The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 372 Dog takes mouse

"Miss Song, the captain has told you all to retreat and rest for about four hours." The squad leader ran over and spoke very politely to Song Kexin and his group.

"Look, do you plan to go home and rest, or just go to the lounge we arranged to recover for a while? Our lounge is nearby. It's a few minutes away, but it's relatively simple..."

"Just go to your lounge and lie down for a while." Song Kexin stretched out her little hand and made a decision, "Where is my sister?"

"Miss Xie has gone to the main control room to rest."

Song Kexin felt relieved and nodded with a smile, "Then I'll leave this to you all."

"Good job."

The third team of the base's superpowers stepped forward and expressed their gratitude to Song Kexin and Song Youzhi very politely.

Song Kexin didn't hesitate any longer.

After fighting for most of the day, the supernatural power was indeed almost exhausted.

She urgently needs to lie down and rest, drink some replenishing water, and restore her powers as soon as possible.

The substitute players with special abilities left the field one after another. Although the temperature was still cold, they were all sweating profusely and exhausted from playing.

Li Dawei drank a bottle of water, "Where are you going?"

"Go and rest nearby." Song Kexin glanced at him and her attitude improved a bit.

After all, this kid Li Dawei has been working very hard all morning, and he seems to be more reliable in doing things...

"Okay." Li Dawei shouted to the team members, "Everyone gather here, we will go and rest together with the Spark Team."

Song Kexin's face was expressionless.

Kress ran over and said, "I have to stay here and keep an eye on the battlefield. You guys go to rest first."

"Boy, can you do it?" Li Dawei reached out to slap him on the head, but Kress cleverly dodged it and gave him a super eye-roll in return.

"You can't do it! Your whole family can't do it." Kress snorted, "Give me two more bottles of energy water. I'll keep them as spares."

Ji Taehyun took out two bottles from his backpack and handed them over.

Li Dawei looked at it curiously, "What is this? It's not the same as the energy-boosting potion distributed by the base."

"I want you to take care of it!" Kress made a face at him and ran away.

Song Kexin took a few steps forward and shouted after him, "Hey boy, be careful! Don't let your powers be overused. Don't cry when your head hurts."

"I know, I know, it's long-winded." Kress waved his hand at them without looking back.

Song Kexin sighed helplessly, turned to look at Song Youzhi who was sweating profusely, "Dad, let's go there first."

Song Youzhi nodded. He also felt a little tired now.

Fortunately, he has now entered the ranks of fourth-level superpower users. Although his superpower energy has been consumed too much, he can still hold on.

Song Kexin led a group of people to the bottom of the city tower.

As soon as I stepped onto the flat ground, I met a group of heroic women.

These girls are all young, probably around 20 or 30 years old. They all wear uniform short dark green uniforms and are all over 170 in height.

Along the way, they happened to bump into Song Kexin and this group of exhausted people.

Everyone on the other side was in high spirits, but Song Kexin and the others were... ashen-faced, as if they had been picked up from a garbage dump.

Uh... Even a person with a weak brain like Li Dawei feels a little embarrassed, let alone other people.

Song Kexin led the team forward with an expressionless expression.

Suddenly someone stretched out his arm to stop him.

"Hey, you are, that...who, that someone's sister?"

The woman in military uniform who stopped Song Kexin was tall, thin and with short hair, half a head taller than the little girl Song Kexin.

Song Kexin still stared at the other party with a dull face.

Li Xiang, who was standing behind her, rolled his eyes impatiently, "Who are you talking about? Why are you stopping us?"

"Hey, you, aren't you that someone's sister?"

"Feng Jiamin, are you crazy? Are you looking for trouble?" Song Kexin rolled her eyes and said nothing, but Ji Taixian who was following her couldn't bear it.

That one, that one, pretend it, pretend it again! He didn't believe that Feng Jiamin didn't remember his sister Ning's name.

Feng Jiamin seemed to have just discovered Ji Taixian's existence, showing a rather surprised look, "Xiaoxian, why are you here? Zongxuan? You..."

"Stop pretending." Ji Taixian interrupted Feng Jiamin angrily, "I don't believe your brother didn't tell you that Zongxuan and I joined the Spark Team."

Feng Jiamin pursed her lips and turned to look at the girl beside her who was twisting the chain of her cross-body bag. "Wanrong, do you also know about this?"

Mo Wanrong lowered her head slightly and nodded.

"It's not that I really don't know." Feng Jiamin took a step forward and reached out to pat Ji Taixian on the shoulder, "Xiaoxian, what are you doing? You are talking so rudely, and you are so alienated from us after not seeing each other for a long time?"

Wang Zongxuan said calmly, "You should go to the city wall to support us. Hurry up and hurry up. Time waits for no one."

"It's not Zongxuan, we haven't seen each other for so long, you don't have anything to say?"

"Do you know how worried the family was when you two were missing? Ah? Grandma Wang is crying there every day. Do you know about this?"

"By the way, have you visited your family when you went back?"

"Team Spark has a hook. I can't get you two hooked here, right?"

Seeing that her tone of voice was getting more and more aggressive, Mo Wanrong hurriedly raised her hand and pulled her wrist.

"What are you doing?" Feng Jiamin gently shook off her hand, turned around and scolded her angrily, "Look at what you are like, what good things can you say about you? No wonder you always feel embarrassed in front of Xiaoxian."

"Xiao Xian..."

"Who are you, Xiaoxian? Xiaoxian, Xiaoxian, we are not familiar with each other!" Ji Taixian said angrily, "Does it have anything to do with you whether we go home or not? Feng Jiamin, why do you have so many things to do?"

"I have too many things to do??" Feng Jiamin frowned and raised her voice, "Can you tell me clearly why I have so many things to do?"

"Hey, eh, eh, Miss Feng, let me remind you. Your leaders are waiting for you above! Stop nagging, ah! Let's go." Ji Taixian held Song Kexin's hand and started to leave.

"Eh..." Feng Jiamin took a step forward and stopped directly in front of the two of them, staring at their hands held together with an extremely shocked expression.

"Xiaoxian, what's going on with you? Don't tell me that you're going to break up with Wanrong and be with that girl."

"What kind of sister!" Song Kexin exploded immediately and pushed Feng Jiamin hard, "What are you? Do you dare to talk about my sister? Why do you have such a big face? Which onion and garlic are you? ? There are too many thieves in charge."

The people from the Women's Superpower Team 2 hurriedly gathered around and tried to push Song Kexin. "Why are you pushing someone? Who are you?"

"Jiamin, are you okay?"

"Why are you pushing her when I go?"

Ji Taixian stopped Song Kexin behind him: "Dogs have a lot of trouble with mice!"

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