can be expanded. What do you think?"

"I, I, I think so, it's time!" Little Spider responded pitifully, "Here, in this way, we can raise more and more small fishes, Lord Juche, are you right?"

Xie Ning glanced at the little spider lying motionless on the table, "When did they start the live broadcast for me? Did it start from the night you followed me?"

The little spider raised a small white flag with a "swish" and shook it vigorously, "I swear I didn't! Lord, Lord Jude, before you were taken to the dimensional space by them last night, I wanted to remind you, but I didn't have time. !”

"Sir, I swear, I still have an electronic reminder record here, which I can play back for you! The situation was urgent, and I wanted to inform you immediately. However, you have been transported to a different dimension, so in the future …”

Xie Ning glanced at the trembling little spider.

The little spider immediately lay down on the table, stretched out two small claws and scratched the spider's head vigorously, "I swear!"

Xie Ning raised her hand to touch the dog's head and said in a cold voice, "I'm sorry you don't dare to betray me."

Little Spider breathed a sigh of relief, "Sir, the people from Realm X have already set their sights on you, so the big system must also have its sights on the future."

"They will probably kick 00008531 out of the big system as soon as possible, and then find a way to deal with us."

Xie Ning glanced at it, "What do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that just when the subject was taken to the dimensional space by them, I, I had secretly modified the large system data, helped the subject expand our dimensional space, and also made some protective clothing, New types of bombs and other items.”

Xie Ning's eyes lit up, and she took the little spider into her hand, "Future, I really saw you right, you are a promising child, where is the thing."

"Subject, please look at your dimension."

Xie Ning nodded and gave instructions to Little Spider to open the dimensional space.

"Hey, two dimensions?"

Xie Ning discovered that next to the original dimensional space full of swimming fish, shrimps and crabs, there was another dimensional space that seemed to be one cube in size.

"Scan the dimensional space." The little spider's electronic voice sounded mechanized, "Subject, the two dimensional spaces are now about 20 cubic meters. You can raise more fish, shrimps and crabs in the future."

Xie Ning got up from the bed, crawled to the new dimensional space, reached out and rotated the cubic dimension to admire, "Hey, what is this?"

"This is a new type of protective clothing, which can be purchased with 1,800 points."

"Hey, take it out, take it out, let me put it on and try it on." Xie Ning's eyes were bright, and she raised her hand to fiddle with the cubic space, looking at the potions, weapons and other items inside.

"In the future, you brought so many things? Could it be that you brought everything from your X-dimension warehouse?"

The little spider crawled in front of Xie Ning, stretched out a small claw and shook it, "Ning Ning's main body, I mainly made up for it."

"Okay, okay." This is really a waste of time!

Xie Ning reached out and took the protective clothing that Little Spider pulled out from the dimensional space.

He ran to the bathroom and put it on in a hurry. He ran out happily, looked at the mirror left and right and praised it repeatedly, "Not bad, not bad. You will really be my all-around little helper in the future."

Tsk tsk, the protective clothing purchased with 1,800 points is indeed a good thing.

She put the protective clothing on inside, and it fit like thermal underwear. Then she added a thin jacket on the outside, and she felt that she could withstand the temperature of about zero degrees.

The little spider said from the side, "Condensing the main body, this protective clothing can generally withstand all supernatural attacks below the fourth level. It can also prevent bullet damage. Like the K30 you are used to, it is estimated to be able to effectively resist 100% Around seventy."

Xie Ning put on a furry black sweater jacket and looked in the mirror for a long time, "Future, have you noticed that I seem to be a little fatter than before."

Future replied very mechanically, "When you were watching a drama the night before yesterday, you ate a big bag of potato chips. This kind of food is very high in calories. It is natural to become fat."

"It's not like I have a fever and is sick, so whatever I eat tastes tasteless." Xie Ning curled her lips, stopped looking at herself in the mirror, and happily jumped back on the bed.

"In the future, if you pull all these things out of your main system mall, will this have any impact on you?"

The little spider nodded, "The influential subject, 00008531, has now been removed from the system."

"But don't worry, Subject. As long as there is a chance in the future, I will still be able to sneak back into the big system, hack into the system, and try to get more good things for you, Subject."

"Okay, okay, okay." Xie Ning said a lot of good words in a row. She was very excited and reached out to touch the little spider's head.

She really likes this little thing more and more.

"You are such a good person in the future."

Little Spider's mechanical voice without any fluctuations was faintly raised, "Condensing the subject, the future is not an individual."

Xie Ning:......

"Don't worry about the future. You will be my best friend and partner from now on. Together, the two of us will be able to flatten that X world. By the way, who created your brain? Why are you even connected to that big system of yours? Nothing can be done to you?"

The little spider was proud, "I should be one of the most high-end intelligent brains created by Mr. X. When I first formed consciousness, I felt that I was different from other intelligent brains."

"I may be a bug myself. Even Mr. X, who created me, cannot completely control me."

"If it weren't for you and me, how could I choose the Condensing Body as my body? Everything is due to fate."

"You are very strong and I like you very much. If you were as stupid as Wang Qingyao, I would not choose you, hahaha."

It actually got a little carried away at the end, and then it reacted and secretly glanced at the main body of Ning Ning.

Xie Ning smiled half-heartedly and poked it with her finger, "Will Mr. X do anything in your chip?"

"Impossible." If the little spider had hair, the hair would explode.

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